Temple Run 2 - Play Temple Run 2 Game Online - Lagged

temple run game to play online free on computer

temple run game to play online free on computer - win

I'm 25, make 16.24/hr in Edmonton, Alberta, and have written the world's most boring MD

Background: I am a 25 year old Starbucks barista. I was working full-time until fairly recently (Novemberish) as the rising cases in my city & my own health issues led to a really good talk with my boss. I have reduced my hours by 50% - enough to keep my health insurance, but enough to qualify for the Canada Recovery Benefit, an extra $900 every two weeks. This is for my own peace of mind as I really cannot afford to get COVID, especially as I am chronically ill.
I’d like to make note of two things -
I am one of those weirdos who has taken COVID seriously since it hit the news in January. My spouse and I had masks and sanitizer before it was cool, lol. As a result, I have not and do not go out much except to work. I do not see other people (the exception being this week as you will read.) I do pop into retail stores still as Canada Post is absolutely swamped with packages so I avoid trying to buy online.
In this diary I am battling with a Crohn’s flare. I promise the exhaustion and joint aches are because of that, not because of COVID! Funnily enough, I do credit my Crohn’s for my ease with COVID-19 restrictions and lockdowns. Being that I was hospitalized for a long time as a teen, I find it easy to be isolated and stay isolated. I know a lot of people struggle with that.
Onto the good stuff…
The Positives
Income: 16.24/hourly. I was promoted since my last diary and am now a certified trainer!
CRB: $1800/monthly. I am so incredibly thankful that I have this failsafe.
Student loans: I am back in school with more emergency management and communications classes. I applied for just enough of a student loan to pay the tuition and no more. Starbucks gives $1,000 of tuition reimbursement if you pass your classes which I can pay back onto my student loans and basically covers the cost of my classes this semester.
The Negatives
Rent/Utilities/Condo Fees: a flat $1050 monthly to S. The bills come out of his account and this is the number we landed on.
Internet: $42.50 (my half - all bills are my half. S works for the city government in waste management and makes $63,000~ a year. He has no debts except his car loan & the mortgage.)
Phone: $58.21 monthly for 13GB and unlimited texts and calls. I own my phone outright.
NYT: $14.28 for the news, Cooking, and the crossword.
Spotify: $4.99 monthly. Canadian baristas do not get the free Spotify perk. :(
Headspace: $0 monthly. We do at least get this!
Car insurance: $197.41 monthly. This is with a 9 year clean driving record, a reduced rate because of my grades, and the fact that identifying as a woman also lessens the price. And it’s still $2400 a year. Kill me. I own my car outright though.
Google Photos: $2.79/monthly.
Health insurance: $39/check to cover S and I, dental and medical. I am also on S’s so we have full coverage.
Debts & Assets:
Student loans: I have $8,000 in provincial loans and $11,000 in federal loans. They are on pause as I am in school but I was paying $215 a month towards them. I know I qualify for repayment assistance but the goddamn NSLSC will never pick up the phone.
Car: It is a 13-year-old SUV and worth maybe $2,000. I will drive that thing until it dies.
Savings: I have approximately $1500 in a TFSA. I have about $750 in Starbucks stock (not technically a savings, it was my grant this year + my own contributions, 1% from my paycheck.) I am also enrolled in their retirement plan. No idea how much is in that as I can only access the website on the work computer and never remember to do that. I have $150 in stocks because I thought I was going to be Jordan Belfort or something, idk.
Tips: I hoard all of my tip money in a little jar hidden somewhere in my home. It is at about $475.
I have no other debt.
Day One - Tuesday
7:50: S kisses me goodbye and leaves for work. I snuggle back in.
8:10: M, my male cat, is tapping my face for breakfast. Ignored.
8:24: He tries again and I get up. Lately I have been noticing the time 8:24 a lot. I told S and he said he’s been noticing 10:42 a lot. So we have decided those are our angel numbers. M is no angel though despite waking me up at this time.
8:40: Everyone is fed and I make my coffee and let out the dog, K. Oh yeah… the dog… he was an accident. We did not intend on getting a dog. It is a long story. I love him to bits.
9:15: Finish my coffee and go upstairs to have a snuggle with Z, our female cat. She is so warm. I was intending on going out to buy M’s wet food today but it is snowing something fierce and I hate driving in the snow so I resign myself to staying indoors. I would also normally take K on a walk at this time but he had knee surgery this past year and the cold and snow really bother it, so we will do some indoor play and puzzles to keep him occupied (he is a corgi and is a monster without stimulation. Again, DID NOT INTEND ON THE DOG.)
10:00: Write these entries and tidy up our spare room. We turned it into a nap/cat/yoga den as we were, obviously, not having any visitors. However, my sister-in-law is pregnant and is coming down tonight for an advanced ultrasound as there is a tentative abnormality with the baby. Because her town has had 0 cases thus far - congratulations to them, honestly - and the outpatient clinic is the one two minutes from our neighbourhood, we decided it was OK for her to stay with us. She will drive down tonight and leave right after her appointment tomorrow. 12:30: Did some cleaning, cereal eating, bed-making, what have you. I go to take the garbage out to our complex dumpster in my tshirt and notice it’s not as bad as I thought despite the snow. So I gear up and take out K.
1:15: I’m so glad I did - he was so happy! Usually he starts limping within a few minutes if the cold is bothering him but he was putting his head and belly into the snow drifts so I know he was having a good time. The cold and the walk have wiped me out though. I eat a clementine and lay under my heated blanket for a nap with Z and K (M likes to watch the snow upstairs.)
4:15: K snores himself awake and barks at himself so I wake up too. Z looks annoyed and wanders upstairs. Three animals is quite the zoo.
Check my phone and see my SIL asked if I could leave a dinner for her in the fridge, if I was making something? She left later than intended and won’t be here until 9 so dinner options will be limited. I tell her I haven’t been feeling well and S is at a union meeting tonight (why the union is doing in person meetings, I don’t know.) but it is pasta Tuesday at Boston Pizza… she readily agrees. I place an order for ravioli for myself and fettuccine for her. S will get fed at his meeting. My SIL says she will leave me cash for her half even though I try to tell her not to. Hopefully she forgets. (27.98 delivery, I’m going to leave a cash tip of $10 taped to the door for coming in the snow.)
6:30: I have enough of an appetite to eat my ravioli but only get through four pieces. I put it away to eat it later and feed the animals. I give K his puzzle bowl and he gives me a look of despair.
8:00: Ding! Crossword and mood log notifications go off. I get about halfway through the crossword when my SIL gets here.
10:30: We have a catch-up and exchange Christmas gifts as we couldn’t go up North for the holidays. Then I head to bed. I do my skincare and jade roll out a pinched nerve in my jaw - feels so good. Finish my crossword and then bed.
Daily Total: $39.98
Day Two - Wednesday
8:24: Right on time, the tiny beasts request food. SIL is already gone. She left me a $20, argh! I put it in my tip jar as I took from there to leave the cash tip but I wish she hadn’t. Babies are let out and fed.
9:30: Manage a bowl of cereal. Feel exhausted. It’s -31C out so we play indoor fetch. Putter around the house.
10:30: Go upstairs and do my skincare and fill out my journal as I couldn’t last night. I bought a daily Moleskine planner but use it as more of a journal. I put on a Yoga by Adrienne video as I won’t be walking K. I work today so I stretch.
12:30: I lay down with K after some more fetch (I told you the exhaustion is real in this diary.)
2:00: My alarm goes off. I eat mashed potatoes and drink some water, then go upstairs to find M and Z cuddling in my vanity chair. I perch on the edge - because they refuse to move! - and do some makeup. I change into my personal uniform of all black (hides the stains) and set out.
5:00: I have my first break. I got $3 in tips from last week (lol) so I use it to buy a croissant. I’m gonna claim this as a +.82 because the croissant was only 2.18.
7:00: I only manage half of my pasta on my break, which is unusual for me. I drink a mint tea to settle my stomach.
9:15: It was so dead we managed to finish everything super quickly. I take home some expired oat bars as they’re the only Starbucks snack S can eat.
9:30: Home and greet everyone. S lets out K and goes upstairs to get ready for bed. I do my “closing tasks.” This is something I picked up from the TikTok account domesticblisters, who is a licensed therapist. She has this concept of care tasks, and what tasks you should do to help set yourself up for success every night - even if it’s just to survive the day. It really resonated with me and is something I have done every night since November with a few exceptions! I start my closing tasks after I finish my nightly crossword.
Every night, I fill up all the waters in the house (ours, animals, the Keurig, etc.) I get to Sink Zero, which might mean loading the dishwasher and running it, or washing all the dishes in the sink. I disinfect the sink and scrub the stove, then disinfect the counters and the dining table. I do a Swiffer of the floor (K brings in lots of pawprints and salt from outside.) I pick up any garbage/recycling/things that don’t belong downstairs. It is so nice to come down every morning to a clean main floor and sets the mood for the day. And it only takes me 20ish minutes.
10:00: Done my tasks, give everyone a little treat for not walking on the wet floor - they’ve learned quickly that if they wait they get a treat - and head upstairs. Journal, do my skincare, floss, brush, and head to bed. Listen to Temple Rain on Headspace.
Daily Total: +$20.82
Day Three - Thursday
8:00: I can already tell today is a bad stomach day. Luckily my boss texted me and asked if I wanted to give up my shift as it was going to be super dead with the impending snowstorm and deep freeze. I readily agree and doze off for a few minutes before M bites me hard enough to get me up.
9:00: Everyone is fed, let out. I drink coffee. K is being a major snugglebug. It is snowing like crazy out but I have to go do some errands.
12:00: I stop bumming around and gear up to go outside. It’s still snowing. Ugh, Alberta.
First stop is to get gas. I have a quarter of a tank left. Remember in April when gas was like, 50c a litre? It’s 1.06 today. Also, fellow Canadians, the Esso Speedpass app is a godsend. Not having to touch any buttons on the pump has been so helpful. 45.93
Next I head to the grocery store to get milk, chicken, and cereal. I also end up getting soup, a new bubble bath, a replacement of my body wash, and a new leave-in conditioner. 27.66 (my half)
Third stop is the pet store. I grab a flat of M’s wet food. At the checkout the cashier asks if I want to donate some canned food to the local rescue as they just picked up nearly 100 kittens. That suckers me and I say yes. I also note that they’re accepting old blankets/comforters, as we just switched our duvet out, and the old one is fluffy and perfect for furbabies. 32.29 (my half)
Lastly, I go to Canadian Tire to pick up an online order I placed. It was paid for last week. It’s a gift wrap storage bin as we accumulated a bunch of rolls last year and the cats keep scratching it. Canadian Tire is fun because they have these lockers they place your order in now, and give you a pin to pick it up, so I don’t even interact with anyone. In and out.
2:00: Home and everything sanitized and put away. I wipe down my phone and watch and throw my gloves in the washer as they’re looking kind of grimy. Have a rest with K.
5:00: We play fetch and S comes home. K runs around like crazy. I go upstairs and work on a paper.
7:00: I have an appetite! I manage about 6 pieces of ravioli and some yogurt. S makes chicken wings for himself.
8:00: Go upstairs to finish off my paper and get my steps in. M is whining at me so we play with his favourite toy, a piece of twine. I do my crossword, drag the twine, and do my steps at the same time. It’s called multitasking. I make a lemon ginger tea. It’s disgusting but I drink it all as I’ve heard it has great benefits for your stomach. Does anyone else just not like tea? I’ve tried tons - thanks to Teavana at work - but I’m really only a real Indian cha girl.
9:30: I finish my steps, do my closing tasks, take a melatonin, do my skincare, and head to bed. Goodnight world.
Daily Total: 105.88
Day Four - Friday
7:45: Everyone is being very loud and banging around this morning.
8:20: Feed the zoo, let out K. It is snowing again and it is a vicious -27C outside. I have my coffee.
9:30: Realize my paper is due today. It’s mostly finished so I don’t fret. Eat cereal and start a load of laundry, and then vacuum.
10:30: Get distracted looking up refurbished Apple Pencils. I don’t need one, I don’t need one… I click out of the page. Then reopen it. Then exit it again and watch TikToks instead.
11:00: I pluck my eyebrows - something I’ve done on my own for about 7 years now. I wonder how much money that’s saved me. I put on snail essence but don’t do a full skincare routine as I intend on a shower. I do a full hair treatment with a desi hair oil. I wrap it up in a bun and get to work on finishing my paper.
1:00: Finish and submit. I air fry pork buns for lunch. My stomach feels way better today. Maybe the tea made some points…
3:00: Finished my shower. My natural curl has come back in full force. I used to have tiny ringlets as a kid and they vanished with age. Then I saw a TikTok (again, lol) which essentially said: if you’re not white, why are you using white hair products? I switched to desi & black hair products a month ago and the difference has been crazy.
5:30: S is home and K is immediately crazy. I really miss our walks. I decide to corral him momentarily in the bathroom and hide his kibble around the main floor so he can do his sniffari for dinner. He loved this game!
7:00: I try to build a Notion dashboard. This is too hard. I eat some more ravioli. Sorry for my five-year-old diet in this. It’s a bowel rest diet.
8:00: Crossword, steps, and M play time.
9:30: Closing tasks! Then bed.
Daily total: $0
Day Five - Saturday
7:45: Woken up by the usual ruckus.
8:30: Blah, blah, blah. Have my coffee. Make an egg sandwich because Saturdays are chaos and I need the protein.
9:30: Do my skincare, makeup, and hair while a nervous pit opens up in my stomach. Not only is it a cool -35C out, but Saturdays are terrible at work. I’m not a crier and have never cried at any place of employment until Saturdays @ the Siren. It’s gotten worse during the pandemic as people crave normalcy and to them, getting their coffee every Saturday is normal. But they refuse to treat us with any decency. It’s hard when you are treated as expendable so that white-collar WFH/SFH families can berate you over how long their $40 order takes. (I work in a very wealthy area.)
Also, if I am put in the drive-thru window, I will be very grumpy about it.
1:00: I was put on bar, which is a lot of responsibility on a Saturday. I buy a butter croissant and drink a mint tea on my break. 2.38
3:00: Someone yells at me about the bathrooms being closed.
3:30: I eat the last of my pasta at lunch and have a blacktea lemonade.
5:00: Someone returns a drink twice for not being the right shade of pink. She tries a third time and I politely tell her another store can make the moment right, since we clearly can’t. I hate Saturdays.
5:30: Free and covered in syrup, milk, and a mango dragonfruit that exploded at my feet. I take a hot shower and decide my day is done, so I do my skincare and remove my makeup and contacts.
8:00: S finishes gaming with his brother and I make a stir-fry sans veggies for dinner.
9:30: Closing tasks, except no mopping because the ground is frozen so K hasn’t brought in any tracks. I floss, jade roll, and fall asleep.
Daily Total: 2.38
Day Six - Sunday
8:24: M pats me awake.
9:00: I apologize for this being the most boring Money Diary of all time. Coffee and toast for breakfast.
12:00: Bummed around all morning but did a vacuum and started a load of laundry. Tomorrow is our weekly “reset” day so I don’t have much to do today. I work at 5 PM.
I research photobooks on Shutterfly. I have 30,000 photos sitting in my Google Drive and a backup hard drive. It’s serving me no use so I want to go through them, make photobooks, and delete the rest off of my computer (keeping them in their backups.) They’re currently 50% off but it would take me a long time to do seven years’ worth of books so I can’t (and won’t) pull the trigger now, but I also know Shutterfly and vistaprint host many sales, so I’m not too fussed.
2:00: We have a Zoom call with S’s family to do a late Christmas opening together. The kids (and adults!) love their gifts. We talk about the cold and about the new niece or nephew on the way.
4:30: I go upstairs and get dressed for work. S is driving me so I don’t have to worry about starting my car in the cold. It is supposed to reach -41C.
5:30: I forgot it was Superbowl Sunday. Our store is located next to the turnoff into the plaza so we try and count how many Ubers are coming in for food pickups but get bored of that. Somehow I get water on the ceiling.
7:00: I eat an “expired” croissant and drink a mint tea on my break. A woman comes through drive-thru for just a cookie. She says she didn’t know there was a Starbucks here so she had to settle for another coffee chain’s iced coffee, and then drove by and saw us. I tell her to wait and come back with a free iced coffee because no one should be subjected to the other chain’s. To my surprise she bursts into tears. A very wholesome interaction.
8:30: It’s so dead my supervisor lets the other closer go home because we’re basically done for the night and he lives 40 minutes from the store.
9:30: I leave with my coffee bean markout and another “expired” croissant, as well as a blacktea lemonade for S. We wait to make sure my supervisor’s car starts as she drives a ten-year-old minivan that recently got rear-ended, and it didn’t start last night apparently, so she had to wait for her husband to come boost her as everyone had left. She flashes her lights at us and we leave. S wants McDonald’s but I don’t so he orders and pays for just himself.
10:30: Done closing tasks. I had some soup for dinner. Bed time.
Daily Total: $0
Day Seven - Monday
8:00: I did not sleep well. M bites me and I grumble at him and hide under the covers. S gets up and feeds the animals instead.
8:45: Everyone is waiting for me to come downstairs. Being a pet mom is like being a celebrity.
9:30: Coffee and my croissant from last night for breakfast.
10:30: It’s reset day. Every Monday I clean out the fridge, dust/clean the appliances and cupboards, wash the sheets, do a major vacuum (we do small vacuums during the week but I have a Bissell Crosswave and use it every week to suck up the oodles of pet hair.) and refill canisters. I also do some self care tasks like a serious eyebrow groom, a hair oil, an Aztec face mask, clipping all my nails/painting my toenails, and in the shower I shave my legs for the week. The animals also get a spa day. We check toenails and brush them out.
Then the week is nicely set up and we don’t have to worry about this stuff until next Monday!
S is braving the weather to go to the grocery store. He comes back with a full haul as there was quite a bit of discounted meat. We put it in the freezer. 48.33 (my half)
2:30: I finish the main floor items and go upstairs to find S and the cats in the nap den bed. I decide to crawl in too and we have a major cuddle nap. K isn’t allowed upstairs so the cats have a space away from him, but we spend a lot of time downstairs with him, so I don’t feel too bad.
4:30: Up from the nap and do the upstairs chores, and then a shower. I break halfway to have some soup.
7:00: House is clean, I am clean, and animals are clean! S and I make Cajun rice for dinner. I do my steps and crossword puzzle.
9:30: Closing tasks, lights out!
Daily Total: 48.33
submitted by Rupindah to MoneyDiariesACTIVE [link] [comments]

[3.13 Edition] Things I Wish I Knew Sooner

Link to FGA wiki page

If anyone missed last league's edition, we've made this into an official (well, subreddit official) wiki page called 'Frequently Given Answers', link above. Formatting's a bit better there (you can link to individual sections!) but keeping in line with what we did with the infothread we know there's plenty of people who prefer a post due to local format setups (RES/CSS/darktheme/etc), so here you go! I'll also be using a linked comment as a changelog for anyone that's curious what's changed, if anything.
NOTE: These answers are mostly collected from the questions threads and suggestions by the community so, inevitably, some will be opinions or advice. There are exceptions for everything, especially in PoE!

Things that will make your life easier

  1. Best stash tabs to buy first are Currency and/or at least one Premium tab. Former for solo play, latter for the ability to sell items publicly easily. Both is even better.
  2. There is customarily a Stash Tab Sale every third weekend. If on a launch weekend it will be delayed by a week.
  3. Don't be afraid to look into an item filter asap. It will save you a lot of headaches.
  4. You can buy skill gems from Nessa and similar vendors on page 2 of their shop (you may need to do a quest before that page shows up). So don’t fret about the gem choice from the quest reward!
  5. Doing a Trial of Ascendency is league-wide. Meaning doing it once in a league means all other characters in that league don't need to do it again.
  6. When highlighting a support gem you'll notice a popup with all of your current active skill gems. This details what skills the selected support works with.
  7. If you're still unsure if a support is working with an active skill gem, the skill's icon on the toolbar will have small boxes denoting what supports are currently active on the skill.
  8. The medicine chest quest gives you some specific gems (i.e. ancestral call) as well as a choice of flasks (most notably a quicksilver flask).
  9. Completing the quest in The Library (connected to the gardens) in Act 3 will give you access to an early NPC that sells every skill gem available up to that point regardless of class. Completing the quest 'Fallen from Grace' in Act 6 will give you a vendor for every buyable skill gem.
  10. You can move the minimap with the arrow keys
  11. Skill gems in your alternate set of weapons will also gain exp. That's up to 6 (usually) more skill gems you can level!
  12. If you are too far above or below the area's monster level you will have an experience penalty. Rule of thumb: try to stay within 6 levels of the area.
  13. Any maps dropped in the campaign will be tier 1. Anything higher can only be received via Zana, inside maps, or inside map-like areas like the Temple of Atzoatl or the Eternal Labyrinth (specifically the chests).
  1. Use common currency on maps when you have some extra. (e.g. An orb of scouring can get a map back to white for easy 20% quality!)
  2. To use a divine vessel place it into the map device along with the appropriate map (there will be text on the atlas for it) and kill the boss. The filled divine vessel will then be inside the map device still. Don’t forget to pick it up and take it to Sin (Epilogue zone)!
  3. Using a single sacrifice fragment instead of a map will generate a vaal side area from the map device. Using a sacrifice fragment with a map in the device will increase the map's quantity by 5% per piece, up to 20% for four unique pieces. (You can’t double up the same fragment)
  4. Sacrifice of Midnight (top-right one) is the most rare of the four. Don’t burn those willy nilly.
  5. A complete set of sacrifice fragments in the map device (arranged appropriately) will give you access to the Apex of Sacrifice. This same strategy is also used for Shaper, the Pale Council, Uber-Atziri, etc. (four different fragments of the same set into the map device)
  6. Sextants are used on watchstones to apply the effect to the entire area the watchstone is slotted into! Unlike Map Mods many sextant mods are beneficial.
  7. Watchstones can be ‘banked’ in the sidebar on the left of the atlas. They won’t do anything there but it saves you valuable inventory space.

Things that will help you craft

  1. Beasts can be used in beastcrafting only after fully completing your first Einhar mission. A particularly useful beastcraft is adding a removal (bleed/freeze/curse/etc) affix to a magic flask.
  2. Quality items (whetstone, scrap, bauble) will give 5% to a white item, 2% to magic and 1% to rare/unique items up to 20%. (GCP's always give 1% to gems) This applies to maps as well!
  3. Item affixes are reliant on item level, a lower item level means less possible affixes. You cannot improve an item’s iLvl, so stop alteration spamming that iLvl 4 quicksilver flask you got from Act 1!
  4. Dexterity (Evasion) pieces favor green sockets, Strength (Armor) pieces favor red and Intelligence (Energy Shield) pieces favor blue. Hybrid pieces follow this logic.
  5. You can craft affixes on gear from the crafting bench in your hideout. This is very important for keeping your resistances capped.
  6. A corrupted item (using a Vaal Orb) is not alterable. With the sole exception of their sockets. Those can be altered (re-colored/fused/etc) via the crafting bench, but any craft will cost an additional equal amount of vaal orbs.
  7. A Divine Orb does not re-roll the numbers completely, they stay within the affix range that was already given. So a 6% Cold Res roll on some boots will re-roll between 6-11% and no higher. Be careful! (NOTE: most legacy gear will also be changed to the current non-legacy version if a Divine Orb is used)
  8. High quality items have a sliiiiightly higher chance to 6-socket and 6-link. Every little bit helps!
  9. Incubators in your weapon swap will not gain kills towards their completion.
  1. If you corrupt a map and end up making it unidentified it has the same affixes as before. So make sure to actually read the affixes of a rare red map before corrupting it just in case!

Things that will help you plan

  1. Just because it's unique does not mean it's good. Well-rolled rares can be and often are better options than uniques. Read the text.
  2. 'More/Less' are not the same as 'Increased/Reduced'. It's very important to know that. More specific info here
  3. You will earn either 22 or 24 Passive Skill points through quests in all 10 Acts, depending on Bandit choices.
  4. PoE is a game of extremes. Support a few (usually just one) skills as much as possible instead of supporting a lot of skills a little.
  5. Life/ES > Damage when planning a tree. Rule of Thumb: 150% or more increased max life from tree if going a life build. 200% or more increased ES from tree if going ES.
  6. You can only have 1 spell totem up at a time barring specific effects like Searing Bond or Multiple Totems Support. Up to 3 by default for Ballista totems
  7. Mana reservation does not decrease max mana. This is relevant to effects like base mana regen or Arcane Surge.
  8. You can change your bandit reward later
  9. If you kill all 3 bandits you get +2 passive skill points from Eramir (old dude sitting in Forest Encampment) as opposed to the specific effects from the bandits.
  10. Large items (Chests, 2H weapons) cannot roll with 5 sockets until iLvl 35, and cant get 6 sockets until iLvl 50. Even with jeweler's orbs! You can 'force' 6 sockets with the crafting bench but it's usually not worth it.
  11. You can only have 1 curse at a time on enemies barring specific effects. Note: You can still only have one mark at a time no matter what, additional curse limit simply allows you to slap a hex on top.
  12. You can respec ascendancy nodes but they cost more refund points per node (5). If you want to change ascendancy completely you’ll need to unspec out of all ascendancy nodes and hit the ascendancy shrine in any version of the labyrinth (hint: Unspec the ascendency nodes in the treasure room, no need to do the entire lab run unascended).
  13. Read 'Trigger' support gems carefully. Cast on Critical, for example, only works with an attack triggering a spell.
  14. Trigger gems and effects can trigger multiple skills, but will do so (unless otherwise stated) one at a time and sequentially. More info here
  15. Aqueducts and its later incarnation Blood Aqueducts in Act 9 contain the divination card 'Humility' which can give you a Tabula Rasa.
  16. 'Low Life' is defined as 35% max health or lower. Chaos Inoculation is not low life since it reduces your max health to 1 and you can’t be at 0.35 hp. This does, however, make CI eligible for full life effects like Damage at Full Life support.
  17. Lily Roth will sell every buyable gem (similar to but more than Siosa) but all at level 1 after completing her quest. Vendors elsewhere in the campaign will sell gems at a higher level.
  18. Make sure to look for corrupted 6-link chests (either via trade or vaal side areas) when you want to ditch your 4-link or Tabula. They're much cheaper than a normal 6-link and actually have rolls on them! Just make sure to search for the specific colors you need since you can't change them easily!
  19. You can buy Glassblower Baubles from the weapons vendor on the last page in exchange for 8x whetstones
  20. Leech has a cap! There are ways to increase it but by default you cannot gain more than 20% max life per sec or 10% max ES per sec from leech alone. There are lot more calulations involved in that though.
  1. Running a map unidentified will give an additional 30% quantity bonus. This does not apply to Unique Maps since their affixes are for the most part fixed.

Things that can get you killed

  1. Support gems increase the mana cost of an ability, more linked supports = more mana spent
  2. You don’t have to do the Labyrinth right away. You can come back when you’re overleveled. Many people do this.
  3. Hexes always have Less effect on Bosses (e.g. Dominus, Piety)
  4. You can use Scrolls of Wisdom and other currency like Orb of Chance on Strongboxes. Identify them first!
  5. Read a skill’s green text! For example: Withering Step shares a cooldown with Blink skills. So if you trigger Wither Step with CwDT you won’t be able to use Dash for a short period!
  6. Barring specific effects, Life/Mana Flask effects will end once you hit full life/mana respectively. This includes effects from affixes like freeze immunity. By extension, utility flasks (like a quicksilver flask) have affix effects last for their full duration. Aka put your anti-freeze on a utility flask!
  7. Cast when Damage Taken (CwDT) requires a linked skill’s required level to be under a certain level in order to trigger it. CwDT also requires more damage taken to trigger with higher levels. Many players leave CwDT at lvl 1 for this reason. So be careful leveling your skill gems!
  8. Make sure you have + X to maximum life rolls on some of your gear by Act 5 (Alternatively, ES focused builds should always shoot for ‘% increased ES’ anytime they can). PoE’s per level scaling is negligible at best, the vast majority of your health/ES comes from gear! Rule of Thumb: you should have ~300 Life/400 ES total per Act you've completed.
  9. Elemental resistance has a cap of 75% barring specific effects (e.g. Purity of [X] aura). The game is tuned to expect you to be at this cap past Act 4. Chaos resistance, on the other hand, doesn't need to be anywhere near 75%, most get 0% and can function fine (although more is never bad of course).
  10. Multiple vaal skills will divide the soul count amongst themselves and as such each skill will charge slower per additional vaal skill equipped. Note: Once a vaal skill is fully charged it will stop taking in souls.
  11. After progressing through each end-boss fight (Act5/Act10) your resistances will go down by 30% for a total of -60% to all resistances past Act 10, gear accordingly
  12. Incoming chills, freeze duration and stun chance on you are based on your maximum life barring specific effects. In short, the less max life you have means longer you’ll be frozen / higher chance of being stunned.
  13. Critical hits guarantee elemental ailments (shock, ignite, freeze) assuming you did enough of that element’s damage to reach the monster’s Ailment Threshold, as shown with Shock here.
  14. Barring specific effects, Chaos Damage ignores Energy Shield and goes straight for your health.
  15. Mind over Matter (MoM) and similar effects will only apply to damage hitting your health, so your Energy Shield will still take full damage (but your mana won't drain either).
  16. Dying after Act 5 will make you lose experience (5% total to next level), but will not decrease your level or put you into a negative value. Higher penalty (10% total to next level) after Act 10
  17. By Act 6 you should have an "of Staunching" (anti-bleed) and "of Heat" (anti-freeze) flask. They help avoid many of the more common 'one-shot' moments you may run into.
  18. Flasks don't level up with you! Check in on your flask level every now and then while leveling, or else you might be short a few hundred life.
  1. All mods on maps will make them more challenging, certain mods will be betteworse for certain builds.
  2. Reflect damage is one of the deadliest map mods in the game, and has claimed the lives of many new and experienced players alike.


  1. Hideouts will persist through leagues so feel free to put a decent amount of time getting your abode perfect. It’s not going anywhere.
  2. The basic hideout locations are listed in the hideout selection when talking to Helena.
  3. There are a lot of hideouts not listed in Helena’s default selection, most of these rare tilesets are in maps and will not appear everytime. Usually they require a large number of runs to find. (I still don’t have a Tower Hideout…..)
  4. Hideout instances last much longer (30 min) than normal instances, so don’t worry about a normal disconnect, your map portals will still be there.

Lord's Labyrinth (Lab)

  1. If you die you get tossed back to the beginning (Aspirant’s Plaza), unless you’re in a hardcore league, then you are still very very dead.
  2. Look at the bronze tablet by every door, it will show you a map and reveal where the nearby door goes.
  3. Izaro has different mechanics in his first two arenas. (Specific Info). The third arena will be a combo of the previous two (with traps included in uber lab).
  4. Look for hidden rooms on the minimap! They can hold Darkshrines which can give permanent (for the lab run) buffs, a guaranteed unique, less trap damage and more. Hit tab and read the text at the top-right to see exactly what it did.
  5. Uber (Eternal) Lab has trials that will only spawn in maps, randomly. If you need to get those last few go to Global chat 820 and watch for the trial you need and/or use ‘The Dream Trial’ Prophecy.
  6. Map layouts and Izaro's mechanics will change day to day.
  7. Decorative Chests (marked on the map nodes with a hollow circle) give an item to make the next Izaro fight easier (usually instantly destroying/removing one of the mechanics.)

Text Commands/Buttons

  1. Typing “/passives” will let you see any passive points you have from quests. And after you finish the campaign it will tell you any you are missing.
  2. [ctrl]+[enter] will let your type out to the person who most recently whispered you.
  3. [ctrl]+[right-click] or [ctrl]+[left-click] on the doodoorway/gate/ into an area to give a list of all instances for that area as well, more importantly, giving the option to generate a new instance. Newer players: This means you can enter a new ‘copy’ of the area with everything reset. |PS4 Players: Highlight an instance and hit Triangle.| |Xbox Players: Highlight and hit Y|
  4. Right click the level up icon on a skill gem level up notification to hide it without leveling the gem. If you would like to level it up afterwards the gem icon at the bottom of your inventory page. |Xbox Players: after socketing, hit Y to lock gem level|
  5. To find the tiers and ranges of rolls you must first turn on advanced mod descriptions on options->interface->”Advanced Mod Descriptions”. You then must hit your advanced mod button while hovering over an item to get the pertinent info (default is left alt) |Xbox Players: Hit LS after activating the setting|
  6. [shift]+[click] on a stack of items to have the option to take only a certain number of that item onto your cursor. This applies both to in your inventory and when removing from your stash. |Xbox players: Highlight item and hit B, hit Y to pick up that amount, X to send that amount to stash if it is open|
  7. Open chat and hit [ctrl]+[alt]+[left-click] on an item in your inventory to link said item to chat. After hitting enter the person you’re talking to will be able to hover the link and see your exact item.
  8. [ctrl]+[left-click] on a master to open their relevant window. (i.e. Do that on Niko to open the delve menu)
  9. Click on a skill in your toolbar and look at the top of the popout. The button labeled “always attack without moving” is a great thing to use on movement skills and some specific primary skills. What it does is if you target a skill out of it’s range it will simply use the skill in the direction of the click as opposed to moving in range and then using it.
  10. [shift]+[ctrl]+[left-click] a currency in a vendor to buy a whole stack at a time. Save your fingers some torment.
  11. Holding shift while using a currency will keep the item on your cursor and allow you to spam the entire stack. If you're accessing your stash at the time you can spam your entire stock of said currency. |Xbox players: With currency picked up, hover an item and hit X|
  12. Holding ctrl and using the mousewheel will quickly cycle through stash tabs
  13. Teleport between areas with commands like "/hideout" or "/menagerie" or "/delve"
  14. Entering "/reset_xp" will reset your xp/hour metric (mouseover your exp bar at the bottom). Very useful for comparing experience rates between maps/mechanics.
  15. Hitting (by default) ‘v’ will open the relevant menu in each area. i.e. beastcrafting menu in menagerie, azurite upgrades menu in Delve, etc etc.
  16. "/remaining" will give you a text prompt of how many monsters are left in the instance.
  17. Entering "/dnd [message], /afk [message], /autoreply [message]" will give a notification of [message] to anyone whispering you until you shut it off. /dnd is just hitting /dnd again, /afk turns off if you move. Note that only /dnd will actually block messages.
  18. ctrl+click on the passive tree will skip the confirmation step and save you a click.
  19. F1 will give a stat breakdown of your computer, including connection metrics. If you're lagging or frameskipping this is how you check. Hit F1 again to cycle through different layouts.
  20. Using '~' before a trade search in poe/trade will give an approximate search. In other words it will search for similar text not exact, like "~multi" will return affixes of "Global Critical Strike Multiplier, Critical Strike Multiplier, Melee Critical Strike Multiplier" etc etc

Vendor Recipes

Arranged by the Act they’re most often used, they can be used at any time at any vendor you can sell to
Act 1
Act 2
Act 3
Act 4
Act 5+

Helpful Links

Look at the sidenav of this sub for more!
NOTE Real money trading (RMT) is NOT supported or accepted by GGG you will get banned when you use IRL money to buy anything in poe that isn't from their own site/in-game store.
submitted by ArmaMalum to pathofexile [link] [comments]

On Spells and Society, or how 5e spells completely change everyone's lives.

Today i have a confession to make: i'm a little bit of a minmaxer. And honestly, i think that's a pretty desirable trait in a DM. The minmaxer knows the rules, and exploits them to maximum efficiency.
"But wait, what does that have to do with spell use in society?" - someone, probably.
Well, the thing is that humans are absolutely all about minmaxing. There's a rule in the universe that reads "gas expands when hot", and suddenly we have steam engines (or something like that, i'm a political scientist not an engineer). A rule says 1+1 = 2, and suddenly we have calculus, computers and all kinds of digital stuff that runs on math. Sound is energy? Let's convert that shit into electricity, run it through a wire and turn it back into sound on the other side.
Bruh. Science is just minmaxing the laws of nature. Humanity in real life is just a big bunch of munchkins, and it should be no different in your setting.
And that is why minmaxing magic usage is something societies as a whole would do, specially with some notable spells. Today i will go in depth on how and why each of these notable mentions has a huge impact on a fantasy society.
We'll go from lowest level to highest, keeping in mind that the lower level a spell the more common it should be to find someone who has it, so often a level 2-3 spell will have more impact than a level 9 spell.

Mending (cantrip).
Repair anything in one minute. Your axe lost its edge? Tore your shirt? Just have someone Mend it.
Someone out there is crying "but wait! Not every village has a wizard!" and while that is true, keep in mind any High Elf knows a cantrip, as can any Variant Human.
A single "mender" could replace a lot of the work a smith, woodworker or seamstress does, freeing their time to only work on making new things rather than repair old ones.

Prestidigitation (cantrip).
Clean anything in six seconds. Committed axe murders until the axe got blunt, and now there's blood everywhere? Dog shit on your pillow out of spite? Someone walked all over the living room with muddy boots? Just Prestidigitate it away.
This may look like a small thing, but its actually huge when you apply it to laundry. Before washing machines were a thing housewives had to spend several hours a week washing them manually, and with Prestidigitation you can just hire someone to get it done in a few minutes.
A single "magic cleaner" can attend to several dozen homes, if not hundreds, thus freeing several hours of the time of dozens of women.
Fun fact: there's an interesting theory that says feminism only existed because of laundry machines and similar devices. Women found themselves having more free time, which they used to read and socialize. Educated women with more contacts made for easy organization of political movements, and the fact men were now able to do "the women's work" by pushing a button meant men were less opposed to losing their housewives' labor. Having specialized menders and magic cleaners could cause a comparable revolution in a fantasy setting, and help explain why women have a similar standing to men even in combat occupations such as adventuring.

Healing in general (1st-2nd level).
This one is fairly obvious. A commoner has 4 hit points, that means just about any spell is a full heal to the average person. That means most cuts, stab wounds, etc. can be solved by the resident cleric. Even broken bones that would leave you in bed for months can be solved in a matter of seconds as soon as the holy man arrives.
But that's nothing compared to the ability to cure diseases. While the only spell that can cure diseases is Lesser Restoration, which is second level, a paladin can do it much more easily with just a Lay on Hands. This means if one or two people catch a disease it can just be eradicated with a touch.
However doing that comes with a cost. If everyone is instantly expunged of illness, the populace does not build up their immune systems. Regular disease becomes less common, sure, but whenever it is reintroduced (by, say, immigrants or contact with less civilized humanoids) it can spread like wildfire, afflicting people so fast that no amount of healers will have the magic juice to deal with it.
Diseases become rare, plagues become common.

Continual Flame (2nd).
Ok, this one is a topic i love and could easily be its own post.
There's an article called "Why the Falling Cost of Light Matters", which goes in detail about how man went from chopping wood for fire, to using animal fat for candles, then other oils, whale oil, kerosene, then finally incandescent light bulbs, and more recently LED lights. Each of these leaps is orders of grandeur more efficient than the previous one, to the point that the cost of light today is about 500,000 times cheaper than it was for for a caveman. And until the early 1900s the only way mankind knew of making light was to set things on fire.
Continual Flame on the other hand allows you to turn 50gp worth of rubies and a 2nd level spell slot into a torch that burns forever. In a society that spends 60 hours of labor to be able to generate 140 minutes of light, this is a huge game changer.
This single spell, which i am 99% sure was just created as an excuse for why the dungeon is lit despite going for centuries without maintenance, allows you to have things like public lighting. Even if you only add a new "torchpost" every other week or month sooner or later you'll be left with a neatly lit city, specially if the city has had thousands of years in which to gather the rubies and light them up.
And because the demand of rubies becomes so important, consider how governments would react. Lighting the streets is a public service, if its strategically relevant to make the city safer at night, would that not warrant some restrictions on ruby sales? Perhaps even banning the use of rubies in jewelry?
Trivia: John D. Rockefeller, the richest man in history, gained his wealth selling kerosene. Kerosene at the time was used to light lamps. Gasoline was invented much later, when Rockefeller tasked a bunch of scientists to come up with a use for some byproducts of the kerosene production. This illustrates how much money is to be had in the lighting industry, and you could even have your own Rockefeller ruby baron in your game. I shall call him... Dohn J. Stonebreaker. Perfect name for a mining entrepreneur.
Whether the ruby trade ends up a monopoly under the direct supervision of the king or a free market, do keep in mind that Continual Flame is by far the most efficient way of creating light.

Gentle Repose (2nd).
Cast it on a corpse, and it stays preserved for 10 days.
This has many potential uses, from preserving foodstuffs (hey, some rare meats are expensive enough to warrant it) to keeping the bodies of old rulers preserved. Even if a ruler died of old age and cannot be resurrected, the body could be kept "fresh" out of respect/ceremony. Besides, it keeps the corpse from becoming undead.

Skywrite (2nd).
Ok, this one is mostly a gag. While the spell can be used by officials to make official announcements to the populace, such as new laws or important news, i like to just use it for spam. I mean, its a ritual spell that writes a message on the sky; what else would people use it for?
Imagine you show up in a city, and there's half a dozen clouds reading "buy at X, we have what you need", "get your farming supplies over at Joe's store" or "vote Y for the city council".
The possibilities are endless, and there's no way the players can expect it. Just keep in mind that by RAW the spell can only do words, meaning no images. No Patrick, "8===D" is not a word.

Zone of Truth (2nd).
This one is too obvious. Put all suspects of a crime into a ZoT, wait a couple minutes to make sure they fail the save, then ask each one if he did it. Sure its not a perfect system, things like the Ring of Mind Shielding still exist, but it's got a better chance of getting the right guy than most medieval justice systems. And probably more than a few contemporary ones. All while taking only a fraction of the time.
More importantly, with all the average crimes being handled instantly, the guards and investigators have more time to properly investigate the more unusual crimes that might actually involve a Thought Shield, Ring of Mind Shielding or a level 17 Mastermind.
There is a human rights argument against messing with people's minds in any way, which is why this may not be practiced in every kingdom. But there are definitely some more lawful societies that would use ZoT on just about every crime.
Why swear to speak the truth and nothing but the truth when you can just stand in a zone of truth?
Another interesting use for ZoT is oaths. When someone is appointed into an office, gets to a high rank in the military or a guild, just put them in a ZoT while they make their oath to stand for the organization's values and yadda yadda. Of course they can be corrupted later on, but at least you make sure they're honest when they are sworn in.

Sending (3rd).
Sending is busted in so many ways.
The more "vanilla" use of it is to just communicate over long distances. We all know that information is important, and that sometimes getting information a whole day ahead can lead to a 40% return on a massive two-year investment. Being able to know of invasions, monsters, disasters, etc. without waiting days or weeks for a courier can be vital for the survival of a nation. Another notable example is that one dude who ran super fast for a while to be the first to tell his side of a recent event.
But the real broken thing here is... Sending can Send to any creature, on any plane; the only restriction being "with which you are familiar". In D&D dead people just get sent to one of the afterlife planes, meaning that talking to your dead grandfather would be as simple as Sending to him. Settling inheritance disputes was never easier!
Before moving on to the next point let me ask you something: Is a cleric familiar with his god? Is a warlock familiar with his patron?

Speak With Dead (3rd).
Much like Sending, this lets you easily settle disputes. Is the senate/council arguing over a controversial topic? Just ask the beloved hero or ruler from 200 years ago what he thinks on the subject. As long his skeleton still has a jaw (or if he has been kept in Gentle Repose), he can answer.
This can also be used to ask people who killed them, except murderers also know this. Plan on killing someone? Accidentally killed someone? Make sure to inutilize the jaw. Its either that, being so stealthy the victim can't identify you, or being caught.

Note on spell availability.
Oh boy. No world-altering 4th level spells for some reason, and suddenly we're playing with the big boys now.
Spells up to 3rd level are what I'd consider "somewhat accessible", and can be arranged for a fee even for regular citizens. For instance the vanilla Priest statblock (MM348) is a 5th level cleric, and the standard vanilla Druid (MM346) a 4th level druid.
Spells of 5th level onward will be considered something only the top 1% is able to afford, or large organizations such as guilds, temples or government.

Dream (5th).
I was originally going to put Dream along with Sending and Telepathy as "long range communication", but decided against it due to each of them having unique uses.
And when it comes to Dream, it has the unique ability of allowing you to put your 8 hours of sleep to good use. A tutor could hire someone to cast Dream on him, thus allowing him to teach his student for 8 hours at any distance. This is a way you could even access hermits that live in the middle of nowhere or in secluded monasteries. Very wealthy families or rulers would be willing to pay a good amount of money to make sure their heirs get that extra bit of education.
Its like online classes, but while you sleep!
Another interesting use is for cheating. Know a princess or queen you like? She likes you back? Her dad put 400 trained soldiers between you? No problemo! Just find a 9th level Bard, Warlock or Wizard, but who am i kidding, of course it'll be a bard. And that bard is probably you. Now you have 8 hours to do whatever you want, and no physical evidence will be left.

Raise Dead (5th).
Few things matter more in life than death. And the ability to resurrect people has a huge impact on society. The impact is so huge that this topic needs topics of its own.
First, diamond monopoly. Remember what i said about how Continual Flame would lead to controlled ruby sales due to its strategic value? This is the same principle, but a hundred times stronger. Resurrection is a huge strategic resource. It makes assassinations harder, can be used to bring back your officials or highest level soldiers over and over during a war, etc. This means more authoritarian regimes would do everything within their power to control the supply and stock of diamonds. Which in turn means if anyone wants to have someone resurrected, even in times of peace, they'll need to call in a favor, do a quest, grease some hands...
Second, resurrection insurance. People hate risks. That's why insurance is such a huge industry, taking up about 15% of the US GDP. People insure their cars, houses... even their lives. Resurrection just means "life insurance" is taken more literally. This makes even more sense when you consider how expensive resurrection is: nobody can afford it in one go, but if you pay a little every month or year you can save up enough to have it done when the need arises.
This is generally incompatible with the idea of a State-run monopoly over diamonds, but that just means different countries within a setting can take different approaches.
To make things easier, i even used some microeconomics to make a sheet in my personal random generators to calculate the price of such a service. Just head to the "Insurance" tab and fill in the information relative to your setting.
With actual life insurance resurrection can cost as little as 5gp a year for humans or 8sp a year for elves, making resurrection way more affordable than it looks.
Also, do you know why pirates wore a single gold earring? It was so that if your body washes up on the shore whoever finds it can use the money to arrange a proper burial. Sure there's a risk of the finder taking it and walking away, but the pirates did it anyway. With resurrection in play, might as well just wear a diamond earring instead and hope the finder is nice enough to bring you back.
I got so carried away with the whole insurance thing i almost forgot: the possibility of resurrection also changes how murders are committed.
If you want someone dead but resurrection exists, you have to remove the vital organs. Decapitation would be far more common. Sure resurrection is still possible, but it requires higher level spells or Reincarnate, which has... quirks.
As a result it should be very obvious when someone was killed by accident or an overreaction, and when someone was specifically out to kill the victim.

Scrying (5th).
This one is somewhat obvious, in that everyone and their mother knows it helps finding people. But who needs finding? Well, that would be those who are hiding.
The main use i see for this spell, by far, is locating escaped criminals. Just collect a sample of hair or blood when arresting someone (or shipping them to hard labor which is way smarter), and if they escape you'll be almost guaranteed to successfully scry on them.
A similar concept to this is seen in the Dragon Age series. If you're a mage the paladins keep a sample of your blood in something called a phylactery, and that can be used to track you down. There's even a quest or two about mages trying to destroy their phylacteries before escaping.
Similarly, if you plan a jailbreak it would be highly beneficial to destroy the blood/hair sample first. As a matter of fact i can even see a thieves guild hiring a low level party to take out the sample while the professional infiltrators get the prisoner out. Keep in mind both events must be done at the same time, otherwise the guards will just collect a new sample or would have already taken it to the wizard.
But guards aren't the only ones with resources. A loan shark could keep blood samples of his debtors, a mobster can keep one of those who owe him favors, etc. And the blood is ceremoniously returned only when the debt is fully paid.

Teleportation Circle (5th), Transport Via Plants (6th).
In other words, long range teleportation. This is such a huge thing that it is hard to properly explain how important it is.
Teleportation Circle creates a 10ft. circle, and everyone has one round to get in and appear on the target location. Assuming 30ft. movement that means you can get 192 people through, which is a lot of potential merchants going across any distance. Or 672 people dashing.
Math note: A 30ft radius square around a 10ft. diameter square, minus the 4 original squares. Or [(6*2+2)^2]-4 squares of 5ft. each. Hence 192 people.
Getting hundreds of merchants, workers, soldiers, etc. across any distance is nothing to scoff at. In fact, it could help explain why PHB item prices are so standardized: Arbitrage is so easy and cheap that price differences across multiple markets become negligible. Unless of course countries start setting up tax collectors outside of the permanent teleportation circles in order to charge tariffs.
Transport Via Plants does something very similar but it requires 5ft of movement to go through, which means less people can be teleported. On the other hand it doesn't burn 50gp and can take you to any tree the druid is familiar with, making it nearly impossible for tax collectors to be waiting on the other side. Unfortunately druids tend to be a lot less willing to aid smugglers, so your best bet might be a bard using spells that don't belong to his list.
With these methods of long range teleportation not only does trade get easier, but it also becomes possible to colonize or inhabit far away places. For instance if someone finds a gold mine in the antarctic you could set up a mine and bring food and other supplies via teleportation.

Major Image (6th level slot).
Major Image is a 3rd level spell that creates an illusion over a 20ft cube, complete with image, sound, smell and temperature. When cast with a 6th level slot or higher, it lasts indefinitely.
That my friends, is a huge spell. Why get the world's best painter to decorate the ceiling of your cathedral when you can just get an illusion made in six seconds?
The uses for decorating large buildings is already good, but remember: we're not restricted to sight.
Cast this on a room and it'll always be cool and smell nice. Inns would love that, as would anyone who always sleeps or works in the same room. Desert cities have never been so chill.
You can even use an illusion to make the front of your shop seem flashier, while hollering on loop to bring customers in.
The only limit to this spell is your imagination, though I'm pretty sure it was originally made just to hide secret passages.
Trivia: the ki-rin (VGM163) can cast Major Image as a 6th level spell, at will. It's probably meant to give them fabulous lairs yet all it takes is someone doing the holy horsey a big favor, and it could enchant the whole city in a few hours. Shiniest city on the planet, always at a nice temperature and with a fragrance of lilac, gooseberries or whatever you want.

Simulacrum (7th).
Spend 12 hours and 1500gp worth of ruby dust, and get a clone of yourself. Notably, each caster can only have one simulacrum, regardless of who the person he cloned is.
How this changes the world? By allowing the rich and powerful to be in two places at once. Kings now have a perfect impersonator who thinks just like them. A wealthy banker can run two branches of his company. Etc.
This makes life much easier, but also competes with Continual Flame over resources.
It also gives "go fuck yourself" a whole new meaning, making the sentence a valid Suggestion.

Clone (8th).
If there's one spell i despise, its Clone.
Wizard-only preemptive resurrection. Touch spell, costs 1.000gp worth of diamonds each time, takes 120 days to come into effect, and creates a copy of the creature that the soul occupies if the original dies. Oh, and the copy can be made younger.
Why is it so despicable? Because it makes people effectively immortal. Accidents and assassinations just get you sent to the clone, and old age can be forever delayed because you keep going back to younger versions of yourself. Being a touch spell means the wizard can cast it on anyone he wants.
In other words: high level wizards, and only wizards, get to make anyone immortal.
That means wizards will inevitably rule any world in which this spell exists.
Think about it. Rulers want to live forever. Wizards can make you live forever. Wizards want other stuff, which you must give them if you want to continue being Cloned. Rulers who refuse this deal eventually die, rulers who accept stick around forever. Natural selection makes it so that eventually the only rulers left are those who sold their soul to wizards. Figuratively, i hope.
The fact that there are only a handful of wizards out there who are high enough level to cast the spell means its easier for them organize and/or form a cartel or union (cartels/unions are easier to maintain the fewer suppliers are involved).
This leads to a dystopian scenario where mages rule, kings are authoritarian pawns and nobody else has a say in anything. Honestly it would make for a fun campaign in and of itself, but unless that's specifically what you're going for it'll just derail everything else.
Oh, and Clone also means any and all liches are absolute idiots. Liches are people who turned themselves into undead abominations in order to gain eternal life at the cost of having to feed on souls. They're all able to cast 9th level wizard spells, so why not just cast an 8th level one and keep undeath away? Saves you the trouble of going after souls, and you keep the ability to enjoy food or a day in the sun.

Demiplane (8th).
Your own 30ft. room of nothingness. Perfect place for storage and a DM's nightmare given how once players have access to it they'll just start looting furniture and such. Oh the horror.
But alas, infinite storage is not the reason this is a broken spell. No sir.
Remember: you can access someone else's demiplane. That means a caster in city 1 can put things into a demiplane, and a caster in city 2 can pull them out of any surface.
But wait, there's more! There's nothing anywhere saying you can't have two doors to the same demiplane open at once. Now you're effectively opening a portal between two places, which stays open for a whole hour.
But wait, there's even more! Anyone from any plane can open a door to your neat little demiplane. Now we can get multiple casters from multiple planes connecting all of those places, for one hour. Sure this is a very expensive thing to do since you're having to coordinate multiple high level individuals in different planes, but the payoff is just as high. We're talking about potential integration between the most varied markets imaginable, few things in the multiverse are more valuable or profitable. Its a do-it-yourself Sigil.
One little plot hook i like about demiplanes is abandoned/inactive ones. Old wizard/warlock died, and nobody knows how to access his demiplanes. Because he's at least level 15 you just know there's some good stuff in there, but nobody can get to it. Now the players have to find a journal, diary, stored memory or any other way of knowing enough about the demiplane to access it.

True Polymorph (9th).
True Polymorph. The spell that can turn any race into any other race, or object. And vice-versa. You can go full fairy godmother and turn mice into horses. For a spell that can change anything about one's body it would not be an unusual ruling to say it can change one's sex. At the very least it can turn a man into a chair, and the chair into a woman (or vice-versa of course).
But honestly, that's just the tip of the True Polymorph iceberg. Just read this more carefully:
> You transform the creature into a different creature, the creature into a nonmagical object, or the object into a creature
This means you can turn a rock or twig into a human. A fully functional human with, as far as the rules go, a soul. You can create life.
But wait, there's more! Nothing there says you have to turn the target into a known creature on an existing creature. The narcissist bard wants to create a whole race of people who look like him? True Polymorph. A player wants to play a weird ass homebrew race and you have no idea how it would fit into the setting? True Polymorph. Wizard needs a way to quickly populate a kingdom and doesn't want to wait decades for the subjects to grow up? True Polymorph. Warlock must provide his patron 100 souls in order to free his own? True Polymorph. The sorcerer wants to do something cool? Fuck that guy, sorcerers don't get any of the fun high level spells; True Poly is available to literally every arcane caster but the sorcerer.
Note: what good is Twinned Spell if all the high level twinnable spells have been specifically made unavailable to sorcerers?
Do keep in mind however that this brings a whole new discussion on human rights. Does a table have rights? Does it have rights after being turned into a living thing? If it had an owner, is it now a slave? Your country will need so many new laws, just to deal with this one spell.
People often say that high level wizards are deities for all intents and purposes. This is the utmost proof of that. Clerics don't get to create life out of thin air, wizards do. The cleric worships a deity, the wizard is the deity.

Intelligent creatures not only can game the system, but it is entirely in character for them to do so. I'll even argue that if humanoids don't use magic to improve their lives when it's available, you're pushing the suspension of disbelief.
With this post i hope to have helped you make more complex and realistic societies, as well as provide a few interesting and unusual plot hooks
Lastly, as much as i hate comment begging i must admit i am eager to see what spells other players think can completely change the world. Because at the end of the day we all know that extra d6 damage is not what causes empires to rise and fall, its the utility spells that make the best stories.

Edit: Added spell level to all spells, and would like to thank u/kaul_field for helping with finishing touches and being overall a great mod.
submitted by Isphus to DnDBehindTheScreen [link] [comments]

If you can combine any/all mmo games, what games you choosing? What’s the end result like?

This is my MMORPG design:
(Action-Adventure Hack and Slash Sandbox MMORPG)
When you lock on to the battle zone or enter the battle zone, you will hear all the microphones of the players participating in the battle. Players will also hear your microphone during combat. Outside of combat, you can lock on to any player and listen to that player's microphone. The player can also listen to your microphone. All parties / guild players can always hear each other's microphones, even if the players are in completely different locations. You can mute anyone's microphone at any time.
To hear a person's mic outside the battle zone, lock on to another player or create / extend one open mic zone. You can create an open mic zone only if you are not in another player's open mic zone. The open mic zone creates an invisible barrier that surrounds the creator, including players within the radius of the barrier, without blocking anything. The open mic zone allows all players in the barrier to participate in open mic parties. Join with the push of a button and you'll hear all players' microphones from all players in the open mic zone. Open mic parties are different from regular parties and guilds. When you leave the open mic zone, you are no longer a member of the party. For microphones, all mute options are always available.
There are customizations for height, children / adults, fat / thin, clothes, equipment, armor, appearance, weapons, abilities, movements, skills, magic, and summons. Customizing the appearance of the character is similar to the game "God Eater 2" and the game "Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization". You can create up to 4 characters. You can switch to control one character or one of "your" other created party members. The character's AI can be set in the same way as in the game "Star Ocean: Until the end of time". You can play the game with any character you create. You can switch control of the party character at any time. If you don't want to control your "own" character during battle, just set the character to AI.
There are several specific places where you can talk to different NPC characters and enter different servers to advance the story. These servers warp / teleport "your" different party characters to any section of the current story. Each server has a limited number of players, and each server has all players of the same level within 10 intervals (eg Server 1-Level 1-10, Server 2-Level 10-20). You can always enter a server above your level, but you cannot enter a server below your level. You can earn certain things by completing different parts of the story. There are many side stories, hidden ones, and optional ones, which are not part of the story. There are also many gates and portals similar to the game ".hack: Infection", where you can choose different servers and experiment with different dungeons.
To engage in combat, you can either attack someone / something or be attacked by someone / something. A character / player will not gain experience unless that character / player hits an opponent at least once. The hit must be a hit even if the damage dealt is 0, not the damage caused by the status effect. During the battle, the radius of the battle zone is automatically set according to the position of the first participant. Only the first combat participant can lock the combat zone at any time.
Locked battle zones have invisible barriers that keep battle participants inside, blocking entry into all other zones. If the battle zone is unlocked, other players / characters outside the battle zone can join the battle zone and gain experience points. You can only gain experience points if you are in the same battle zone as the enemy you defeated when you defeated it. All different enemies have different amounts of experience points that players earn during their defeat. If the enemy is defeated by multiple participants, the experience points will be evenly divided among those participants. If there are no players in the battle zone for more than 2 minutes, it will no longer be an existing battle zone. There are harsh environments that your character may not be able to tolerate. The item "Magic Battle Zone Lock" creates a locked battle zone that surrounds you, including all players within the radius, and blocks fire, water, etc.
Players cannot attack another non-enemy player unless one player achieves "G" status or offers a player-versus-player challenge option. To provide player-versus-player challenges, get close enough to "lock on" to another player, select challenge options, and extend one battle zone barrier that surrounds all players / targets. .. All player-versus-player challenge participants must be within the battle zone barrier. All players in the battle zone must select the option to accept the challenge to start the battle. The battle music option for this battle allows you to vote / agree or randomly select one playlist from one participant. "G" status is achieved when the bar / meter is full, either by attacking the target or by being attacked for some reason. "G" is a "special" that all players can "use" with the push of a button. If you achieve "G" status, you will not be an enemy of other players until you attack. Once you reach "G" status, you cannot be attacked by any player until you attack that player or participate in a player-versus-player challenge.
If a "G" attacks a non-enemy player in a battle zone, that "G" cannot lock that battle zone. "G" gains all experience points from the defeated ones, unless those "Gs" do not attack allies. The "G" status lasts for 11 minutes. When you defeat a "G", that "G" loses its "G" status, is no longer an enemy, and anyone can revive the player. "Gs" cannot steal or mug anything from other players unless they are "King" / "Queen", "Boss", or "Elite" characters. Also, "Gs" cannot steal or mug anything from other players unless they are participating in a player-versus-player challenge. If four or more "G" s attack an ally in a battle zone, that battle zone achieves "Frenzy" and all players can attack all players. The frenzy battle zone can only be locked by King / Queen, Boss, and Elite characters / players.
When a player dies, that player can wait to be resurrected by someone else. Alternatively, the player can choose the option to return to the entrance to the place where the player died, choose a server to return to the open world, or go to the equipment graveyard. If you die more than 10 times, the option to return to the entrance to the place of death will not be available. Your mic still works while you are dead. You cannot earn experience points or items while you are dead.
There are many continents on the map. All continents are made up of zones. Each zone has its own enemies and neutrals. In most cases, all enemies and / or neutrals in each zone are at about the same level within the zone. When all enemies in the zone have been defeated or all achievements in the zone have been completed, the last remaining players must fight each other. Anyone who conquers a zone has the title of "boss" for that zone, and that player can choose the enemies in that zone. Players select those enemies based only on all enemies defeated in the game, except for all defeated players. Also includes boss enemies (different color schemes for boss enemies). Players also select the level of those enemies, but only up to the highest level of enemies they have defeated so far. If a "boss" player's zone is conquered by another player, that "boss" player loses the "boss" title.
There is one king / queen per continent, either as a player or an NPC. All Kings / Queens will now have 4 elite characters. Defeat King / Queen in battle to earn his / her crown and title. Kings / Queens can choose an elite character from their list of friends or from AI characters created by King / Queen players. When you become a King / Queen, you can get a special item "Crown" that raises your stats. You can keep the crown equipped even if you are not a king / queen, but you cannot wear it visually unless you are a king / queen. Elite characters are kings / queens, as long as the kings / queens who made them elite remain kings / queens. Kings / Queens can enter any battle zone at any time, even if they are locked. Kings / Queens can attack any character they like at any time, including other players.
When you reach a boss / mini boss in a dungeon, temple, story progress, cave, castle, etc., the battle zone may be locked by another player who is fighting the boss / mini boss. You can go up to something that looks important nearby. Example: A small statue nearby. At the push of a button, you will be given the option to fight the boss / mini boss alone or with other players on another server. You will not be able to rematch with the boss / mini boss unless you re-enter the entrance. You can enter the server with various parties. Any part of the game can be completed solo or party. A party can consist of all players and all AI characters created by the player for that player's party. There are servers with lobbies for dungeons, temples, caves, castles, etc., and players in those lobbies have to wait for the lobby to fill up so that they can enter dungeons, temples, caves, castles, etc. ..
There are summons obtained by leveling up, summons obtained by achievements, and summons obtained by defeating enemies. When you defeat the big bosses you face in the game, most of them will be earned as "summons". You can only have a limited number of "summons". The Summon option allows you to summon one "summon" to perform one of the most powerful attacks, or control the "summon" as an AI party member. When summoned as a party member, you can switch between the control of the summon and the control of the created character. Summons are only summoned for 4 minutes. If you unsummon a Summon, you will have to wait 4 minutes before you can use the Summon option again. If you complete a very powerful attack summoned with the Summon option, you will have to wait 4 minutes before you can use the summon again.
There are mounts you can get. Traveling with mounted beasts etc. makes traveling much easier. You can get a "mount" for travel by tame them with items or defeat them in battle. While moving with a mounted beast / "summon", it can take some damage before the player is knocked off or the mount gets confused. At higher levels of speed racing, you can be attacked by racers. Also, at higher levels of speed racing, others who are not racers can attack you. If you tame the same species many times, it will be available as a pet or "summon" and can be summoned at any time. Some mounts can move on / in any terrain, including water, walls, mountains, and even trees, so you can reach hidden areas, hidden treasures / enemies / "summons", and more. Some species have the ability to fly. There are also cars that you can drive for an easier trip. ..
You don't need a beast / summon to fly. There are items you can get that give your party the ability to "fly". With these items you can "fly" for 10 minutes. There is a way to permanently acquire the ability to "fly". In flight, it's the same as in the game Kingdom Hearts 2, unless you select the Ascend option. Select the Ascend option to allow you to fly freely in all heights and directions. There is one button you can hold to automatically fly towards a locked-on object / ally / enemy. With the "fly" ability, you can reach floating or hidden areas such as floating dungeons, floating temples, floating castles, floating islands, hidden treasures, enemies, and "summons".
There are competitive flight races and other races that you can participate in to win valuables. Your character can gain the ability to transform your character's visual form into a variety of obtained visual forms. One such visual form that your character can get is the form of a beast. These visual forms are abilities. You can unequip these abilities and select other options such as double summoning. You can customize your character's race, color, appearance, and more at any time, except during combat.
There is an ability called "Unlimited Jump" similar to "Double Flight" in the game "Kingdom Hearts: Fragmented Passage", but it is not limited to double. Like the anime "Bleach", there is a function called "Ground Lock" that allows you to land in the air and run around as if there is an invisible ground in the air. It turns off every time something / someone hits you. With these two abilities, you can reach floating and hidden areas such as floating dungeons, floating temples, floating castles, floating islands, hidden treasures, enemies, and "summons". There is another ability called "teleport". Teleport to a random location next to a locked-on object / ally / enemy. Every time you use this ability four times, you have to wait four minutes before you can use it again.
All player characters can be leveled up to a maximum level of 370. There are several level 400 optional ultimate bosses. Some of these bosses always leave the player with a legendary object when the Ultimate Boss is defeated. There are a wide variety of legendary objects, including crowns. You can level lock your character whenever you want. This will prevent your character from gaining experience until you turn level lock off.
Tournaments vary. Players defeat players, players defeat computers, teams defeat teams, teams defeat computers. The status of players such as bosses, kings, and elites will be displayed next to their names if those characters are locked on by other characters. As long as the other player is not an enemy, you are guaranteed to be able to see the other player's health bar. There are items that can be used to warp to friends' locations, etc. These items can be purchased or obtained. When you warp to a friend's location, you will be teleported to the entrance to that friend's location or where the friend is.
Equipment graveyards are places where all equipment lost / discarded by all players is scattered everywhere. There are no enemies other than the player or multiple players who can attack you. You can also approach a weapon or equipment and challenge it with the push of a button. This allows you to fight the ghost copy of the player to whom the weapon or equipment / armor once belonged. This includes the player's level / stats / abilities / skills / "summons" and more. The ghost's weapon / equipment is in the same state as when the owner lost / discarded it. When you defeat the ghost, you can acquire the weapon / equipment, and the weapon / equipment will be in the same state as when the ghost used it. Only the player who challenges the weapon or equipment can get the weapon or equipment after defeating the weapon or equipment.
All weapons / equipment have levels, stats, and optional qualities / effects. All weapons / equipment can be leveled up and changed through the "Inner World of Equipment", as in the game "Disgaea: Hour of Darkness". The color schemes of all enemies and all bosses are different there. You can reset your weapon to level 1 if needed. Doing this will reduce the statistics, but the appearance, quality / attributes, and "effect" will remain the same.
You can always get things or buy things for their appearance. With the exception of abilities, skills, "summons", crowns, and trophies, you can "hold", discard, exchange, or sell whatever you like. You can give money to anyone you want. You can get or unlock "optional visual appearance" stuff such as pointed ears, tails, various wings, wing colors, accessories, glasses / shades, jewelry, markings, tattoos and more. All "visual appearance" combinations, except the character's visual form obtained from "abilities", can be achieved as soon as you start this video game. Not all varieties are available for immediate sale, but any player can acquire, trade, or sell them. Most of them are for sale from the beginning, and many are ridiculously expensive, but any player can give you free money or get you to get it. You can't buy or get anything with real money. Strictly speaking, it's just in-game money.
There are different types of items, weapons, equipment, and cards with the same name. These types include differences in "look" / appearance, statistics, abilities, effects, and attributes. If a player uses the "player skill" "steal" / "mug" against another player, only weapons and equipment can be stolen. You cannot use the "player skill" "stealing" / "mug" against other players who are not enemies. Stealing attacks / techniques / skills can only be used during "battle". When used against a player, the chances of "stealing success" vary between 5%, 10%, and 15%. If you use it against non-players, your chances are much higher.
You can collect cards and have the ability to turn enemies into cards like in the game "Final Fantasy VIII". You can play card games with other players, exchange cards, get cards from enemies, treasures, prizes and more. Cards can be converted into items. Strong and rare cards can be turned into the best and rarest items. You can challenge random players / NPCs to "card games" except during "battle". There are card tournaments held in various places. You can listen to or mute the microphone while playing cards. You can also skip directly to playing a card game from the title menu, which has a server that you can enter just to play cards. All cards and items are shared between characters in the actual game and in the title screen card game. There are different card game rules in different places. If no rules are set, players will either play with the agreed rules or the rules will be randomly selected. The player who becomes the "boss" of a zone can choose the card rules for that zone. Players who become "King" / "Queen" can choose the card rules of the card game that "King" / "Queen" plays.
Author Jeffrey Robert Palin Jr.
submitted by Jeff_Chileno to MMORPG [link] [comments]

If you can combine any/all games, what games you choosing? What’s the end result like?

This is my MMORPG design:
(Action-Adventure Hack and Slash Sandbox MMORPG)
When you lock on to the battle zone or enter the battle zone, you will hear all the microphones of the players participating in the battle. Players will also hear your microphone during combat. Outside of combat, you can lock on to any player and listen to that player's microphone. The player can also listen to your microphone. All parties / guild players can always hear each other's microphones, even if the players are in completely different locations. You can mute anyone's microphone at any time.
To hear a person's mic outside the battle zone, lock on to another player or create / extend one open mic zone. You can create an open mic zone only if you are not in another player's open mic zone. The open mic zone creates an invisible barrier that surrounds the creator, including players within the radius of the barrier, without blocking anything. The open mic zone allows all players in the barrier to participate in open mic parties. Join with the push of a button and you'll hear all players' microphones from all players in the open mic zone. Open mic parties are different from regular parties and guilds. When you leave the open mic zone, you are no longer a member of the party. For microphones, all mute options are always available.
There are customizations for height, children / adults, fat / thin, clothes, equipment, armor, appearance, weapons, abilities, movements, skills, magic, and summons. Customizing the appearance of the character is similar to the game "God Eater 2" and the game "Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization". You can create up to 4 characters. You can switch to control one character or one of "your" other created party members. The character's AI can be set in the same way as in the game "Star Ocean: Until the end of time". You can play the game with any character you create. You can switch control of the party character at any time. If you don't want to control your "own" character during battle, just set the character to AI.
There are several specific places where you can talk to different NPC characters and enter different servers to advance the story. These servers warp / teleport "your" different party characters to any section of the current story. Each server has a limited number of players, and each server has all players of the same level within 10 intervals (eg Server 1-Level 1-10, Server 2-Level 10-20). You can always enter a server above your level, but you cannot enter a server below your level. You can earn certain things by completing different parts of the story. There are many side stories, hidden ones, and optional ones, which are not part of the story. There are also many gates and portals similar to the game ".hack: Infection", where you can choose different servers and experiment with different dungeons.
To engage in combat, you can either attack someone / something or be attacked by someone / something. A character / player will not gain experience unless that character / player hits an opponent at least once. The hit must be a hit even if the damage dealt is 0, not the damage caused by the status effect. During the battle, the radius of the battle zone is automatically set according to the position of the first participant. Only the first combat participant can lock the combat zone at any time.
Locked battle zones have invisible barriers that keep battle participants inside, blocking entry into all other zones. If the battle zone is unlocked, other players / characters outside the battle zone can join the battle zone and gain experience points. You can only gain experience points if you are in the same battle zone as the enemy you defeated when you defeated it. All different enemies have different amounts of experience points that players earn during their defeat. If the enemy is defeated by multiple participants, the experience points will be evenly divided among those participants. If there are no players in the battle zone for more than 2 minutes, it will no longer be an existing battle zone. There are harsh environments that your character may not be able to tolerate. The item "Magic Battle Zone Lock" creates a locked battle zone that surrounds you, including all players within the radius, and blocks fire, water, etc.
Players cannot attack another non-enemy player unless one player achieves "G" status or offers a player-versus-player challenge option. To provide player-versus-player challenges, get close enough to "lock on" to another player, select challenge options, and extend one battle zone barrier that surrounds all players / targets. .. All player-versus-player challenge participants must be within the battle zone barrier. All players in the battle zone must select the option to accept the challenge to start the battle. The battle music option for this battle allows you to vote / agree or randomly select one playlist from one participant. "G" status is achieved when the bar / meter is full, either by attacking the target or by being attacked for some reason. "G" is a "special" that all players can "use" with the push of a button. If you achieve "G" status, you will not be an enemy of other players until you attack. Once you reach "G" status, you cannot be attacked by any player until you attack that player or participate in a player-versus-player challenge.
If a "G" attacks a non-enemy player in a battle zone, that "G" cannot lock that battle zone. "G" gains all experience points from the defeated ones, unless those "Gs" do not attack allies. The "G" status lasts for 11 minutes. When you defeat a "G", that "G" loses its "G" status, is no longer an enemy, and anyone can revive the player. "Gs" cannot steal or mug anything from other players unless they are "King" / "Queen", "Boss", or "Elite" characters. Also, "Gs" cannot steal or mug anything from other players unless they are participating in a player-versus-player challenge. If four or more "G" s attack an ally in a battle zone, that battle zone achieves "Frenzy" and all players can attack all players. The frenzy battle zone can only be locked by King / Queen, Boss, and Elite characters / players.
When a player dies, that player can wait to be resurrected by someone else. Alternatively, the player can choose the option to return to the entrance to the place where the player died, choose a server to return to the open world, or go to the equipment graveyard. If you die more than 10 times, the option to return to the entrance to the place of death will not be available. Your mic still works while you are dead. You cannot earn experience points or items while you are dead.
There are many continents on the map. All continents are made up of zones. Each zone has its own enemies and neutrals. In most cases, all enemies and / or neutrals in each zone are at about the same level within the zone. When all enemies in the zone have been defeated or all achievements in the zone have been completed, the last remaining players must fight each other. Anyone who conquers a zone has the title of "boss" for that zone, and that player can choose the enemies in that zone. Players select those enemies based only on all enemies defeated in the game, except for all defeated players. Also includes boss enemies (different color schemes for boss enemies). Players also select the level of those enemies, but only up to the highest level of enemies they have defeated so far. If a "boss" player's zone is conquered by another player, that "boss" player loses the "boss" title.
There is one king / queen per continent, either as a player or an NPC. All Kings / Queens will now have 4 elite characters. Defeat King / Queen in battle to earn his / her crown and title. Kings / Queens can choose an elite character from their list of friends or from AI characters created by King / Queen players. When you become a King / Queen, you can get a special item "Crown" that raises your stats. You can keep the crown equipped even if you are not a king / queen, but you cannot wear it visually unless you are a king / queen. Elite characters are kings / queens, as long as the kings / queens who made them elite remain kings / queens. Kings / Queens can enter any battle zone at any time, even if they are locked. Kings / Queens can attack any character they like at any time, including other players.
When you reach a boss / mini boss in a dungeon, temple, story progress, cave, castle, etc., the battle zone may be locked by another player who is fighting the boss / mini boss. You can go up to something that looks important nearby. Example: A small statue nearby. At the push of a button, you will be given the option to fight the boss / mini boss alone or with other players on another server. You will not be able to rematch with the boss / mini boss unless you re-enter the entrance. You can enter the server with various parties. Any part of the game can be completed solo or party. A party can consist of all players and all AI characters created by the player for that player's party. There are servers with lobbies for dungeons, temples, caves, castles, etc., and players in those lobbies have to wait for the lobby to fill up so that they can enter dungeons, temples, caves, castles, etc. ..
There are summons obtained by leveling up, summons obtained by achievements, and summons obtained by defeating enemies. When you defeat the big bosses you face in the game, most of them will be earned as "summons". You can only have a limited number of "summons". The Summon option allows you to summon one "summon" to perform one of the most powerful attacks, or control the "summon" as an AI party member. When summoned as a party member, you can switch between the control of the summon and the control of the created character. Summons are only summoned for 4 minutes. If you unsummon a Summon, you will have to wait 4 minutes before you can use the Summon option again. If you complete a very powerful attack summoned with the Summon option, you will have to wait 4 minutes before you can use the summon again.
There are mounts you can get. Traveling with mounted beasts etc. makes traveling much easier. You can get a "mount" for travel by tame them with items or defeat them in battle. While moving with a mounted beast / "summon", it can take some damage before the player is knocked off or the mount gets confused. At higher levels of speed racing, you can be attacked by racers. Also, at higher levels of speed racing, others who are not racers can attack you. If you tame the same species many times, it will be available as a pet or "summon" and can be summoned at any time. Some mounts can move on / in any terrain, including water, walls, mountains, and even trees, so you can reach hidden areas, hidden treasures / enemies / "summons", and more. Some species have the ability to fly. There are also cars that you can drive for an easier trip. ..
You don't need a beast / summon to fly. There are items you can get that give your party the ability to "fly". With these items you can "fly" for 10 minutes. There is a way to permanently acquire the ability to "fly". In flight, it's the same as in the game Kingdom Hearts 2, unless you select the Ascend option. Select the Ascend option to allow you to fly freely in all heights and directions. There is one button you can hold to automatically fly towards a locked-on object / ally / enemy. With the "fly" ability, you can reach floating or hidden areas such as floating dungeons, floating temples, floating castles, floating islands, hidden treasures, enemies, and "summons".
There are competitive flight races and other races that you can participate in to win valuables. Your character can gain the ability to transform your character's visual form into a variety of obtained visual forms. One such visual form that your character can get is the form of a beast. These visual forms are abilities. You can unequip these abilities and select other options such as double summoning. You can customize your character's race, color, appearance, and more at any time, except during combat.
There is an ability called "Unlimited Jump" similar to "Double Flight" in the game "Kingdom Hearts: Fragmented Passage", but it is not limited to double. Like the anime "Bleach", there is a function called "Ground Lock" that allows you to land in the air and run around as if there is an invisible ground in the air. It turns off every time something / someone hits you. With these two abilities, you can reach floating and hidden areas such as floating dungeons, floating temples, floating castles, floating islands, hidden treasures, enemies, and "summons". There is another ability called "teleport". Teleport to a random location next to a locked-on object / ally / enemy. Every time you use this ability four times, you have to wait four minutes before you can use it again.
All player characters can be leveled up to a maximum level of 370. There are several level 400 optional ultimate bosses. Some of these bosses always leave the player with a legendary object when the Ultimate Boss is defeated. There are a wide variety of legendary objects, including crowns. You can level lock your character whenever you want. This will prevent your character from gaining experience until you turn level lock off.
Tournaments vary. Players defeat players, players defeat computers, teams defeat teams, teams defeat computers. The status of players such as bosses, kings, and elites will be displayed next to their names if those characters are locked on by other characters. As long as the other player is not an enemy, you are guaranteed to be able to see the other player's health bar. There are items that can be used to warp to friends' locations, etc. These items can be purchased or obtained. When you warp to a friend's location, you will be teleported to the entrance to that friend's location or where the friend is.
Equipment graveyards are places where all equipment lost / discarded by all players is scattered everywhere. There are no enemies other than the player or multiple players who can attack you. You can also approach a weapon or equipment and challenge it with the push of a button. This allows you to fight the ghost copy of the player to whom the weapon or equipment / armor once belonged. This includes the player's level / stats / abilities / skills / "summons" and more. The ghost's weapon / equipment is in the same state as when the owner lost / discarded it. When you defeat the ghost, you can acquire the weapon / equipment, and the weapon / equipment will be in the same state as when the ghost used it. Only the player who challenges the weapon or equipment can get the weapon or equipment after defeating the weapon or equipment.
All weapons / equipment have levels, stats, and optional qualities / effects. All weapons / equipment can be leveled up and changed through the "Inner World of Equipment", as in the game "Disgaea: Hour of Darkness". The color schemes of all enemies and all bosses are different there. You can reset your weapon to level 1 if needed. Doing this will reduce the statistics, but the appearance, quality / attributes, and "effect" will remain the same.
You can always get things or buy things for their appearance. With the exception of abilities, skills, "summons", crowns, and trophies, you can "hold", discard, exchange, or sell whatever you like. You can give money to anyone you want. You can get or unlock "optional visual appearance" stuff such as pointed ears, tails, various wings, wing colors, accessories, glasses / shades, jewelry, markings, tattoos and more. All "visual appearance" combinations, except the character's visual form obtained from "abilities", can be achieved as soon as you start this video game. Not all varieties are available for immediate sale, but any player can acquire, trade, or sell them. Most of them are for sale from the beginning, and many are ridiculously expensive, but any player can give you free money or get you to get it. You can't buy or get anything with real money. Strictly speaking, it's just in-game money.
There are different types of items, weapons, equipment, and cards with the same name. These types include differences in "look" / appearance, statistics, abilities, effects, and attributes. If a player uses the "player skill" "steal" / "mug" against another player, only weapons and equipment can be stolen. You cannot use the "player skill" "stealing" / "mug" against other players who are not enemies. Stealing attacks / techniques / skills can only be used during "battle". When used against a player, the chances of "stealing success" vary between 5%, 10%, and 15%. If you use it against non-players, your chances are much higher.
You can collect cards and have the ability to turn enemies into cards like in the game "Final Fantasy VIII". You can play card games with other players, exchange cards, get cards from enemies, treasures, prizes and more. Cards can be converted into items. Strong and rare cards can be turned into the best and rarest items. You can challenge random players / NPCs to "card games" except during "battle". There are card tournaments held in various places. You can listen to or mute the microphone while playing cards. You can also skip directly to playing a card game from the title menu, which has a server that you can enter just to play cards. All cards and items are shared between characters in the actual game and in the title screen card game. There are different card game rules in different places. If no rules are set, players will either play with the agreed rules or the rules will be randomly selected. The player who becomes the "boss" of a zone can choose the card rules for that zone. Players who become "King" / "Queen" can choose the card rules of the card game that "King" / "Queen" plays.
Author Jeffrey Robert Palin Jr.
submitted by Jeff_Chileno to gameideas [link] [comments]

Dear Housing For All, I need your help with Homelessness

I am certain I have found an idea that will change everything for them in the USA, for all of them. Will you be their sponsor? They need leaders. They need someone unafraid and with the drive to change the world. I want to Give this idea to everyone so that it can't be had by a single person. It needs officers. I am Autistic so I can't do this alone. I think everyone could make this together. I am sorry if I am not doing this right. I am new to reddit. so here it is: Camp Begin Again for the homeless
I hope Robert Riech sees this. And maybe the LA musician Elvis Summers. Wouldn't it be awesome if someone like Elon Musk saw it? Anyway, it's okay if you need to delete this. I understand I'm probably not doing this right, but I had to give this idea to someone. I'm a disabled nobody so I'm not the man.

I made a gofundme for you. Here you go, please save the world. Thank you.
GoFundMe asked me to tell my story, but this isn't my story. It's the story of millions of lost Americans who are suffering. I can't do much, but at least I have what I think is a good idea. It doesn't offend people with freebe handouts. It would only need help to begin but after that it would be entirely self supporting and could entirely end homelessness in America. A place to go where they can work to become unhomeless with just a little outside help. This idea could be the best thing ever. It sounds crazy, I know, but how could it not work. Here it is, EVERYONE, just ask for my notes and I'll be happy to share. You can do with it what they like and add your own ideas and notes. Just please don't steal the idea for personal profit.
The Venue Resort in the beautiful valleys of Arizona where there is nearly year round sunshine to plan all your special and important life's events, weddings, birthday's anniversaries, family get together in a place the homeless have started new lives and careers. The Venue Resort would be the benefactor of the homeless, held by a carefully selected group of trustees who would agree to only be paid a reasonable salary to oversee the Venue Resort and Camp Begin Again.
The Camp Begin Again would legally be a camp with powered spaces for tents, RVs, trailers, or even just their sleeping bag if that's all they got. Then help them to build a shelter that can protect them, keep them warm, and where they can rest their heads. A clinic medical and psychiatric help, a substance abuse treatment center, a college extension center, a schoolhouse, and so much more that would prevent homelessness, get the mentally ill the help they need, give the people the help they need to survive with decency. ' And the camp will always be there to catch them if they fall and help them get back up again. It would help them get a home and become citizens again, rather than what we have made them.
I can't give much but I can still hold a hammer and manage a few hours out of these bones.
I would love nothing more than to share my notes with you all maybe to add your own ideas or to even join in leading this idea with me. Please discuss this with everyone. Please understand these are notes, not prose. Here's what I have so far, please don't take the idea away for personal profit:

Phases of overall plan Part 1: Found Non-profit Mission plan Write mission statement/constitution Basic homeless campground Work on camp begins tent and portable structure spots planned and set up for first workers portable support buildings put in place (food, shower, porta pottys, etc) Planning of site buildings Water Power Construction of camp-ship starts RV sites built Cabins built Mini trailer park (rented land) Full size Trailer park (rented land) Construction of permanent buildings Opening of all facilities
Phases of overall plan Part 2: Break ground on Resort Planning for Zones and layout of everything Set up portable construction buildings Begin the massive landscaping project Lay out and build water system Lake Golf course Start construction on the shops Start construction on main buildings and hotel Finish main buildings and shops Open Golf course, hotel, and main buildings Begin Dome Begin construction on Lakeside venues Finish & open lakeside Begin Fairway Finish & open Fairway Begin Desert Finish & open Desert Finish & open Dome Begin Ranch Finish & open Ranch Begin Medieval Begin Elven Finish & open Elven Begin Fantasy Begin Arena Finish & open Fantasy Finish & open Arena Finish & open Medieval
Estimate 1 Billion dollars to build
(a green venue) Venues Resort and Studio
Shuttles back and forth to Phoenix twice a day Would this be considered a resort? Probably. Creating dreams. Make your dreams come true Packages from website customizable. Discounts increase with each option added for your venue. All prices include tax (foreigners hate this about America). Good benefits for all staff. All wait staff are fully paid per hour. None of this living on tips shit. Non-profit that benefits homeless Ecosystem biomes 7 Venues: Lake w waterfall, grove, garden, desert, tropical mini, church, golf course, alternate, venue rooms. 4 backup venue rooms for bad weather, grand venue room may be split into 4 50 mini small venue, 100 large venue, 500 venue for golf course and grand room only. Set pieces, sound systems, stages, bars, lighting, the works. blocked off Photo shoot areas Unitarian church Tropical dome with pool, spa, bar, small venue/dance/dine area. Louisiana sectional restaurant - w tunnel of love (Cajun and french food) shops w flowers, jewelry, gifts, pharmacy, dress and tux rentals/purchases with fittings, full photo studio, wedding planers, etc (employed, contractors or business owners?) (Costume and ethnic clothing rental purchase and fitting) Desert style area (can be split into 2 smaller venues) Garden style area (can be split into 2 smaller venues) Grove style area (closed sat 9pm-sun 8am for services) Lake side (waterfall from desert part?) (can be split into 2 smaller venues) Bar and dance club (no reservations) When making venue reservations alternate choice of indoors backup offered and reserved as well as a secondary date for venue in venue contract. Packages with rooms at hotel. tunnel of love uses fancy gondolas with love poofs and an animatronic gondolier We won't have jobs for everyone, but this is mean to be a starting place for the homeless to get back on their feet and a place to employ people with special needs such as veterans with PTSD. Full time Vet for animals. Ranch style venue, separate motel cabins business. Packages with cabins. "barn" venue room. Western style bar Western themed decor Western style restaurant Cabins are studio, 1 bd, 2 bd, 3bd, 4bd, bridal, presidential. Horses, riding trails, etc Church closed to weddings from sat 9pm- Monday 8am and Wednesday service) Lake patrol If done in east mid AZ Greenly co, hotel will be necessary Golf course? If I were to do a hotel/golf course... Hotel would be in turn of last century style w theme sections according to price range. 1-2 person rooms, 2-4 shared rooms that have door between, 1bd suite, 2 bd suite, Bridal suite. Beautiful old Vegas style pool? Maintained and ran separately from venue as For-Profit. Hotel would have hanging gardens, Would have it's own restaurant and badance, and kitchens. Golf course would have mini-golf course. Ran by venue. 24 hour child care, game areas for various ages Teen smoothy, video game, and dance bar (teens and children would be required to wear identifying bands while on the venue premises, hotel is separate Small clinic with doctor on call, nurse, and other staff 24/7 as well as hopefully an ambulance service. Security office able to plan up to a royal family vising. (maybe Harry and Megan could be lured down to officiate in events. Imagine knighting ceremonies for venues.) Dome would act as conservatory. Administration building, aka central nervous system bakery. Teen, child care, and clinic areas in separate area. Mini golf course fenced and gated. No pools in the kiddy areas. 3 age grouped playgrounds, 1 babies and toddlers (indoors), a park for children ages 4-8, park for children ages 9 and older. Skate park with limited liability. Rock climbing business. Child art studio. Gaming systems in every room hotel and cabins. Children's wrist bands are water resistant and are like hospital bands with guardian's phone number, address, allergies (different color band), special needs (different colored band), Teen (13 and above different color band) Limited baby care, (8am-10pm), formulas offered at pharmacy) No children on the golf course unless there is a venue. Key cards will be offered with lanyards for kids. Access to areas is by wrist band. Kitchens will be run by master chef with each section having a head chef who is in charge of each section; French and Cajun restaurant, partially open Asian restaurant, venues, fantasy Cottages and fancy "village" with all that on one side, and medieval them on the other. Ranch will have separate and partially open kitchen with shows of master ranch cook, texas style (lets face it, we love the smell of meat over flame and love watching it cook) Barn style restaurant Fishing Boating (some romance boats) Large venue houseboat (will need lifeguard) small kitchen, bathroom, venue spaces indoor and outdoor (yacht like) Venue docking out over edge of lake in aframe that extends to a large dock balcony and dance area. Non-swimming beach area with photo set up, Hawaiian like theme. Church will be overseen by religious figure. Church accepts donation money for the homeless. Would like to have access to priests, preachers, ministers, etc who could step in to officiate. Pest control Planners would handle all events and may specialize. Planners would also work with filmographers and universities. All trash is to be recycled either by private business or on site. 0 landfill goal Will be a mass example of water recycling Lay layer of clay, lay layer of pond lining or waterproof concrete?, layer of gravel layer of flat rocks, layer of soil for grass, grass on top. PVC piping will channel water into underground resuscitate to be recycled into the lake water system.
Water cleaning system for lake (no swimming), bayou in restaurant, golf course, and other non bathing/drinking waters.
Bakery would always have backup cakes ready. All good food leftovers are donated to the homeless cafeteria.
Entire thing run by board of trustees. Limits on trustee salaries and benefits as well as limit on trustees changing the constitution of the organization. Mission statement will start with the dedication to help homeless out of homelessness. Mission statement is not to make huge sums of money or overcharge clientele Mission statement to build dreams. Assistance in helping homeless develop businesses around Venue's. Negotiable deposits.
Employees have electronic wristbands that work for both communication and to allow them access to areas they are allowed to be in. Savings plans for people saving up for a wedding. Theme weddings packages include decor for various wedding types of racial or religious tones. For example Hindi wedding decor.
All soaps watershed safe Will use sustainable green cleaning, all solar and wind energy. All used water is collected in a retaining lake, lake runs streams through Phytoremediation and other filtration. Toilets on completely separate system. Can used the cleaned gray water. Recycled sewage...? methane collection? burning? Water is checked regularly once it is ran through system. Fish in lake to help clean the water. (maybe someday I'll have my Elven venue) Greenhouse raised fruits and Veggies? Professional fireworks Golf course only watered at night. Power for cars in parking lots Bring your own stuff options available for venues that wish to save money by buying their own. Community business partnerships Jobs for homeless.
Business plan set out in phases: 1) layout and landscape planning for lake, ranch, golf course, hotel, conservatory, venue building, green houses, homeless land/rv/tent/cabin park, and resources buildings,(transportation to and from venue's). 2) architecture planning around all that, yikes 3) listing of all the necessary permits, loads I'd imagine 4) contractors 5) materials costs 6) building costs
Themes: Medieval Generic Garden Lake Elven Ranch Desert Western Hippy Celtic Buddhist Hindi Africana Asian Grecian Middle Eastern
Religions: Atheist nondenominational Buddhist Hebrew Christian Catholic Mormon Hindu Other religion
Graduations (will have to block out weeks for these), birthdays, anniversaries, Events, festivals, weddings, family gatherings, romantic get aways (valentines blocked off for this), cosplay, meetings, holidays, baptisms, confirmations, bar mitzvah, etc
Guests will be put into one of these groups/parties.
Outdoor Stone arena, Greek style. Fancy indoor theater. shows, plays, musicals, events, presentations, etc
Rodeo arena for rodeo events.
Medieval castle study as I have drawn out before but probably lost so I'll add that on. Will let people live like the medieval, perfect for cosplay, fairs, filming, festivals, living as a peasant or royal, castle is a hotel but with the medieval experience. (fake lighting made to look like candles and such) Students of green study welcome to use projects here. University partnerships (yes I want to compete with France for a total build of a medieval castle with techniques of the day. People would pay to do this LOL)
Hire people in security that specialize in Karen handling. Professionally dressed security and regular uniformed security.
Machining shop, wood shop, plaster shop, animatronics IT & electronics drones, costuming shop, vehicle shop, art shop, lighting shop, small film studio, etc. All shops would both employ and train homeless with university partnership.
There should always be spare suites unoccupied in case of changes or room problems.
Structure Mission statement Board of Trustees Directors Contractors Management Supervisors
Departments Ranch zone, Medieval zone, Contractors, Lake zone, Environmental Control, Hotel, Venue Restaurants and kitchens, etc, cabins, Elven zone, Golf courses, arena, theater, conservatory, Desert Zone,
With the lessors and contractors rental space funds go to the non-profit as well as agreement to hire half homeless or students and work with Universities?
Phase 1 Organization and planning, and outreach to anyone Phase 2 designs Phase 3 presenting Phase 4 acquiring funds Phase 5 designs Phase 6 contracts Phase 7 start construction Phase 8 build basic environmental structures for entire plan Phase 9 build support buildings Phase 10 Generic venues, lake, golf course, hotel, dome Phase 11 build set parts for venues Phase 12 Open Phase 13 build Desert Phase 14 build ranch Phase 15 build cabins Phase 16 build theater and arenas Phase 17 Begin construction and filming on Medieval project. Phase 18 build Elven Phase 19 build fantasy area Phase 20 complete and open Medieval area
All venues and areas have closing times. Cleaning and set up crews work between 2-7am. carriages, wagons, limos, rickshaw, horses, party bus, as options for the "special people". Venue planning tour free with Hotel room stay. Limited tour hours and days. Try to keep Wednesday free of venues for work on everything or large set up for events.
Funds go toward homeless support, payback of investors, and help in money making reserve for periods of economic downturn.
County and city tax breaks to people who build in thematic and attractive style. (yes, ugly shit has a higher tax rate)?
Fancy turnstiles and doors that are opened with bracelet? Keeps people out that don't belong. Care givers scan bracelets to release children to listed guardians. Rooms with oxygen machines, powered carts, wheel chairs, walkers, and care assistants available upon request. It's all about love. Perhaps forest acreage for horse back hunting later. Timing of events and noise buffering between venues will be a must. Maybe scenic buffer zones with offices and shops between, of course pretty fronts.
In Greenlee County AZ lots and lots of ready to develop land. Would need 4 separate sites, 1 for medieval/fantasy/elven, 1 for resort, 1 for aqua/agriculture, other for homeless living?
Desert Zone Ranch & Rodeo Zone Lake Zone
Golf Course Zone Elven Zone Garden Main Venue Zone
Dome Zone Hotel Zone Medieval Zone
Fantasy Zone Arena Zone Fairway Zone
------Non-venue Revenue------ Club and Bar Hotel Shops Louisiana Style Romance Restaurant Fancy Restaurant Golf Course Mini Golf Course Lake boats Fishing (number limited, specific areas) Shops
--------------HOMELESS-------------------- asafeplacetobe.org as a website?
bar mitzvah
A Place To Go. Buy a large swath of farmland, and have it insured by camp ground insurance.
Have a main facility that would incorporation medical, social, and economic supports Free Clinic with full psychiatric services full SSA State Welfare State Work program or vocational rehabilitation facilities. HUD ID services Police Kiosk office of veterans affairs
Ban on all Alcohol and Drug use outside of the medical facility where medications are kept, including marijuana. Inside medical facility there will be area's set aside for use of pot, the pills will be dispensed via nurse, agreement to live in camp is agreement to psychiatric and medication management.
Big Water Well, sell the excess
Gym with swimming pool, lockers, and full bathroom support.
Cafeteria Income based as low as $1 month space rental, can be paid by anyone. Building of temporary and mobile structures permitted by per approved structure plans. Free movable foundation frame (wheeled, flatbed, or fork lifted)
Recycling Factory under separate LLC outfitted similarly to Savers. Perhaps stores of some sort like Savers? Some income that helps the homeless and gives them a job to start with.
Perhaps also a company that builds tiny homes, campers, and sheds.
Camps have single outlet for use and a marked out space to use.
Buildings built with sustainability in mind.
Community sustainability projects within camp.
Bus program for A Place to Go.
Eventually a Full psychiatric hospital and connected group homes.
An association for the needy with president, 2 financial officers, secretary, and others as an important part of reincorporation into society but also to be certain they have a voice.
A "town hall" for the people, where voting can also take place.
A post office box center offering free boxes or low rent boxes.
Would love to have a lake or river where anyone could fish and the fish would be restocked.
Have a farming area to give people something to do if they cannot work in manufacturing.
Resort jobs and training.
Unitarian Church
---Things can be checked out like in a library Art studio Mechanics shop Library Wood shop Crafts Studio Auto shop Online artisan's etsy room for selling?
The Temple of Man, over seen by the Unitarian Church, created by the homeless as the next wonder of the world the Temple is the home of the Forsaken.
All water is recycled. All farming in water conservationist green houses.
Our Association met it's Month's water saver goals.
Experiments in aquatic sustainability in farming.
Cisterns under each greenhouse holds reservoirs of water
Community room, TV, Games, Internet/computers, music, dry-bar, etc
Rainwater catchment
Open for Students in various studies to participate and do research into homelessness, sustainability, and other social research papers, as well as experimental projects by universities to change things.
This could be a very grand human decision that anyone could participate in, to do something about homelessness. Your part in it is your investment into a better future for ALL of mankind.
No practice of religious law that violates local, state, federal, and campground rules, regulations, or laws.
No physical abuse or sexual abuse allowed.
This is a shelter land, you are a leaser and agree to camp rules, this is not a home rental, you are renting a camping place and the same laws do not apply as in residences.
The American Flag will always wave.
Transition to housing plan.
All trash is to be recycled either by private business or on site. 0 landfill goal
Greenlee County, AZ https://www.landandfarm.com/property/14681_Acres_in_Greenlee_County-9709848/
sustainability, conservation, recycling
1) Incorporation of Organization as a non-profit with all proceeds going into this project and profits held for the benefit of the homeless in supporting camp first, transition to home second. Profits over a certain amount reserve amount will be turned into grants to help homeless people buy homes.
Transition involves, HUD, Habitat for Humanity, and other housing organizations to help physically and financially.
Goal is to end homelessness in America and to have a safe place for people to lay their heads when they have no other home. When done (homelessness ended) transitions to habitat for humanity, when done, transitions to some other form of charity.
Next goal: save the world
-------financial-------- must calculate how much it will cost for the homeless camp then use that to figure out how much profit the resort would have to make to support it
submitted by CommonMisbelief to housingforall [link] [comments]

🔺A MUST-READ vast post on Gang Stalking🔺TRUTH: 'Illuminati' & their "The Spiritual & Psychic Experience Simulator" to Radicalize, Experiment On & Social Engineer targets fortTheir 'One World Order' agenda... 🤔 >>> Post 1 of 2

I strongly suggest that you read the whole post - it all ties together &, more crucially, you will build a working mental framework for analyzing your own situation with independent thought instead of accepting facts or one theory from an inherently dishonest targeting community. The post is nearly 10.000 words, or about 20 A4-pages - it's not about my story or testimony but about gang stalking & its mult-facetted nature. Aside from this, I recommend you checking in the links & references at the end of the post which some are to my older posts (where you can learn more about the "A.I" & how it ties to i.e. "demon possession", or just view my posting history on Reddit which is easier to track the information flow as it is mostly chronological.
Feel free to share this post or information. It may help many people understand their life as targets but also as perpetrators. I apologize for any spelling or grammer errors, I don't check that as I write mostly on the top of my head.
LIFE SAVING ADVICE FOR GANG STALKING TARGETS: be extremely careful in what you choose to believe in the online targeting community - question everything until you get a straight answer for your particular targeting. The answer you seek must come from your own experience & not what other say they've experienced or whatever is claimed. The more fantastical claims require equally fantastical evidence. This post is meant for you to be able to form questions about the topics at hand & thus be critical to the information online. Moderators might even remove this post for being too truthful or revealing.


I respect all faiths, perspectives & religions; these posts is for the purpose of finding the truth. Keep in mind this simple truth: "Illuminati" is an elite network within Freemasons, Zionists, Jesuits & co. as well as these elite secret societs/orders/sects (including "witches/warlocks") control & influence all other groups in society in various ways - they're top of the pyramid, sponsors of the Gang Stalking operation. I call them the "cult". Furthermore, as I titled the post as my truth, there will be psychological projections in the information & knowledge I present, however, I like to think my vast experience of being gang stalked along with my background in academic studies & science research methodology presents this for greater & deeper understanding of the objecyibely accurate & actual targeting operations & motivations. I hope you gain wisdom & insight from this post. I'm a scientist & try to view this from empirical data, however, the amount of misinformation & disinformation is huge, thus I base most of this information presented which I can confirm with my own experience as a target.
This post presents concepts in a rather cynical view yet that is what is required to come to the truth of it all, I believe. We must keep our heads straight logical & rational while connecting the huge amounts of dots between many overlapping concepts & theories about "Gang Stalking" (Targeted Individuals). My main view on it is from a psychological & informational operations as well as cyber & social media operations point-of-view. "Spiritual operations" is secondary as it's used heavily in targeting community by perpetrators to explain it, while completely ignoring the more ground-to-earth & rational exlanation focused on how information is spread through communication technology & used humans by psychological operations & a basic general "A.I." for belief & behaviour modification & influence. This is without a doubt a form of de-programming, programming & (God/Satan) social conditioning of a target by a target's direct & indirect environment both online & offline.
The infamous targeting personality "whistle-blower" self-proclaimed CIA scientist Dr Robert Duncan, written two books on targeting ("Project: Soul Catcher" 2010 & "How to tame a Demon" 2014), claims to have worked for the "Illuminati". Likewsie, ex Illuminati & Illuminati expert, & a high-ranking (ex?) Freemasons, Leo Zagami has written similar topical books as Dr Duncan - one is about "CyberSatan". However, Dr Robert Duncan has confessed that he, in fact, is an CIA paid perpetrator to do psychological experiments on the targeting community - here's a link to his confession; point is that "Illuminati" is behind targeting with its vast network including CIA assets: https://exposinginfragard.blogspot.com/2014/09/robert-duncan-confesses-i-am-perp.html - what Dr Duncan says is that he is a sophisticated perpetrator that wants to lead a target away from God. He also suggests a separation of church & state, implying that both church & state are behind targeting which undoubtably seems to be the case.
There seems to a lot of former drug addicts in the targeting community. I have no explanations to this overrepresentation, then again, the black community is also vastly overrepresented in the targeting community. It may have something to do with churches & help organizations towards vulnerable people actual target these as indicated by the article I analyze further down the post. Viewing it from a Catholic & demonology perspective, drugs invites demon spirits & possession by evil spirits. Sinning & sexual immorality also invites these spirits. There any plenty of sources on targeting & testimonies that pro-claim some kind of spiritual experience or finding God from drug use, indeed. I write more about the further down the post.
Like a bad joke, regarding getting high on drugs or other things, it like the targeting community is either about getting high or somehow reach the Most High God. There's is a connection here which needs further investigation.
In a sense. it seems, this is about spirits, personas, possessions, demonology & so on, using psychological & informational operations through communication technology & social media, to achieve some occultic, psiritual & esoteric agenda tied to, for example, anthroposophy (existence of a objective spirit world). This might be one of the research areas of the high-level sponsors of gang stalking. Question relevant: is a target guided (mind controlled) by spiritual guidance or MK ULTRA-type mind control guide? Who is really influencing (programming) target? Is this done by the Most High or Illuminati masters?
However, it seems, at the end of the day, it's about no-touch belief & behavior modification & influence through various psychological operations such as conditioning, reverse psychology, "gaslighting" (throug vast amount of misinformation & disinformation), questioning one's nature of reality & so on. THIS is simply mind control oriented to affect your thoughts, emotions, beliefs & so on, it's done through mainstream media (e.g. Hollywood), social media (Facebook, Twitter) aas well as local social circle - they may or may not know they're a part of a de facto mind control operation disguised as something else. Their goal is to catch you ATTENTION, when they have it, they can employ various psychological operations. Their main way is this:
Give a target ATTENTION but IGNORE a targets interaction with you (perpetrator). This means a perpetrator uses well-know-for-target triggers, sensitizations, emotion, preferences & so to catch ATTENTION. By IGNORING means not responding to a targets efforts to chat with a target, instead using indirect methods for "communication". When confronted by the target, a perpetrator is to deny any attempts to capture a target's attentions & thus also gasligh the target. This happens both online & offline, in a target's social circle & outside. The whole goal is to ignore & deny that this is happening - them stealing your attention (energy or whatever they believe) in order to do many things such as sending thoughts or influence via customized social media posts or directed convesrations. The data gathered from the "interactions" is sent to the "cult" handlers which have contacted perpetrators, in turn used to feed the basic "A.I." to further influence the target via Internet (computer & cellphone) & social media operations (& also mainstream media). In one particular perspective, this is like conditioning a target being attacked by God/Satan or demons/angels, as "mind reading" seems to be a central theme in it all.
What I can give targeting community is to compile & connect vast amounts of information as to gain an interdisciplinary understanding of the targeting community's various theories & ideas. My understanding is that you can't understand what is happening by having ONE theory - the whole targeting agenda is designed to spread misinformation & disinformation as well as perpetrators being dishonest for the purpose of affecting the minds of targets in a negative way.
MY GIFT FOR YOU is my research as a real target that happens to be experienced in academic research. However, as much of targeting is done to misinform & disinform, take even this post with caution but do not ignore the substance because many perpetrators actually believe in this even hough the sponsors see it in a different way which is more of a belief/behavior modification operation. They all work for the same agenda, knowing or unknowing which is to take control over a targets mind by many different ways - whatever works seems to be a guideline.
I want you to think critically & not accept ANY theory but QUESTION everything. There's a need for objective thought leading through the information mess in targeting community. I tend to view it from a broader & high-level point-of-view. At the end of the day, it's belief/behavior modification of targets for various objectives - non-consentual social, human, psychological & spiritual experiment (research).


I'm a male in my early 30s living in the peaceful Sweden, with extensive background in running businesses as well as I have extensive experience in entreprenuership & academia. It puts me in a unique position to critically analyze the whole targeting community, especially as the "cult" has done hard targeting for more than seven years. Since high school (c. 2006) have I been covertly targeted, & from 2013 I have been overtly (hard) targeted by the "cult" in many various ways. The first years of hard targeting, they seem to be HIGHLY interested in knowing who I am, what I do, what I plan to do, what I think, how I react & so on. This has ultimately made my life much difficult & I have been mostly depressed or in a down mood for the last seven years. Most of my social network online & offline get recruited by the "cult" to do these psychological (what they call "spiritual") operations against me, while I have objected against it ever since I discovered that a group of people is coordinating this behind my back with my family & friends' help. Only this betrayal is enough to make any day unbearable. Following ill-health & quite frankly sabotage of jobs, businesses, friendships & so on, I would have been a millionarie by now if not for "Gang Stalking" - this is the real truth. They know, I know it, my family & friends know it - & they know fully well WHY I am pissed off. What do they expect when the "cult" has been pulling strings behind my back since high school to make my life harder which it already was & is? The "cult" expects targets to act out & that the social circle will act rationally & perhaps call the police or recommend help from mental health professonal. All of it is expected, as told in countless testimony videos (most done by perpetrators, though). There's a reason for them hating mental health professionals which I mention further down the text.
I have NOT been subject to any advanced weapons mentioned by some in the targeting community, such as directed-energy weapons, nanodust, bodily implants & so one. Therefore, I will not go into that, though I believe only 1-3 percent of gang stalking victims are actually exposed to exottic weaponry such as the DEW - gang stalking is first & foremost a psychological attack by various means. However, I have been hard targeted since 2013 by a basic general "A.I." through the Internet & social media operations much like described in the documentary "The Great Hack". I write about it further down the post. This technique of targeting through data & social media is used by MANY actors in society, not only military-intellligence but also churches & secret societies. One more thing: I have never heard a voice in my head that isn't my own. "V2K" is another weapon used as excuse for a natual condition where 10-15 percent of population hear some kind of voice in their head (scentifically determined) - in other words: it's normal & not a sign of V2K is used or mental illness. Don't trust the propaganda in targeting community - do your own research!
What they do is to play games with a target's mind & life. MOST of targets online are in fact perpetrators, which is a tactic they use to lure targets into building a bond for the undercover perpetrators to later use to influence a target's mind, emotions, thinking & ultimately life. They wan everyone to think it's "demons" or "mind control technology" & so on that make perpetrators act against their will, in fact they're recruited by the "cult" to help do psychological operations against a target under various false premisses & ideas. It's simply a belief & behaviour modification & influence operation with deadly serious ambitions which sometime end in suicide, murder or murder-suicide, such as in targets Aaron Alexis, Myron May & Gavin Long. The "cult" & their perpetrators don't seem to care for the dangers this has & still do it all - & no one wants to admit it or expose the true agenda behind it, or what they know.
The general notion in the targeting community is that there's a world war going on between good & evil, between the soulful & soulless, between government & faith, between the military & the people, between the conscious community & the "unawaken", between empaths & psychopaths/narcissist, even between the dead (matter of definitiion such as: soulless dead) & the living. It is thought that this is a battle for the soul or spirit of targets but also the wider society. The consciousness & spiritual community seem to have gained large footing in the targeting community the last 1-2 years while the narrative of advanced weapons & technology has lessened quite drastically. Now, it seems, it's abot finding God/Jesus as saviors from gang stalking (as gang stalking is done by Satan/demons) - I go into this further down the post.
Most basically, they want o put thoughts in a target's head thus influence thoughts, behaviour, emotions & so on. It's rooted in predictive programming & other more occultic & esoteric concepts such as Law of Manifestation. Again, these occultic & esoteric (New Age) concepts have been weaponized by greater powers of the world such as "Illuminati" which use i.e. NSA to fulfil their agenda.
Personally, I don think most perpetrators online believe in anything specific, rather they take orders from the "cult" & change accordingly.
Basically, they want to take control & influence a target's mind, heart & soul by occultic & esoteric techniques using plenty of methods, techniques, tools & so on, such as psychological operations, cyber operations, information operations & even "spiritual operations" which is tied to weaponized faith, superstition, "Black Magick", religious beliefs & so on. The CIA & co. have done extensive research in how to turn give belief of "superpowers" to friendly resources in enemy environments as to motivate to act against the enemy under great odds & big risks. This was already researched in the 50s so today it's more than proven & thus used for various agendas, especially on friendly population with sponsors of Gang Stalking wish to influence. Convincing New Agers, spiritual or religious groups or individuals to participate in such experiments or operations is very easy, apperantly - everyone wants to research the area & "help out". In actuality, it's non-consentual social & psychological experiments which the powers-to-be (e.g. CIA, research organizations, secret societes) have done for decades against unknowing groups & individuals.
In one of many perspectives, they create total chaos ("Chaos Magick", or Freemasonic motto "Order out of Chaos") to effectively social engineer & psychologically operate a target by making the target to choose their "true path" ("follow their heart") from all the chaos & confusion artificially created. This can be done with simulating Bible concepts & demonology (spirit possession, personas) as in perpetrators become "possessed" (by demons or the handlers/sponsors of gang stalking) thus act out to interact with a target. New Age concepts also overlap here, especially to do with consciousness expansion & the mind as well as with spirit transformation & possession.
This experiment & operation is DESIGNED to not be revealed publically & officially - their main weapon to keep it a secret is (weaponized) psychiatry & society agents such as police. Targeting shooting events such as Myron May's (FSU Shooting) tried to raise awereness about targeting in 2014, but to no prevail.


Gang stalking is about attacking a persons mind, heart & soul by contacting a target's social circle online & offline to convince for sending subliminal & non-subliminal messages through social media posts, behavior, directed conversations & so on. Everything written to the perpetrators is reported back to the "cult" which uses the information in real-time to psychologically "attack" a target further by one one of many means. The "cult" would like to say "Satan" knows everything about the target - in reality, at best, they imitate/simulacra "Satan" as well as demons, angels or fallen angels to convince a target & society to get along with massive illegal spying & psychological operations which they call "Spiritual Warfare (Operations)". In fact, it's a brilliant way as there is 100 000s & millions of believing person in ech country that would be happy to join in a "Spiritual Operation" in the name of God/Jesus or Satan/Lucifer. Perpetrators (both offline & online) are EXTREMELY willing to do what the "cult" wants, even do physical damage to themselves for the purpose of affecting the target somehow. I know what ridiculous "sacrifices" & acts my friends & family have done through the years for the "cult" agenda.
This is partly done through hypnosis. Perpetrators don't have to be professional hypnosis practitioners & the target doesn't have to agree to be a subject to hypnosis in order for it to work. This is done to affect the subconscious & repeat a message enough, it becomes a core value in a target hence it's belief & behaviour modification.
They believe (& manipulate) GOD or SATAN (& nature) communicate in various ways, through: synchronicities, dreams, intuition, psychic faculties, signs, omens, & especially symbols. Most of these exist in the subconscious hence there's a tremendous effort to influence & affect a target's subconscious by i.e. symbols. Point is: all to "LEAD" (covertly influence) targets towards a certan (SPIRITUAL) PATH (radicalization) - known as BELIEF/BEHAVIOR MODIFICATION.


However you view this operation known as gang stalking, it is treated as a (CIA) "Black Operation" - perpetrators only get enough information about the target as to somehow send subliminal & non-subliminal messages (through behavior or directed conversation) because the perpetrator is somehow in position to influence the target - all from low-level street peopel to high-level government employees. I know this from experience. It seems they use a few cover stories or motivation, one is it's "religious or spiritual warfare". These type of operations are extremely complex with most involved has no idea who is recruited perpetrator & who is a real target. BUT be sure that there ARE fake targets in the targeting community that are there to keep an eye on everything & gather data on targets (i.e. Dr Horton), especially when the operations becomes too complex & complicated, agents are sent in to understand where the operation is. A Black Operation is intended to be kept secret & out of mainstream media, only the top managers & sponsors of the operation actually know what it realy is & its agenda. Furthermore, it is common in such operations to have one or few false targets or perpetrators to test other perpetrators, sometimes to play one off another in order to gain trust of the target.
Masses today are brinwashed to believe they can't be brainwashed. In reality, the mind control concepts of MK ULTRA & other projects by Deep State are being deployed on the masses on a mass scale & not only through Hollywood (predictive prorgramming. The text below comes from a CIA document; however, I want to highlight some of the points of method listed beforehand (I'm sure I'm going to piss off some of the "Gang Stalkers" that believe this is about religion, Bible & Christ (consciousness) but they deserve it for playing games with my emotions, mental health & overal life):
1. Abuse and torture13. Sleep deprivation16. Drugs to create illusion, confusion, and amnesia, often given by injection or intravenously22. Forced to perform or witness abuse, torture and sacrifice of people and animals, usually with knives25. Spiritual abuse to cause victim to feel possessed, harassed, and controlled internally by spirits or demons26. Desecration of Judeo-Christian beliefs and forms of worship; dedication to Satan or other deities27. Abuse and illusion to convince victims that God is evil, such as convincing a child that God has abused her28. Surgery to torture, experiment, or cause the perception of physical or spiritual bombs or implants29. Harm or threats of harm to family, friends, loved ones, pets, and other victims, to force compliance30. Use of illusion and virtual reality to confuse and create non-credible disclosure
Wonder why they abuse targets? It's a twisted way for them to do psychological operations, mind programming & behavior modifications through trauma-based tactics & some aspects of mind control as they want targets to follow their plans for targets. Point 25 illutsrates exactly what they want us to experience & believe which is that we are somehow poossessed rather than it being a result of year-long trauma-based abuses online & offline.
Point 26 & 27 directly attacks God/Jesus & religion as a whole, making targets lose belief in God due to torture & abuse when it obviously doesn't help at all. My question is: are the community "agents" pushing targets to turn for God/Jesus just to get disappointed after realizing it doesn't help at all? PTSD, trauma, emotional instability, depression, economic destitude & so on are very real effects of both short-term & long-term targeting - are they claiming that God/Jesus will magically make them stop & instead help a target heal from YEARS of conditioning & programming?
Targets are PROFESSIONALLY PROGRAMMED & CONDITIONED - low-level perpetrators are used for many reasons, one is to distract the public from who really is sponsoring it, another is, of course, to social engineer & psychologically operate a target's mind & life.
However, modern form of "MK ULTRA" is NOT mind control or brain control, the modern form is core based in "Intepretation Control" & "Perception Management". With the ability to control & influence of intepretation & perception through social media operations & social circle, they create a flowchart of manners, actions & behaviors for achieving a desired perception in the target in a timely fashion, as to the control the ideas in the target which controls the conclusions thus ultimately decisions - it's a new BREED of Monarch & self-empowered "Super Soldiers" or "Mind Control Slaves" depending on the objective of targeting. The methods, tools & tactics they use:
A target is deliberately hidden from the mechanics on how the "Gang Stalking" works especially the psychological operations & information operations on social media. Much of it looks like "magic" (sleight-of-hand) for targets that haven't been information of what they're actually subjected to. The whole "Gang Stalking" is:
  1. Meant to read thoughts, emotions & such, to be externalized
  2. Meant to be seen, heard, felt (even the extreme operations of "illuminati")
  3. Meant have a mental & emotional effect
  4. All experience to be internalized (many times over time)
  5. Condition a behavior, belief, intepretation, perception
  6. Change a target in various ways
  7. Reinforce programming, behaviors, beliefs
Furthermore, they're using technology, New Age ideas, spirituality & religion to mind program & then social engineer real targeted individuals through; keep in mind that programming & social engineering HAPPENS ALL THE TIME against the public (the actual system already exist irrelavant to targets), & this is only hypertargeting against a few individuals:
By programming I mean information exposed to the target by force, that otherwise wouldn't be in a targets focus or environment. One example of this is the exposing of how harassment works & how people are easily corrupted & turned against you, then if a target is lucky enough to find out the name of the targeting program, also being exposed to all the information being put out online related to "Gang Stalking" & "Targeded Individuals" online - including information about the Bible, advanced weapons & technology, secret societies, CIA/NSA history & so on. Not to mention the "A.I." that as deployed against me at the same time in 2013 to in fact expose me to certain information online through my PC & smartphone - that "A.I." in actuality is Information Warfare that works with the same principles as described in the Netflix documentary "The Great Hack" (2019) - Cambridge Analytica used big data on US voters to create small group psychological profiles which they used social media advertisment & social media operations to affect the voter forTrump's advantage.
On the topic of Hollywood & it's Satanist/Luciferian ties. What many say SPIRITUAL WARFARE is interchangable with PSYCHOLOGICAL WARFARE as it's all meant to happen in a target's MIND. Now, I don't want to mention (again) US Army PsyOp speicalist Dr Michael Aquino, a person who would have shaped a program such as "Gang Stalking" & using his deep knowledge in psychological & political warfare to create a hybrid with theology (de facto state-recognized "Sprirtual Warfare") & then Satanism/Luciferianism. Aquino authored "MindWar" which whole thesis is to kill free will (gift given by God) by psychological warfare (mind control is a Satanic trait). He also founded the Egyptian-satanic church "Temple of Set" which is founded on doing "Black Magick" & self-deitification. Apperantly Aquino died last years so I guess we can all wish him: burn in hell (maybe he wants that? *pun*).


"Satan" a.k.a. the central group coordinating it all (the "cult") gather data by illegal means (i.e. NSA electronic spying) & share it among selected perpetrator - they want to "simulate" religious & various spiritual concepts while claiming witches, demons, angels & so forth are behind it all - it isn't only "Spiritual Warfare" but a "Hybrid Warfare" mixing elements from psychological, cyber, information & spiritual operations (a.k.a. persecution). The "cult" wants targets to become "chosen" & withnesses to the "Satan Beast System" thus endure this persecution to then be witnesses. That what the "spiritual aspect" of gang stalking believes. Furthermore, they believe empaths are God's people (soul) while soulless are those emotionless psychopaths (born, not created), sociopaths (created, more or less) & narcissists - demons, witches, fallen angels = perpetrators. It seems most of these are far-right religious & spiritual groups with Bible concepts as guide & motivation/justification to iphold the "The Spiritual Experience Simulator" a.k.a. gang stalking.
THE WHOLE THING is meant to look like supernatural, as almost all perpetrators deny it (gaslighting = psychological torture). They (demons, witches, fallen angelse = perpetrators) do anything & everything to trigger a target emotionally, of course family & friends are a part of it believing they're somehow helping by making a target lose their mind in the name of "self-improvement", God, Jesus, Satan or whatever - actually, religious concepts are abused to get away with illegal, unehical & immoral experiments & operations in society & using society. What better way to abuse power than in the name of "helping someone" or upholding religious concepts? Or for a religious agenda for "greater good" or "ends justify the means"?They are HEAVILY into "spirit" possession, meaning stealing people's identity & making people act as "demons" (because they sin or live somehow contraty to Bible/Jesus teachings) to explain why "they gang stalk" - effectively, the "cult" want to possess people around a target as to influence a target, this is done with complete support of family & friends (& most of the offline social circle) as the "cult" is very influential - simple as that. They simple convince people to participate in the targeting. What people don't know is how large the overal social engineering agenda is behind targeting.
The hardest thing to believe for everyone is how vast the social engineering & predictive programming is. Hollywood & main media programming against targets is used, not only social media programming. They really are the "Illuminati".
They use REVERSE PSYCHOLOGY: they gang stalk you to destroy you, when they believe that gang stalking will somehow make you "better" by "helping you managing your emotions" so you radicalize your beliefs while fighting for your life, towards what they want which seems to be religion or spirituality. This includes: ruining jobs, finances, friendships & so on causes average people to SUICIDE. Basically, they want a target to FIGHT the gang stalking done be target's social circle to gather data on it.
"Spirit Science" is what the New Agers calls it, which is a part of the theosopical & anthroposophical society. New Age was originally created & influence by Jesuits. There's a probable case that "Spirit Science" is as well influenced by the Jesuits. They focus on the inconscious, the dead or ghosts, spirits (personas), & possessions by various spirits such as demons.
What they want you to believe: by fighting it is fighting SATAN, which most target hate. But it doesn't matter - they want a target to fight whatever as long as it radicalizes a target. In fact, it's fighting a "cult" controlled by puppet master within Illuminati playing all sides to attack a target.


SATAN (CONTROLS ALL EVIL, GOD OF THIS EARTH, BABYLON, PSYCHOLOGICAL WARFARE) is responsible for microchips (implants), DEW, (evil) A.I., nanodust, deception, witchcraft & so on, which is done by government agents (which far-right Christians hate, as this is SATAN'S world thus SATAN controls all evil) which in turn creates mental & physical pain, ill-health, cancer, demons possession & so forth. So, their logic is: SATAN/demons exist because evil exist through DEW, implants, nanodust, A.I. & so forth - it's psychological tricks to further a religion/spiritual agenda a.k.a. "New World Order". Most perpetrators refer to it as "Spiritual Warfare" which is actually warfare within psychology, information, cyber & spiritual - it's all connected (pun: New Age "one"). Of course, most will claim the objective is suicide which Satan want as it's the ulimate "sin".
Likewise, GOD (CONTROLS ALL GOOD, MOST HIGH GOD OF ISRAEL) is responsible for truth, Christ consciousness, empathy & humanity. However, most of targeting community is dishonest. In my own experience, most perpetrators online claim to be targets.
Keep in mind: the puppet masters (on earth) play both sides against a target based on the target's mind, beliefs, inclination & so forth. This is about radicalizing targets as well as for belief & behavior modification purposes.
Note: they might believe strictly in a "most high God" in which fear of leads to knowledge & wisdom will be given to the faithful. Those who serve Satan will, of ocurse, lie & decceit. They believe in that people are "chosen" by God or spiritual realm, & thus must be targeted in some way. Hence, their most precious gift is the soul, which not everyone has. This sould must be protected at all cost, which is according to Bible.


These divine mystery schools often have ex members of secret societies & military/intelligence. Example: Douglas Gabriel is an ex-NSA employee & ex-Jesuit that works with a news agency called “American Intelligence Media” (connected to the Free Mason & self-confessed “Illuminati” member Leo Zagami - https://leozagami.com/ by his friend John Barnwell that works in the news agency, which he often interviews & discusses with on his Youtube channel) where Douglas writes reports on current events. Douglas is also, more importantly, into anthroposophy (esotericism, existence of spiritual world) & today runs a mystery school “Gospel of Sophia” with his wife. Douglas has already been exposed as a PsyOp & revealed his true nature in an interview with the journalist Jason Goodman (that actually has interviewed targets & talked about gang stalking); here’s a link to it: https://youtu.be/wvWCR_Z6wWk


They see "Satan's mind" like a computer, which the "A.I." is possessed by.
Picture a hologram, a projector that can read the top most layer of your active thoughts, it uses these thoughts which are usually closely connected with your id to create a perceived reality in your mind so as to give you a unique experience in life.This experience is customized to your particular wants, needs, thoughts, desires, & fears. It will mine your immediate thoughts for people that you connect with strongly for whatever reasons. These reasons can be that you are afraid of them, you show any intense emotion towards them, or you are subordinate to them in some way.The intent of this system is to program you into a form of compliance, this compliance is setup as a tiered system based on your pliability, or gullibility.
Possible outcomes are endless from murdesuicide, to computing crimes, to standing on the corner & talking to yourself, etc.Information is key in this operation, so every fact, effect, want or desire is cataloged & used accordingly to further the goals of the program. It's a systematic scraping of human consciousness so that very little is wasted.A side effect of this program is the modification of your id to suit the special job that they have you figured for, for most of us I believe it to be suicide. I also imagine that this is dependent on your mental, emotional, physical, spiritual, compatibility factors & multiplied by your pliability. This also may be mined from your active thoughts.
The main process by which these objectives are met is through a very advanced & predictive A.I. It can analyse patterns throughout your entire life, both internally* & externally* & much of this can be done so fast on the fly that you it's almost imperceptible that you're being led around simply by keeping one step ahead of your active thoughts.By being able to capture your impression of people that are close to you, it can manipulate you into believing any number of different scenarios & affect your behavior & thought patterns in any number of ways. There is an inevitable prediction matrix that is based on game theory & will produce a pattern of predictability & therefore control in your responses & actions.


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