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Héctor Bellerrez from The Last Narc - evidence of lies

I think CIA was into a drugs. But that doesn't mean I will believe everything what Berrellez says. So I did some amateur investigation and was able to find out that The Last Narc is full of half-truth and lies. It's not a personal opinion. It's a fact. Anytime you click on a link, you will see the evidence. Anyway, remember this quote of The Last Narc' director:
"We have absolutely zero latitude for fictionalizing or dramatizing anything."
Kiki investigating Rancho Búfalo in Chihuahua
Berrellez told us that he always thought that Camarena was killed because he investigated huge marijuana plantations in Chihuahua. Until he met his old good friend. And only thanks to him, he discovered the shocking truth: "Kiki didn't investigate Búfalo - it's only lie of DEA to hide the truth!"
Well, if he really thought that Camarena was working on Búfalo, then Berrellez was without a doubts the worst agent in history of DEA. Nobody ever from DEA told that Búfalo was Kiki's work. Why? Because everybody at the DEA (except Berrellez..) knows that each DEA office has own area, for it is responsible.
Agents from Guadalajara office did investigations in these states: Nayarit, Zacatecas, Jalisco, Aguascalientes, San Luis Potosí, Guanajuato, Michoacán and Colima. No Chihuahua. No Veracruz.
Even Camarena himself told his investigators during the torture that raid in Chihuahua was job of DEA's office in Hermosillo. What do you think? Did Berrellez, as a Leyenda supervisor, hear tapes from that torture?
But I like the idea that Berrellez, head of DEA's office in Mazatlán (Sinaloa) in 1987, didn't know for which area he is responsible. What did he investigate? Drug traffickers in Chiapas? Growers of poppy in Afghanistan?
Miguel Ángel Félix Gallardo wants to kill Héctor!
Despite Félix was one of the least violent and one of the most intelligent drug lords ever ... despite he saw the disastrous aftermatch of murder of DEA agent Camarena because pressure of Americans ... he put a contract on Berrellez' head! Even Félix knew that Héctor is world-class agent and he is a danger for his operations!
Back to the reality. I really don't know if anybody wanted to kill Berrellez. I know only this: in his interview in 1998, Héctor told that it was Manuel Salcido Uzeta (El Cochiloco), who put a contract on his head.. Narco like narco, so why not to use the name of that more famous, hm? But who was most famous drug lord in Mexico? El Chapo! So after 35 years, when Chapo became world-famous thanks to his tunnel escape, for the first time ever, we could hear that Joaquín Guzmán Loera killed Americans in restaurant La Langosta as a head of Los Dormidos. Fact, that Los Dormidos were Torres Ochoas brothers, is irrelevant.
Héctor's incapable predecessors used to investigate New York mafia
First Leyenda supervisor was William 'Bill' Coonce. No, he and his colleagues didn't work on New York mafia. Coonce was head of Cocaine Investigation Section, responsible for all investigations of Cali and Medellín Cartels. Héctor, have you heard of them?
I'm sorry, I'm mean. I know that Berrellez most likely had in mind second Leyenda supervisor - Carlo Boccia. He really worked as an agent in charge in New York. Héctor only forgot to mention that Boccia was head of DEA in New York AFTER his assignment to Leyenda. Héctor coincidentally also forgot to say that Boccia didn't work on NY mafia. Boccia used to investigate people like José 'Chepe' Santacruz Londoño or Franklin Jurado. Members of some small, unknown, amateur criminal organization called Cali Cartel...
But without jokes, at one thing Berrellez was right - they didn't have too much experiences with Mexico. Back then, all top agents were working on Colombian cartels (except Héctor, of course). But believe or not, his incapable predecessors learned quickly.
Do you remember how Berrellez said that when he took over Leyenda in 1989, DEA didn't have single witness of Camarena's murder? He is right. Prior his fantastic work, DEA didn't have single (one) witness. They had two...
In 1987, DEA arrested Raúl López Álvarez. And in 1986, they even kidnapped René Verdugo from Mexico! I wonder why Héctor didn't tell us this interesting story? He was talking only about his abduction of that doctor...
Kidnapping of a doctor
Last Narc: Jack Lawn told me to kidnapp dr. Machain. I said it will cost $250,000. Mexicans paid prostitutes to catch him. Then he was thrown out of a running plane. Blah Blah..
Reality: Lawn probably didn't have any clue about this operation. It cost $50,000. Mexicans catched doctor having just finished his patient (but maybe that patient was prostitute, huh?). And doctor normally walked from the plane. By the way, main person of this operation was Antonio Garate Bustamante.
Recruiting of the witnesses
As prosecutor Manny Medrano said: If you want to recruit the witnesses, you must speak Spanish. You must know Mexico. You must have Mexican DNA. You must have Mexican skin. You must have Mexican wife. You must eat burrito. You must watch Liga MX. Like Héctor!
I'm just sorry that DEA didn't send fantastic agent Berrellez to Mexico, but to Los Angeles. Because as a Leyenda supervisor, he nearly never went to Mexico. His longest trips were usually to San Ysidro or El Paso. And what did he do, when he wants some witness? He told Antonio Garate Bustamante...
This Mexican ex-policeman and ex-member of Guadalajara cartel did all that recruiting job. What does it mean? If Héctor says: bring me witnesses - Bustamante calls to his old Mexican friends. If Héctor says: pay advertisement in newspapers that we are looking for the witnesses - Bustamante pays advertisement in Mexican newspapers...
Why Héctor didn't tell us about this interesting recruiting method? How many informants from Los Pinos were recruited thanks to an advertisement in newspapers?
Speaking of recruiting the witnesses, I must tell you some story. You couldn't hear it in The Last Narc, but Berrellez always says it in his many interviews. He even told it on 18. of November 2020. It is a story how our legend Berrellez recruited Lawrence Harrison.
Harrison was a CIA agent working for Guadalajara cartel. Or at least Héctor says that. He called him to Mexico and tells: 'I need you. Cooperate with DEA, man!' Harrison said no.. But Héctor knows, how to get people and finally, Harrison agrees: 'I will be your witness.' But, CIA never sleeps! When Harrison alias 'Torre Blanca' is ready to go to California, some evil agent told him: 'stay in Mexico, don't work with DEA!' But you know Héctor! He never gives up! He is looking for him for whole year and he finally found him in Southern Mexico, in mountains of Oaxaca! In person! What a drug-warrior!
Actually, there were only minors inaccuracies. Very minor. Harrison spoke with Berrellez for the first time in 1989. On the border in California. He was never hiding.. And he was recruited by Garate Bustamante.. And even Camarena was able to locate Harrison..
Working with witnesses
Working with witnesses is real art. If you are very honest prosecutor like Manny Medrano or honest investigator like Héctor Berrellez, it's even more than art. It is a science! Medrano said something like this: witnesses never see each other; they say everything from the beginning; then from the end; they never know what other said etc. etc.
Nice! He told us how you would work with witnesses. But he didn't tell us how he and Berrellez actutally used to work with witnesses at Camarena's trial. So, it's up to me. These two artists and scientists worked like this:
Witness number 1 (David Macijas Barajas): I told Berrellez and Madrano that I've never seen Rubén Zuno Arce. But they replied that it doesn't matter. If I will lie at trial, they will relocate my family to USA and pay me. If I won't lie, I'll be forever in a jail.
Witness number 2 (Enrique Plascencia Aguilar): I was told that I must say I saw Vasquez at the crime scene. But when I had to identify him in a courtroom, where he was sitting, I didn't know who he is.
Witness number 3 (Héctor Cervantes Santos): Berrellez and Medrano gave me script, what to say at a trial. I had to lie that I know Rubén Zuno Arce. I've never seen him, but Medrano gave me his picture with words: sleep with it under your pillow. And while waiting at the courthouse, Medrano and Berrellez introduced to me witness 4 and witness 5. Berrellez told me that we all were at the meetings, where politicians and narcos were planning kidnapping of Camarena. But I've never seen them..
Who are those witness 4 and witness 5? Jorge Godoy and René López...
Jorge Godoy, René López and Ramón Lira - stars from The Last Narc
Lira, old man with a mustache, allegedly saw Kuykendall in car of drug lord Ernesto Fonseca, when they went to kidnapp Camarena. Do you think this story is exaggerative? For Lira's standards - no! Ramón Lira is an expert on the shocking stories. Before start of trial, he (or Berrellez / Medrano?) wrote even better story. Don't be distrubed by my grammar mistakes, read Lira's story, then close your eyes and imagine it!
I went with Ernesto Fonseca to some meeting. I was waiting in a car. I was waiting ... and waiting... I was waiting so long that I start to think that Don Neto already left that house without my knowledge. He probably went to home by bus. But I'm his bodyguard, so I'll rather have a look, if he is still there or not.
From the street, I looked through the window and yes - my boss, durg lord Ernesto Fonseca was still there. But, wait i minute! Who is there with him? I know this man! It is José López Portillo, former Mexican president! Oh, and next to him is even current president Miguel de la Madrid! And what is on the table? Money! A lot of American dollars! I was looking there only for few seconds, but I was even able to hear, what they are talking about. How they will kidnapp Camarena!
No wonder Medrano decided not to use Lira as a witness. You put to his mouth this awkward story and by this stupid mistake, you lost witness who was present at Lope de Vega during torture of Camarena. But maybe he actually wasn't there, so it doesn't matter..
Now, all that hard work is on playboy René López and crackboy Jorge Godoy. What does it mean?
Despite you used to make $40 per month as a bodyguard of Fonseca, now, from the start of the trial, you will be paid $3,000 per month. For the entire duration of that trial. Your family will be relocated to USA. You all will be allowed to stay in USA forever. Government pays your health insurance. You have immunity. You must do only one thing. To say, what Berrellez wants. What does Berrellez want to hear? Thruth? Or something else? Who knows..
Anyway, René López couldn't wait on a start of the trial. And he was so nervous that few days before a trial, he beat his own wife. Poor René was arrested by a police in Moreno Valley, California. But don't worry, René, look who is here to help you! Guard of morality and law - Héctor Berrelez!
Story of Jorge Godoy wasn't too much different. July 1991: arrested and charged with robbing gas stations and medical vans. August 1991: first $3,000 on his bank account from US government. And within one year, he received $61,000. Including Christmas bonus $8,000 on 24th of December. Merry Christmas, Jorge!
Meetings about abduction of Kiki
It was big theme not only at a trial, but also at all Berrellez' public performances. At these meetings, high Mexican politicians and drug lords were supposedly planning Camarena's abduction. Maybe it is a coincidence, but no witness said that these meetings really took place. Except Berrellez' witnesses Godoy, López, Lira, Plascencia and Cervantes. Anyway, we can ask 'when', 'where', 'who' and 'why'.
When? According to Godoy and López (or Medrano and Berrellez?), meetings were running during November and December 1984. But, wait! It was already proven that Godoy didn't work for Fonseca from November '84 to February '85 (by the way during this period were murdered two Americans at restaurant La Langosta; despite this fact, Godoy colorfully portrayed how El Chapo was torturing those gringos in The Last Narc..). So Godoy must be excluded as a witness, unless ... you change the dates. So finally, meeting took place mainly between October and November '84. Nice.
Where? Usually at house of Fonseca, or at hotel Americas. Well, can you imagine how Mexican ministers attend meetings with drug lords? In person? At hotel? Really? I can imagine that nearly whole Mexican governement used to be on payroll of Guadalajara Cartel. But this simply sounds as a joke. Anyway, personal opinion aside. Nobody ever was able to find out at least one employee of hotel Americas, who saw these people at these meetings. Moreover, not only lawyers of defendants, but even journalists visited that hotel and decribed that there is no room, which fit to the witnesses' descriptions.
Who? Drug lords, people from Judicial Police (M.F.J.P.), D.F.S., minister of Defense, minister of Security etc. And Rubén Zuno Arce. But what's an interesting that both Godoy and López recalled Zuno's presence just few days after it was discovered that another Berrellez' witness (Cervantes) was lying at a trial. So despite Godoy and López never mentioned Zuno's name (for months working with DEA), they recalled his presence...
Why? They wanted to find out identity of Camarena.
Identity of Kiki Camarena
Lira / Godoy / López never said that there was CIA Félix Rodríguez or Jaime Kuykendall at these meetings. So even Berrellez never mentioned their names. When he gave already mentioned interview in 1997? No Félix Rodríguez, no Jaime Kuykendall.
But when Rafael Caro Quintero was freed in 2013, Berrellez decided that it's a good time to tell his own story again. But who would listen you, if you say same things like in 1998? So Berrellez suddenly began to tell that his witnesses saw Félix Rodríguez. He was helping cartel to find out Camarena's identity.
And when Berrellez, in 2020, decided to tell his story again, now for The Last Narc, he told everything again. But who would watch you, if you say same things like in 2013? So it's time to add another shocking name - Jaime Kuykendall. This time it was Kuykendall who was helping cartel to find hout Camarena's identity.
But maybe, it is all only a coincidence. It's time for the facts. Guadalajara Cartel knew DEA agents in their city. One of them had destroyed car by a gun fire, another three agents had guns at head because they were monitoring the activities of a cartel. But, is there any evidence that Cartel knew Camarena, so these pre-abduction meeting are nonsense? Yes..
Secretary of M.F.J.P. knew Camarena, because he regularly visited their offices. Everytime DEA wanted something from Mexicans, they went to M.F.J.P. So everybody from (corrupt) M.F.J.P. knew him. Even director of whole M.F.J.P. Manuel Ibarra Herrera! By the way, all Berrellez' witnesses sometimes put his name on a list of the meetings participants.
Ibarra knew Camarena at least since raid in Zacatecas (May '84). And during that raid, Ibarra even asked Camarena to be present during interrogation of drug trafficker Manuel Chávez, who, up to this day, though that Camarena is drug trafficker and not a DEA agent. He was freed second day.. But according to these witnesses, months later, Ibarra and rest had many meetings, where they were talking about 'how to find out Camarena's identity'...
When cartel wanted to threat Kuykendall, the warning was told to Camarena. And even 3 years before his death, in April 1982, when Kiki requested the search of Zuno's airplane, they knew it...
Kuykendall and Rubén Zuno Arce
Zuno is not a drug trafficker, what a shock for Berrellez! But there are 3 'but':
1) There were more DEA agents who told that Zuno is only connection between narcos and politicians. It was simply not clear wheter he is trafficker or not.
2) It's cool to take some sentence out of the context. Look, I can do it too: if I want to prove something, I will simply use only one sentence from the trial. And suddenly, Medrano is a stupid clown, or even a CIA agent! Oh Manny Manny, did you really think that a Mexican secretary makes $180,000 per month?
3) Even Godoy + López (or Berrellez + Medrano?) marked Zuno as a political figure and not drug trafficker, LOL.
By the way, producer of The Last Narc said that corrupt Kuykendall was fired from DEA few days after Camarena's abduction. Why? Because he was everyday drunk and moreover - he was trying to destroy whole DEA's investigation.
But in a reality, Kuykendall was head of Guadalajara office for another more than a half year. And DEA was probably so displeased with his work that it was him, who was trying to make contact with dr. Machain. In 1988.. And fun fact: it was Berrellez who was accused from working under the influence of alcohol. Salud!
But don't think that our drug warrior is lying. No. This time not. He only changed the names for his own profit.
I have no clue whether it is true or not, but there was some DEA agent, who, allegedly, was either incapable or corrupt. He didn't send informations from other agents to D.C. When he was informed about abduction of Kiki, he didn't answer on phone calls for 12 hours. When all agents went to Guadalajara by plane, he, as the only one, went by train and came later. One source even says that Kuykendall punched him when he arrives to Guadalajara. And when Leyenda made plan to kidnapp Verdugo, they preferred not to tell him about their plans, because he would leak it.
His name was Ed Heath.
CIA, Félix Rodríguez and Guadalajara Cartel!
Finally something about CIA! Let's start: Berrellez' statement that CIA killed Kiki is based on a few, very 'credible' witnesses. And Guillermo Calderoni - famous Mexican policeman!
Calderoni told to Héctor that CIA killed Kiki. Can anybody prove that he really told it? Yes, Héctor. Somebody else? No. Even Calderoni can't, because he is already dead. When Héctor told us that he got these information from Calderoni? After his death. Hm, it's not claim against claim, it's claim against nothing.
So we have to believe that Calderoni was so honest and told Berrellez this shocking truth? How honest and credibly person Calderoni was? Well, as a honest policeman, on Monday - he worked for Guadalajara Cartel; Tuesday - for Cartel del Golfo; Wednesday - for Cartel Juárez; Thursday - for Cartel Sinaloa; Friday - committing political murder for government; Saturday - working for DEA; Sunday - he told Héctor that CIA killed Kiki. Cool.
So, we can't have any evidence whether he said that or not. But we can compare Berrellez' claims (since 2013) with Berrellez's claim (in 2003). When Calderoni has died, Berrellez told the journalists that Calderoni broke whole Camarena case for Americans. And thanks to him, he discovered huge corruption at highest political level. Why you didn't say that you discovered the involvement of CIA, Héctor?
But I'm done with rhetorical questions. It's time for facts again.
Godoy, López and Lira told us that they saw Cuban Félix Rodríguez not only at those meetings, but also how he is torturing Kiki! He was the main interrogator, they say! I say something else: why you three clowns never said any single word about Rodríguez during trial? Or Kuykendall? Oh, rhetorical question again. My bad. So facts:
David Herrera, DEA agent who did translates of tapes from torture of Camarena: Interrogator was a Mexican (details here).
Robert Castillo, DEA agent, who did analysis of the voice: Interrogator was a Mexican, his name is Sergio Espino Verdin (details here and here).
Dale Stinson, DEA agent, who did analysis of the voice: Interrogator was a Mexican, his name is Sergio Espino Verdin (details here and here).
Jorge Godoy, LSD dement, who too did analysis of the voice: Interrogator was a Mexican, his name is Sergio Espino Verdin (details here).
Opinions of other DEA agents
There were many many critics, including agents who heavily criticized CIA for their involvement in drugs trafficking in a past. But I will post only three men:
William 'Bill' Coonce, very first supervisor of Leyenda, commented of FB that these guys are frauds.
Steve Paris, current supervisor of Leyenda, has even called Amazon's legal department. Without any answer.
Salvador Leyva, former partner of Berrellez, who has interrogated same witnesses, says that they never said anything about CIA.
Final words
So, what do you think? Is dear Héctor drug warrior, who is not afraid to tell the truth?
Godoy, López and Lira told him: Félix Rodríguez was there, Jaime Kuykendall was there! But Héctor simply couldn't include their names to the reports at the trial because huge, secret, dark forces of the CIA!
But now, Héctor is not afraid. He is too old. He will die very soon. So there is no reason to hide the truth. All DEA agents are still afraid to tell that story. So they lie!
Only Héctor is honest. He doesn't know words 'lie'; 'cheat'; 'glory hunter'; 'ego'. He knows only this:
CIA killed Kiki.
But because nobody was allowed to speak about CIA at a trial ... nobody was allowed to speak about CIA anywhere, Héctor remained silent. Until now. World finally knows what happened. After 35 years. Kiki was killed by CIA and Héctor was best agent in a history. We couldn't know it sooner because it was imposible to openly speak about CIA...
Oh, wait a minute!
It was possible to openly speak about CIA agents at Fonseca house at Camarena's trial! It was possible to openly speak about CIA guns for Guadalajara Cartel at Camarena's trial! It was possible to openly speak about CIA agreement with Gudalajara Cartel at Camarena's trial! It was possible to openly speak about CIA training Contras at Rafa's Veracruz ranch at Camarena's trial!
What's wrong, The Last Narcissist Héctor Bellerrez?
submitted by Fit_Bottle1510 to narcos [link] [comments]

AG2R La Mondiale: a tribute to brown bibshorts.

It’s been 9 years since the most identifiable and controversial team kit in the pro peloton was launched. As AG2R La Mondiale morph into their latest iteration with Citroen coming on board as co sponsors, it’s all change in the team roster as Bardet moves to DSM (Team Sunweb), Vuillermoz, Geniez and Latour head to Total Direct Energie, Sylvan Dillier leaves for Alpecin Fenix. Clement Chevrier and Axel Domont have opted for retirement and career changes. The team has brought in the likes of Greg van Avermaet, Bob Jungels, Michael Schar, Lillian Calmejane, Marc Sarreau, and turned it’s sights to the classics at least in the short term.
So farewell to the brown shorts of AG2R La Mondiale. Hooray for the brown shorts of AG2R Citroen Team


Etoile de Besseges- Anthony Ravard
First and second
John Gradet when he belatedly got 3rd at the Giro when Contador was stripped of his win. Gradet also won Stage 11 at Castefidardo that year.
Chateauroux Classic d’Indre- Anthony Ravard Tour of Bejing Stage 3- Nicholas Roche


Boucles de L’Aulne- Sebastien Hinault
Route du Sud Stage 4- Manuel Belletti
Amgen Tour of California stage 6- Sylvain Georges
Sylvain Georges
Circuit de Lorraine Professionnel- Sebastian Hinault


Team presentation 2013
Tour de l'Ain- Roman Bardet
Tour of Poland Stage 2- Christopher Riblon
Christophe Riblon taking the bottom step on the Tour de Pologne podium 2013
Tour de France Stage 8 and Cycling news article
Christophe Riblon winning on Alpe d’Huez
Giro del Trentino stage 1a
Defending his Youth jersey against Rafal Majka on Tre Cime Lavaredo Carlos Betancur despite mechanical problems gets a moment of glory
Grand Prix de Plumelec- Morbihan- Samuel Dumoulin


Can't tell me they don't mean business
Tour de France 2014 podium
Vuelta a Burgos 2014 Stage 4 Lloyd Mondory crossing the line
Stage 1 Tour de Pologne
Team photo
No brown shorts but a win is a win
Stage 8 Tour de France 2014
Blel Kadri wins the stage into Gerardmer la Mauselaine.
Blel Kadri triumphant
Stage 8 highlights
Boucle de l’aulne win by Alexis Gougeard
Daily motion
Pic from twitter
Grand Prix de la Somme- Yauheni Hutarovich
Axel Domont Circuit Cycliste Sarthe stage 5
Clasique Loire Atlantique
Alexis Gougeard wins
Jean Christophe Peraud wins the final Criterium International
Carlos Betancur wins Paris Nice
Romain Bardet winning Boucles Drome Ardeche
Carlos Betancur wins du Haut Var Matin


Jean Pierre Peraud wins Criterium International.
23 pixels of rider crossing the line
Jan Bakelants wins Giro del Piemonte.
looking where he is going this time
Podium picture
Bakelants again at Giro dell Emilia.
Ben Gastauer wins Tour Cycliste haut var Matin
Highlights in French
Tour de l’Eurometropole prologue.
and the overall.
Tour de France stage 8 win for Alexis Vuillermoz.
cycling news article.
Race thread
The superior Dumoulin, Samuel, wins The Drome Classic You Tube of the last 1.5km with 17 whole pixels.
Classic Loire Atlantique win for Alexis Gougeard
Domenico Pozzovivo wins stage 3 at Volta a Catalunya with a unique celebration
Cycling weekly article
Absolutely no favouritism involved in this extra Pozzovivo pic
The mighty Pozzovivo first on Stage 3 of Giro del Trentino/Tour du Alps
Grand Prix de la Somme win for Quentin Jauregui
Ligue Nationale Cyclisme write up
Alexis Gougeard wins 4Jours de Dunkerque write up
Romain Bardet first over the line at Criterium du Dauphine Stage 5
Romain Bardet Stage 18 Tour de France
Just because
Favouritism? Me? Just watch some highlights
Race Thread
Alexis Gougeard wins Stage 19 at La Vuelta a Espana
Cycling News write up
Backstage Pass


Le Mediterranean Jan Bakelants
Cyril Gautier
Roue Tourangelle highlights of Samuel Dumoulin's win. Picture and write up
Grand Prix de Plumelec and Morhiban write uppicture
Stage 19 Tour de France
Roman Bardet
Boucle d l’aulne
Vuelta a Espana Stage 20 Pierre Latour win write up and picture
Samuel Dumoulin wins a close call at Tour du Doubs 2016 Podium pic but not with shorts :(
Second step on the podium at the Tour de France for Bardet


Tour du Var Stage 1- Samuel Dumoulin
Tour of Provence Stage 2- Alexandre Geniez
Tour of the Alps Stage 4- Matteo Montaguti
GP of Plumelec-Morhiban- Alexis Vuillermoz
Tour of Switzerland Stage 6- Domenico Pozzovivo
Tour de France Stage 12- Roman Bardet and write up
Tour del’Ain Stage 4- Alex Geniez
Tour du Limousin Stage 2- Alexis Vuillermoz Picture
Tour du Limousin Stage 3- Cyril Gauthier
Limousin Tour- Alexis Vuillermoz
GP d’Isbergues- Benoit Cosnefroy
Tre Valli Varesine- Alexandre Geniez
Paris Bourges- Rudy Barbier, with Bouhanni drama
Special mention for Naesen winning the National Championships and a beautiful jersey
Tour de France 3rd overall for Romain Bardet but no one can say he didn't give it his all


GP Marsellaise- Alexandre Geniez
Etoile de Besseges- Tony Gallopin
Tour de Provence- Alexandre Geniez
Classic South Ardeche- Romain Bardet
Route Adelie de Vitre- Sylvan Dillier
Route D’Occitanie Stage 2- Clement Venturini, Image in case Eurosport is geoblocked
GP Lucien van Impe- Oliver Naesen
Ok so there’s no brown shorts in this one either but this is still one of my most disappointing days as a cycling fan. I never cared about Valverde one way or the other until he produced that last kick and got ahead I’ve still not forgiven him.
This one makes up for the lack of brown shorts in all the others Not a win but an exciting and memorable ride by all concerned.


La Drome Classic- Alexis Vuillermoz
Circuit Sarthe Stage 3- Alexis Gougeard, winning interview in French with race highlights
Paris Camembert- Benoit Cosnefroy
Tour de l’Ain Stage 2- Alexandre Geniez
Giro d’Italia Stage 17- Nans Peters
GP Plumelec-Morhiban- Benoit Cosnefroy
Boucles de l’Aulne- Alexis Gougeard
Boucles de la Mayenne- Dorian Godon
Polynormande- Benoit Cosnefroy
Binck Bank Tour Stage 7- Oliver Naesen
Tour de Limousin- Benoit Cosnefroy
Giro della Regione Fruilli- Clement Champoussin


GP de Marsellaise- Benoit Cosnefroy
Etoile de Besseges- Benoit Cosnefroy
La Route d’Occitanie- Benoit Cosnefroy
Tour de France Stage 8- Nans Peters
Paris Camembert- Dorian Godon
submitted by TwistedWitch to peloton [link] [comments]

The State of the Race

Hello there!
This is a "scorechart" for the 2020-2021 Oscar Season. Enjoy.
Best Picture Studio Noms Wins
Nomadland Searchlight 48 23
Promising Young Woman Focus 36 5
Minari A24 33 6
First Cow A24 29 2
The Trial of the Chicago 7 Netflix 26 3
Sound of Metal Amazon 24 1
Da 5 Bloods Netflix 23 2
Never Rarely Sometimes Always Focus 19 1
Mank Netflix 16 2
Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom Netflix 15 3
One Night in Miami Amazon 14
I’m Thinking of Ending Things Netflix 13
Soul Disney 12
The Father Sony Picture Classics 10
Lovers Rock Amazon 8 1
Palm Springs Neon/Hulu 5
Borat Subsequent Moviefilm Amazon 4
Judas and the Black Messiah Warner Bros. 4
The Forty-Year-Old Version Netflix 4
Mangrove Amazon 3 1
Hamilton Disney+ 3
News of the World Universal 3
The Assistant Bleecker Street 3
The rest of Small Axe Amazon 2 1
Another Round Samuel Goldwyn 2
Saint Maud 2
Tenet Warner Bros. 2
About Endlessness 1
Bacurau 1
Black Bear Momentum 1
Collective 1
Dick Johnson Is Dead Netflix 1
Driveways FilmRise 1
Hillbilly Elegy Netflix 1
Malcolm & Marie Netflix 1
Martin Eden 1
Miss Juneteenth Kanopy 1
Music Vertical Entertainment 1
Nine Days 1
On the Rocks A24 1
Palm Springs Neon 1
Possessor Neon 1
Relic IFC 1
Rocks 1
Sylvie's Love Amazon 1
The Invisible Man Universal 1
The King of Staten Island Universal 1
The Mauritanian STX 1
The Midnight Sky Netflix 1
The Personal History of David Copperfield Disney 1
The Prom Netflix 1
The Twentieth Century 1
The United States vs. Billie Holiday Hulu 1
The Vast of Night Amazon 1
This Is Not a Burial, It's A Resurrection 1
Time Amazon 1
Tommaso Kino Lorber 1
Vitalina Varela 1
Best Director Film Noms Wins
Chloé Zhao Nomadland 50 38
Emerald Fennell Promising Young Woman 26
Lee Isaac Chung Minari 22
David Fincher Mank 18
Kelly Reichardt First Cow 17
Aaron Sorkin The Trial of the Chicago 7 16
Regina King One Night in Miami 15 3
Spike Lee Da 5 Bloods 15 3
Steve McQueen Lovers Rock 9 2
Darius Marder Sound of Metal 9 1
Steve McQueen Mangrove 6 2
Eliza Hittman Never Rarely Sometimes Always 6
Florian Zeller The Father 6
Steve McQueen The rest of Small Axe 5 2
George C. Wolfe Ma Rainey's Black Bottom 3
Pete Docter (and Kemp Powers) Soul 3
Charlie Kaufman I'm Thinking of Ending Things 2
Brandon Cronenberg Possessor 1
Christopher Nolan Tenet 1
Kevin Macdonald The Mauritanian 1
Lee Daniels The United States vs. Billie Holiday 1
Leigh Whannell The Invisible Man 1
Pedro Costa* Vitalina Varela 1
Radha Blank The Forty-Year-Old Version 1
Rose Glass Saint Maud 1
Shaka King Judas and The Black Messiah 1
Sam Levinson Malcolm & Marie 1
Sofia Coppola On the Rocks 1
Ron Howard Hillbilly Elegy 1
Best Actor Film Noms Wins
Riz Ahmed Sound of Metal 48 16
Chadwick Boseman Ma Rainey's Black Bottom 46 16
Delroy Lindo Da 5 Bloods 35 9
Anthony Hopkins The Father 28 3
Steven Yeun† Minari 24 2
Gary Oldman Mank 16
Mads Mikkelsen Another Round 6 1
Kingsley Ben-Adir† One Night in Miami 3
Sacha Baron Cohen Borat Subsequent Moviefilm 3
Adarsh Gourav The White Tiger 2
Andy Samberg Palm Springs 2
Ben Affleck The Way Back 2
Dev Patel The Personal History of David Copperfield 2
John Magaro First Cow 2
Lin-Manuel Miranda Hamilton 2
Luca Marinelli* Martin Eden 2
Tahar Rahim The Mauritanian 2
Tom Hanks News of the World 2
Hugh Jackman Bad Education 1
James Corden The Prom 1
Jesse Plemons I'm Thinking of Endings Things 1
Jim Parsons The Boys in the Band 1
John David Washington Malcolm & Marie 1
John David Washington Tenet 1
Jude Law The Nest 1
Leslie Odom Jr. Hamilton 1
Ralph Fiennes The Dig 1
Rob Morgan Bull 1
Winston Duke Nine Days 1
Best Actress Film Noms Wins
Frances McDormand Nomadland 44 18
Carey Mulligan Promising Young Woman 41 16
Viola Davis Ma Rainey's Black Bottom 40 3
Vanessa Kirby Pieces of a Woman 24 2
Sidney Flanigan Never Rarely Sometimes Always 16 2
Jessie Buckley I'm Thinking of Ending Things 10 1
Elisabeth Moss The Invisible Man 7
Nicole Beharie Miss Juneteenth 6 1
Carrie Coon The Nest 5
Sophia Loren The Life Ahead 4 1
Zendaya Malcolm & Marie 3 1
Amy Adams† Hillbilly Elegy 3
Andra Day The United States vs. Billie Holiday 3
Julia Garner The Assistant 3
Michelle Pfeiffer French Exit 3
Anya Taylor-Joy Emma. 2
Aubrey Plaza Black Bear 2
Elisabeth Moss Shirley 2
Kate Winslet Ammonite 2
Morfydd Clark Saint Maud 2
Han Ye-ri† Minari 2
Vitalina Varela* Vitalina Varela 1 1
Amaia Aberasturi Coven 1
Eliza Scanlen Babyteeth 1
Evan Rachel Wood Kajillionaire 1
Hong Chau* Driveways 1
Kate Hudson Music 1
Margot Robbie Birds of Prey 1
Meryl Streep The Prom 1
Rashida Jones On the Rocks 1
Robin Wright Land 1
Rosamund Pike I Care a Lot 1
Best Supporting Actor Film Noms Wins
Paul Raci Sound of Metal 36 17
Sacha Baron Cohen The Trial of the Chicago 7 31 6
Leslie Odom Jr. One Night in Miami 29 10
Bill Murray On the Rocks 24
Chadwick Boseman Da 5 Bloods 22 4
Daniel Kaluuya Judas and the Black Messiah 11 3
David Strathairn Nomadland 7
Bo Burnham Promising Young Woman 6
Brian Dennehy† Driveways 5
Glynn Turman Ma Rainey's Black Bottom 4 1
Mark Rylance The Trial of the Chicago 7 4
Yahya Abdul-Mateen II The Trial of the Chicago 7 3 1
Alan Kim† Minari 3
Frank Langella The Trial of the Chicago 7 3
Ben Mendelsohn Babyteeth 2
Bill Burr The King of Staten Island 2
Colman Domingo Ma Rainey's Black Bottom 2
Jared Leto The Little Things 2
Orion Lee First Cow 2
Aldis Hodge One Night in Miami 1 1
Shaun Parkes Mangrove 1 1
Benedict Wong Nine Days 1
Clarke Peters Da 5 Bloods 1
Demián Bichir Land 1
JK Simmons Palm Springs 1
Keegan-Michael Key Jingle Jangle: A Christmas Journey 1
Keegan-Michael Key The Prom 1
Peter Macdissi Uncle Frank 1
Shia LaBeouf Pieces of a Woman 1
Stanley Tucci Supernova 1
Timothy Simons Yes God Yes 1
Best Supporting Actress Film Noms Wins
Youn Yuh-jung† Minari 46 22
Maria Bakalova† Borat Subsequent Moviefilm 41 16
Amanda Seyfried Mank 36 3
Olivia Colman The Father 24
Ellen Burstyn Pieces of a Woman 18 3
Glenn Close† Hillbilly Elegy 10 2
Olivia Cooke Sound of Metal 6 1
Helena Zengel News of the World 6
Talia Ryder Never Rarely Sometimes Always 4
Toni Collette I'm Thinking of Ending Things 4
Candice Bergen Let Them All Talk 2
Jodie Foster The Mauritanian 2
Saoirse Ronan Ammonite 2
Swankie Nomadland 2
Alexis Chikaeze Miss Juneteenth 1
Dominique Fishback Judas And The Black Messiah 1
Essie Davis Babyteeth 1
Jane Adams She Dies Tomorrow 1
Jennifer Ehle Saint Maud 1
Lesley Manville Let Him Go 1
Letitia Wright Mangrove 1
Mia Goth Emma. 1
Nicole Kidman The Prom 1
Sharlene Whyte Education 1
Sônia Braga Bacurau 1
Valerie Mahaffey French Exit 1
Zazie Beetz Nine Days 1
Best Original Screenplay Noms Wins
Promising Young Woman 38 16
The Trial of the Chicago 7 30 5
Minari 26 10
Mank 19
Never Rarely Sometimes Always 18 5
Sound of Metal 12
Palm Springs 8
Da 5 Bloods 7
Soul 6
The Forty-Year-Old Version 4 2
Fourteen 1 1
Malcolm & Marie 1 1
Possessor 1 1
Another Round 1
Driveways 1
His House 1
Nine Days 1
On the Rocks 1
Saint Maud 1
The Twentieth Century 1
The Vast of Night 1
Best Adapted Screenplay Noms Wins
Nomadland 33 12
First Cow 27 5
I'm Thinking of Ending Things 26 9
Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom 21 3
One Night in Miami 21
The Father 14 2
News of the World 5 1
Emma. 3
The Life Ahead 2 1
The Personal History of David Copperfield 1 1
Bad Education 1
Hillbilly Elegy 1
Mangrove 1
Martin Eden 1
Pieces of a Woman 1
Shirley 1
Best International Film Noms Wins Submitted by Shortlist
Another Round 32 13 Denmark
Bacurau 27 4
La Llorona 17 2 Guetamala
Beanpole* 15 1
Minari 14 8
Collective 13 1 Romania
The Life Ahead 11 3
Martin Eden* 8 1
Two of Us 6 France
Night of Kings 5 1 Ivory Coast
I'm No Longer Here 5 Mexico
The Painted Bird* 4
The Mole Agent 4 Chile
Vitalina Varela* 4 Portugal
A Sun 3 1 Taiwan
And Then We Danced* 3 1
I Carry You with Me 3
Dear Comrades! 2 Russia
Ema 2
The Platform 2
Quo Vadis, Aida? 2 Bosnia and Herzegovina
Borat Subsequent Moviefilm 1 1
His House 1 1
Identifying Features 1 1
Jumbo 1 1
Notturno 1 1
Open Door 1 1 Albania
76 Days 1
About Endlessness 1
Apples 1 Greece
Atlantis 1 Ukraine
Cuties 1
Dry Wind 1
Innocence 1
Jallikattu 1 India
Leap 1 China
Los Fuertes 1
My Little Sister 1 Switzerland
Preparations to be Together for an Unknown Period of Time 1 Hungary
Song without a Name 1 Peru
Sputnik 1
Summer of 85 1
System Crasher 1
The Twentieth Century 1
The Weasels’ Tale 1
The Weeping Woman 1
The Whistlers 1
Tigertail 1
To the Ends of the Earth 1
Tove 1 Finland
Undine 1
Better Days 0 Hong Kong
Charlatan 0 Czech Republic
Sun Children 0 Iran
Hope 0 Norway
The Man Who Sold His Skin 0 Tunisia
Best Score/Music Composer Noms Wins Shortlist
Soul Trent Reznor, Atticus Ross, Jon Batiste 34 24
Mank Trent Reznor, Atticus Ross 26 2
Tenet Ludwig Göransson 24 5
Minari Emile Mosseri 23 3
Da 5 Bloods Terence Blanchard 14 1
The Midnight Sky Alexandre Desplat 12
News of the World James Newton Howard 10 1
Ma Rainey's Black Bottom Branford Marsalis 5 1
First Cow William Tyler 3
One Night in Miami Terence Blanchard 3
Wonder Woman 1984 Hans Zimmer 3
The Invisible Man Benjamin Wallfisch 2 1
Ammonite Dustin O'Halloran, Volker Bertelmann 2
Lovers Rock Mica Levi 2
Nomadland Ludovico Einaudi 2
Pieces of a Woman Howard Shore 2
Shirley Tamar-kali 2
Hamilton Lin-Manuel Miranda 1 1
Antebellum Nate Wonder, Roman GianArthur 1
Blizzard of Souls Lolita Ritmanis 1
David Attenborough: A Life on Our Planet Steven Price 1
David Byrne's American Utopia David Byrne 1
Enola Holmes Daniel Pamberton 1
Farmageddon Tom Howe 1
Fukushima 50 Tarō Iwashiro 1
Gretel & Hansel Robin Coudert 1
I’m Thinking of Ending Things Jay Wadley 1
Onward Mychael and Jeff Danna 1
Palm Springs Matthew Compton 1
Sound of Metal Nicolas Becker, Abraham Marder 1
Swallow Nathan Halpern 1
The 24th Alex Heffes 1
The Call fo the Wild John Powell 1
The Croods 2: A New Age Mark Mothersbaugh 1
The Dark and the Wicked Tom Schraeder 1
The Devil All the Time Danny Bensi, Saunder Jurriaans 1
The Empty Man Christopher Young, Lustmord 1
The Glorias Elliot Goldenthal 1
The Life Ahead Gabriel Yared 1
The Lost Husband Sherri Chung 1
The New Mutants Mark Snow 1
The Personal History of David Copperfield Christopher Willis 1
The Old Guard Volker Bertelmann, Dustin O'Halloran 1
The Trial of the Chicago 7 Daniel Pemberton 1
Wild Mountain Thyme Amelia Warner 1
Wolfwalkers Bruno Coulais, Kila 1
Jingle Jangle: A Christmas Journey John Debney 0
Mulan Harry Gregson-Williams 0
The Little Things Thomas Newman 0
Best Cinematography Director of Photography Noms Wins
Nomadland Joshua James Richards 39 26
Mank Erik Messerschmidt 32 5
Tenet Hoyte van Hoytema 21 3
News of the World Dariusz Wolski 13
Lovers Rock Shabier Kirchner 11 3
First Cow Christopher Blauvelt 11 1
Da 5 Bloods Newton Thomas Sigel 10
Minari Lachlan Milne 4
Vitalina Varela* Leonardo Simões 3 1
The Midnight Sky Martin Ruhe 3
The rest of Small Axe Shabier Kirchner 2 2
The Vast of Night M. I. Littin-Menz 2 1
Emma. Christopher Blauvelt 2
I’m Thinking of Ending Things Łukasz Żal 2
Never Rarely Sometimes Always Hélène Louvart 2
One Night in Miami Tami Reiker 2
Ammonite Stéphane Fontaine 1
Beanpole Ksenia Sereda 1
Bull Shabier Kirchner 1
Gretel & Hansel Galo Olivares 1
Gunda Egil Håskjold Larsen, Viktor Kossakovsky 1
Jingle Jangle: A Christmas Journey Remi Adefarasin 1
Promising Young Woman Benjamin Kračun 1
She Dies Tomorrow Jay Keitel 1
Sound of Metal Daniël Bouquet 1
The Assistant Michael Latham 1
Best Documentary Noms Wins Shortlist
Time 39 12
Dick Johnson Is Dead 32 8
Collective 25 7
Boys State 17 4
Crip Camp 16 1
All In: The Fight for Democracy 8 3
The Truffle Hunters 8 1
The Painter and the Thief 7 2
My Octopus Teacher 7 1
The Social Dilemma 7 1
Gunda 5
Athlete A 4
City Hall 4
David Byrne’s American Utopia 4
A Thousand Cuts 3 1
The Dissident 3 1
David Attenborough: A Life On Our Planet 2 1
Miss Americana 2 1
A Secret Love 2
Bloody Nose, Empty Pockets 2
Softie 2
Welcome to Chechnya 2
Beastie Boys Story 1 1
The Way I See It 1 1
You Don’t Nomi 1 1
76 Days 1
A Most Beautiful Thing 1
Acasa, My Home 1
Belushi 1
Circus of Books 1
Class Action Park 1
Coup 53 1
Diana Kennedy: Nothing Fancy 1
Feels Good Man 1
John Lewis: Good Trouble 1
Mr. Soul! 1
Our Time Machine 1
Reunited 1
Rewind 1
Rising Phoenix 1
Sky Blossom: Diaries of the Next Greatest Generation 1
The Fight 1
The Go-Go's 1
The History of the Seattle Mariners: Supercut Edition 1
The Mole Agent 1
The Reason I Jump 1
You Cannot Kill David Arquette 1
Notturno 0
Best Animated Film Noms Wins
Soul 42 17
Wolfwalkers 39 12
Onward 24
Over the Moon 23
The Wolf House 9 1
Weathering with You* 8 1
The Croods 2: A New Age 8
Farmageddon* 5
The Willoughbys 3
Demon Slayer 2
Ride Your Wave 2
Trolls World Tour 2
Lupin III: The First 1 1
Accidental Luxuriance of the Translucent Watery Rebus 1
Justice League Dark: Apokolips War 1
Marona’s Fantastic Tale 1
No. 7 Cherry Lane 1
Scoob! 1
World of Tomorrow Episode Three 1
Best Editing Noms Wins
Nomadland 20 8
The Trial of the Chicago 7 21 7
Tenet 15 2
Mank 12
I'm Thinking of Ending Things 9 3
Sound of Metal 7 1
The Father 7 1
The Invisible Man 5 1
Da 5 Bloods 5
One Night in Miami 3
Never Rarely Sometimes Always 2
Promising Young Woman 2
Time 2
Black Bear 1
Breasts 1
First Cow 1
Hamilton 1
I Carry You with Me 1
Lovers Rock 1
Minari 1
News of the World 1
Palm Springs 1
Residue 1
Wander Darkly 1
Best Production Design Noms Wins
Mank 22 15
Emma. 12 2
Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom 11
Tenet 8
The Personal History of David Copperfield 8
I'm Thinking of Ending Things 5
News of the World 5
First Cow 4 1
One Night in Miami 4
Promising Young Woman 3
Sylvie's Love 2 1
Da 5 Bloods 2
Lovers Rock 2
The Midnight Sky 2
The Prom 2
Beanpole 1
Birds of Prey 1
Jingle Jangle: A Christmas Journey 1
Judas and the Black Messiah 1
Mulan 1
Shirley 1
The Trial of the Chicago 7 1
Best Costume Design Noms Wins
Emma. 12 5
Ma Rainey's Black Bottom 12 3
Mank 12
Birds of Prey 8 1
The Personal History of David Copperfield 5
First Cow 3
Mulan 3
Jingle Jangle: A Christmas Journey 2
Sylvie's Love 2
Waiting for the Barbarians 1 1
One Night in Miami 1
Promising Young Woman 1
The Trial of the Chicago 7 1
Wonder Woman 1984 1
Best Visual Effects Noms Wins Shortlist
Tenet 19 11
The Invisible Man 14 4
The Midnight Sky 14
Birds of Prey 8
Greyhound 6
Wonder Woman 1984 6
Possessor 4 1
Mank 4
Mulan 4
Sonic the Hedgehog 3
I'm Thinking of Ending Things 1
Jingle Jangle: A Christmas Journey 1
Sputnik 1
The One and Only Ivan 1
Bloodshot 0
Love and Monsters 0
Soul 0
Welcome to Chechnya 0
Best Sound Noms Wins
Sound of Metal 9 7
Mank 5
Da 5 Bloods 4
Tenet 4
Soul 2
The Invisible Man 2
The United States vs. Billie Holiday 1 1
Ma Rainey's Black Bottom 1
News of the World 1
Nomadland 1
Possessor 1
The Midnight Sky 1
The Prom 1
The Trial of the Chicago 7 1
The Vast of Night 1
Best Original Song Film Noms Wins Shortlist
Speak Now One Night in Miami 14 7
Rocket to the Moon Over the Moon 9
Seen The Life Ahead 7 2
Husavik Eurovision Song Contest 7 1
Hear My Voice The Trial of the Chicago 7 6
Wuhan Flu Borat Subsequent Moviefilm 4 1
Wear Your Crown The Prom 4
Just Sing Trolls World Tour 3 1
Everybody Cries The Outpost 3
Fight for You Judas and the Black Messiah 3
Only the Young Miss Americana 3
Poverty Porn The Forty-Year-Old Version 3
Tigress & Tweed The United States vs. Billie Holiday 3
Turntables All In: The Fight for Democracy 3
Free The One and Only Ivan 2
Staring at a Mountain Never Rarely Sometimes Always 2
The Plan Tenet 2
Never Break Giving Voice 1 1
Boss Bitch Birds of Prey 1
Carried Me With You Onward 1
Feel the Thunder The Croods: A New Age 1
How Can I Tell You? Nasrin 1
Identical On the Rocks 1
(If Only You Could) Save Me Mank 1
I'll Be Singing Wild Mountain Thyme 1
Loyal Brave True Mulan 1
Rain Song Minari 1
See What You've Done Belly of the Beast 1
Stand for Hope Two by Two: Overboard! 1
The Future The Way I See It 1
The Other Side Trolls World Tour 1
This Day Jingle Jangle: A Christmas Journey 1
Green Sound of Metal 0
Make It Work Jingle Jangle: A Christmas Journey 0
Show Me Your Soul Mr. Soul 0
Best Makeup and Hairstyling Noms Wins Shortlist
Ma Rainey's Black Bottom 6 2
Mank 5 1
Birds of Prey 5 1
Emma. 4
Hillbilly Elegy 3
Jingle Jangle: A Christmas Journey 2
Promising Young Woman 2
I’m Thinking of Ending Things 1 1
Borat Subsequent Moviefilm 1
One Night in Miami 1
Possessor 1
The United States vs. Billie Holiday 1
Wonder Woman 1984 1
Pinocchio 0
The Glorias 0
The Little Things 0
Best Ensemble Noms Wins
The Trial of the Chicago 7 22 8
Da 5 Bloods 17 2
Ma Rainey's Black Bottom 16 8
One Night in Miami 16 8
Minari 12 1
Mangrove 3 2
Promising Young Woman 3
Judas and the Black Messiah 2
The Prom 2
Birds of Prey 1
Hillbilly Elegy 1
I’m Thinking of Ending Things 1
La Llorona 1
Mank 1
Palm Springs 1
Sound of Metal 1
The Glorias 1
The King of Staten Island 1
The Personal History of David Copperfield 1
Uncle Frank 1
The 62 groups included so far:
Votes transferred from last season:
The 42 groups yet to vote:
submitted by BentisKomprakriev to u/BentisKomprakriev [link] [comments]

The Ghost of the 20/11 Rule: Goodbye

This is it. Over 70 posts later, spanning 2 years, this is finally it. This is the last stop; the train won’t go anymore further. No more. When I posted the first 20/11 Rule post, it wasn’t even the first week of the Liga MX, we were on the fourth. I did it because of a comment someone left on a post about the 20/11 Rule, they wondered how many minutes Veracruz had put in at the time. Keep in mind this was in August of 2018, the Liga MX was a different place, Lobos BUAP still existed, San Luis was in Ascenso MX, Veracruz hadn’t set itself on fire, and Sebastian Jurado still hadn’t debuted. It really wasn’t that long ago, but the Liga MX moves so fast, makes it all feel like it was in the distant future. The comment intrigued me, at the time there was no place on the internet that kept track of the 20/11 rule, the Liga MX’s official website didn’t start until the Clausura 2019, and I was still rather new to LigaMX, looking for some way I could do something for the community. I jumped on the opportunity, I went into and scoured the official match pages for the information I desired. Once I had what I needed I responded to the comment, then I knew, I could start something with this. I had seen the weekly series u/jpl0110 had been making on Mexican U-23 Player Watch, so I thought to myself, I can do something similar with the 20/11 Rule.
On August 13, 2018, at 1:41 pm, I posted the first The 20/11 Rule How Teams Are Doing: Week 4, which I think wasn’t a terrific name, but I ran with it. The post followed a similar format to the U-23 Players: an intro, followed by the explanation of the post and the rules and ended with the information. To this day, the first The 20/11 Rule How Teams Are Doing has been the most upvoted of them all, by extent the most popular. I definitely appreciated the positive reception, and as I said, I had every intention of turning it into a weekly series, so the good vibes gave me some confidence that this was something people wanted to see.
There have been its ups and downs, in the beginning, it was stressful to find the data I needed, at first I kept an eye on the match threads to jot down the minutes of the youth players, then I transitioned to copying the numbers from u/jlp0110’s Mexican U-23 Player Watch because he already had the minutes I wanted. Finally, I landed on waiting for the Liga MX to update its official website. No matter the place I went, it was the method that made the process difficult and time-consuming. I was doing it all by hand, making the process incredibly slow, it took 4 hours to do the whole week of matches in one sitting. Once I realized I didn’t want to do it by hand anymore, I knuckled down and created a program to automate the process for me, slashing the time from 4 hours to 1 and a half. Saving me the stress of having to do all that work in my spare time while having it ready to post quickly.
It would be difficult to talk about The 20/11 Rule How Teams Are Doing without mentioning the defining feature it had over the rest of what is on here. The introductions. The introductions have been the most popular part of this series, to the point that I’ve been given the impression that most people only click on them to read whatever it is I felt like saying that week. In truth, the introductions were one of the reasons I followed through with making this a regular series, to begin with. I wanted a space, free from having to make constant random discussion posts, where I could talk about anything, related to the Liga MX. For the first few posts, I kept the introductions related to the new content being added to the series, then to thoughts on the youth player’s performances that weekend, then to discussion on the rules of the youth rule, and as you all know by the end I was going off all the wall, ranting and raving about literally anything. After 70 introductions, there are bound to be some stinkers, some cringe things, some terrible writing, and typos in every single one of them. But I gave it everything I had, constantly looking for new ideas, new ways to write, new ways to express myself, and new ways to entertain.
But I’m out. Two years have been enough to say everything and anything I wanted to say about the 20/11 Rule. I have nothing more to give to this series, continuing any further would be to go through the old motions. There is nothing new for me to add, I can already see that I’ll be retreading old ground. This introduction is already on the longer side, so let me just one last thing.
Later virgins.
Abbreviated Rule:
The 20/11 Rule 3.0 states that every team must field Formed in Mexico U-22 players (Born in 1998 or later) for at least 1,000 minutes. Players born in 1998 can provide fifty percent of minutes from each match, while players born in 1999 or later can make the 1,000 minutes, or one hundred percent. If a team fails to meet this requirement by the end of the season they will face a 3 point penalty at the end of the season. A team cannot exceed 270 minutes per game, regardless of how many players are on the field.
National Team Rule/Loophole:
The exception to this rule is the National Team, any player that participated with any National Team during the season, excluding FIFA international breaks, can apply those minutes to this requirement, regardless of whether they played or not. However, the team must field this player for at least 50 minutes in order to keep those National Team minutes at the end of the season. Failing to do so would result in a loss of said minutes.
Team Table
Teams Week 1 Minutes (# of Kids) Week 2 Minutes (# of kids) Week 3 Minutes (# of kids) Week 4 Minutes (# of kids) Week 5 Minutes (# of kids) Week 6 Minutes (# of kids) Week 7 Minutes (# of kids) Week 8 Minutes (# of kids) Week 9 Minutes (# of kids) Week 10 Minutes (# of kids) Week 11 Minutes (# of kids) Week 12 Minutes (# of kids) Week 13 Minutes (# of kids) Week 14 Minutes (# of kids) Week 15 Minutes (# of kids) Week 16 Minutes (# of kids) Week 17 Minutes (# of kids) Raw Total League Minutes 98 Kids Minutes 99 and Under Kids Minutes Total Minutes Have They Met The Requirement?
America 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 23(1) 0(0) 90(1) 90(1) 90(1) 0(0) 45(1) 52(1) 90(1) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 90(1) 570 0 570 570 No
Atlas 282(5) 191(4) 136(4) 189(3) 109(3) 90(1) 108(2) 118(4) 187(3) 133(3) 177(3) 181(4) 144(3) 121(3) 135(4) 29(2) 41(2) 2371 673 882.5 1555.5 Yes
Atlético de San Luis 0(0) 90(1) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 6(1) 0(0) 90(1) 64(1) 90(1) 90(1) 83(2) 90(1) 39(2) 45(1) 107(3) 704 265.5 173 438.5 No
Club Tijuana 154(3) 99(2) 270(3) 313(5) 239(4) 224(5) 214(4) 202(3) 200(1) 248(3) 286(5) 235(3) 235(3) 253(4) 180(3) 308(4) 265(5) 3934 274 3383 3657 Yes
Cruz Azul 52(2) 70(3) 65(3) 90(2) 107(2) 166(2) 96(2) 120(4) 215(4) 135(3) 169(3) 94(3) 180(4) 116(2) 11(1) 44(3) 155(2) 1885 233 1235 1468 Yes
FC Juárez 10(2) 42(2) 45(2) 0(0) 0(0) 6(1) 13(1) 11(1) 0(0) 0(0) 52(1) 0(0) 135(2) 231(3) 157(2) 149(2) 70(1) 921 270.5 380 650.5 No
Gallos Blancos 20(1) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 82(1) 67(2) 169 82 7 89 No
Guadalajara 180(2) 241(4) 234(4) 232(3) 260(4) 258(4) 256(3) 225(3) 245(3) 189(3) 180(2) 180(3) 90(2) 113(3) 209(3) 196(4) 180(3) 3468 338.5 2787 3125.5 Yes
León 56(1) 13(1) 14(1) 4(1) 14(1) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 10(1) 2(1) 14(1) 0(0) 0(0) 1(1) 91(1) 0(0) 219 0 219 219 No
Mazatlán FC 153(2) 163(2) 180(3) 195(4) 90(1) 118(2) 62(1) 75(1) 45(1) 91(2) 169(2) 270(4) 191(3) 174(3) 90(2) 25(1) 32(2) 2123 14.5 2087 2101.5 Yes
Necaxa 110(1) 46(3) 103(2) 116(2) 135(2) 120(2) 170(3) 180(3) 180(2) 160(2) 185(4) 214(3) 190(3) 181(3) 177(5) 180(2) 180(2) 2627 585.5 1458 2043.5 Yes
Pachuca 180(3) 237(5) 190(4) 254(4) 135(3) 175(3) 96(3) 135(2) 180(2) 176(4) 206(4) 188(3) 270(4) 248(4) 249(4) 284(6) 462(9) 3664 0 3664 3364 Yes
Puebla 90(1) 71(1) 45(1) 54(1) 0(0) 169(3) 87(1) 214(3) 180(3) 161(3) 63(1) 45(1) 56(1) 0(0) 90(1) 107(2) 24(1) 1456 610 236 846 No
Rayados de Monterrey 44(3) 18(1) 67(2) 92(3) 16(2) 2(2) 13(1) 16(2) 41(2) 40(3) 56(2) 45(2) 91(2) 1(1) 181(4) 6(1) 79(1) 673 0 673 673 No
Santos Laguna 183(4) 161(2) 270(5) 270(5) 249(4) 173(4) 189(4) 146(2) 111(2) 125(5) 34(4) 133(3) 104(3) 120(3) 180(3) 90(1) 98(3) 2637 969.5 697 1666.5 Yes
Tigres de la U.A.N.L. 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 90(1) 120(2) 1(1) 12(1) 0(0) 0(0) 58(1) 0(0) 0(0) 12(1) 0(0) 0(0) 78(1) 371 12 347 359 No
Toluca 9(1) 5(1) 0(0) 31(2) 45(1) 123(3) 340(3) 124(2) 127(3) 153(2) 180(3) 105(2) 180(2) 98(3) 127(3) 112(3) 122(2) 1881 84 1500 1584 Yes
Universidad Nacional 262(3) 193(5) 315(5) 258(6) 172(4) 493(6) 346(5) 315(5) 242(3) 208(4) 209(3) 180(2) 196(3) 240(3) 112(3) 185(3) 166(3) 4092 687 2671 3358 Yes
Liga MX A20 U-22 Player List
Teams Player Name Age Year Minutes in Week 1 Minutes in Week 2 Minutes in Week 3 Minutes in Week 4 Minutes in Week 5 Minutes in Week 6 Minutes in Week 7 Minutes in Week 8 Minutes in Week 9 Minutes in Week 10 Minutes in Week 11 Minutes in Week 12 Minutes in Week 13 Minutes in Week 14 Minutes in Week 15 Minutes in Week 16 Minutes in Week 17 Total
America Ramón Juárez 19 2001 0 0 0 0 23 0 90 90 90 0 45 52 90 0 0 0 90 570
Atlas Alan Reyes 19 2001 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 10 0 0 23 0 0 0 0 0 34
Atlas Brayton Vázquez 22 1998 59 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 27 0 76 0 0 163
Atlas Christopher Trejo 20 1999 0 0 0 22 13 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 1 19 33 95
Atlas Jairo Mungaray 19 2001 7 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17
Atlas Jesús Angulo 22 1998 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 13 0 0 1273
Atlas Jonathan Herrera 19 2001 0 0 18 77 6 0 0 10 0 10 0 1 0 9 0 0 0 131
Atlas Ángel Márquez 20 2000 65 90 0 0 0 0 0 17 87 33 80 67 27 0 0 0 0 466
Atlas Ían Torres 20 2000 61 1 27 0 0 0 18 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 45 10 8 192
Atlético de San Luis Felipe García 21 1999 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
Atlético de San Luis Pablo López 22 1998 0 31 0 0 0 0 6 0 90 64 90 90 70 90 29 45 16 621
Atlético de San Luis Ricardo García 20 2000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 0 10 0 0 23
Atlético de San Luis Uziel García 19 2001 0 59 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 90 149
Club Tijuana Edgar López 21 1999 45 9 0 31 11 63 45 90 65 90 0 61 55 26 45 69 90 795
Club Tijuana Gerson Vázquez 19 2001 0 0 0 31 0 1 0 0 0 0 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 48
Club Tijuana Luis Gamíz 20 2000 0 0 90 71 79 27 32 0 0 0 45 0 0 0 0 0 53 397
Club Tijuana Marcel Ruiz 19 2000 0 0 90 90 59 63 58 22 45 68 45 0 0 64 45 90 53 792
Club Tijuana Vladimir Loroña 21 1998 19 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 90 90 90 90 73 0 59 37 548
Club Tijuana Víctor Guzmán 18 2002 90 90 90 90 90 90 79 90 90 0 90 90 90 90 90 90 32 1371
Cruz Azul Alexis Gutiérrez 20 2000 26 19 0 0 0 0 21 15 13 45 79 0 17 0 0 0 0 235
Cruz Azul Josué Domínguez 20 1999 26 19 14 12 43 0 0 15 13 7 0 4 62 0 0 7 0 222
Cruz Azul Roberto Alvarado 21 1998 0 0 45 0 0 76 0 29 77 0 11 20 28 90 11 26 73 486
Cruz Azul Santiago Giménez 19 2001 32 32 6 78 64 90 75 61 22 83 79 70 73 26 0 11 82 884
FC Juárez Francisco Contreras 21 1999 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 66 67 73 70 289
FC Juárez Francisco Nevarez 19 2000 9 41 41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 90
FC Juárez José Esquivel 22 1998 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 52 0 90 75 90 76 0 385
FC Juárez Luis Hernández 22 1998 1 0 4 0 0 6 0 11 0 0 0 0 45 90 0 0 0 157
Gallos Blancos Javier Ibarra 22 1998 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 82 60 162
Gallos Blancos José Ramírez 20 2000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 7
Guadalajara Alan Torres 20 2000 0 0 34 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 12 58
Guadalajara Fernando Beltrán 22 1998 0 0 0 84 80 76 76 45 65 9 0 5 23 16 29 90 78 676
Guadalajara Gilberto Sepúlveda 21 1999 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 0 16 90 90 90 1366
Guadalajara José Macías 20 1999 90 90 71 58 89 90 90 90 90 90 90 85 67 81 90 0 0 1261
Guadalajara Oscar Macías 22 1998 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 5
Guadalajara Sebastián Martínez 19 2001 0 45 39 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 86
Guadalajara Zahid Muñoz 19 2001 0 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16
León Armando León 20 2000 56 13 0 0 14 0 0 0 0 0 2 14 0 0 0 0 0 99
León Fidel Ambríz 17 2003 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 90 0 91
León Jesse Zamudio 21 1999 0 0 14 4 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 28
Mazatlán FC Carlos Vargas 21 1999 0 0 90 90 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 85 24 50 5 0 16 360
Mazatlán FC César Huerta 19 2000 73 90 66 90 90 90 62 75 45 90 79 90 90 90 85 25 16 1246
Mazatlán FC Iván Moreno 22 1998 0 0 0 0 0 28 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 28
Mazatlán FC Ricardo Marín 22 1998 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Mazatlán FC Roberto Meráz 20 1999 80 73 24 14 0 0 0 0 0 1 90 90 77 34 0 0 0 483
Mazatlán FC Sagir Arce 18 2002 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 5
Necaxa Alejandro Andrade 19 2001 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 1 1 0 0 16
Necaxa Alejandro Zendejas 22 1998 0 0 12 0 45 32 62 27 90 90 90 79 86 90 89 90 90 972
Necaxa Alán Montes 19 2000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23 0 0 23
Necaxa Idekel Domínguez 20 2000 0 0 90 90 90 90 80 90 90 70 45 90 90 90 63 0 90 1158
Necaxa José Cobián 21 1998 65 18 1 26 0 0 28 63 0 0 18 0 0 0 0 0 0 219
Necaxa Oscar Millán 19 2001 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 32 0 0 0 0 0 0 42
Necaxa Raúl Sandoval 20 2000 45 18 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 45 0 0 1 90 0 199
Pachuca Benjamín Galindo 21 1999 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 90 90
Pachuca Bryan González 17 2003 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 7
Pachuca Daniel Aceves 19 2001 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 69 69
Pachuca Eduardo Mustre 17 2003 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 12
Pachuca Efraín Orona 21 1999 0 79 0 0 1 0 3 0 0 15 0 0 5 3 0 7 90 203
Pachuca Erick Sánchez 20 1999 32 45 28 90 89 75 90 90 90 45 90 90 85 90 69 90 0 1188
Pachuca Francisco Figueroa 21 1999 0 57 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 21 69 78 235
Pachuca Josué Gómez 21 1999 0 0 0 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 21 21
Pachuca Kevin Álvarez 21 1999 90 45 90 86 0 45 3 45 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 0 1124
Pachuca Kevin Ortega 18 2002 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 78 78
Pachuca Luis Calzadilla 20 2000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 12
Pachuca René López 18 2002 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 12
Pachuca Roberto de la Rosa 20 2000 58 11 62 61 45 55 0 0 0 26 22 8 90 65 69 21 0 593
Puebla Daniel Aguilar 22 1998 0 0 0 0 0 32 0 90 12 90 0 0 0 0 90 90 24 428
Puebla Israel Reyes 20 2000 0 0 0 0 0 58 0 55 78 45 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 236
Puebla Salvador Reyes 22 1998 90 71 45 54 0 79 87 69 90 26 63 45 56 0 0 17 0 792
Rayados de Monterrey Ángel Zapata 19 2001 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 45 6 79 131
Rayados de Monterrey Daniel Parra 21 1999 26 0 57 90 0 0 0 0 15 22 28 30 90 1 0 0 0 359
Rayados de Monterrey Eric Cantú 21 1999 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 28 0 0 0 90 0 0 46
Rayados de Monterrey Luis Sánchez 20 2000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1
Rayados de Monterrey Shayr Mohamed 20 2000 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 45 0 0 2
Rayados de Monterrey Jonathan González 21 1999 9 18 0 1 4 0 13 8 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 62
Rayados de Monterrey José Alvarado 20 2000 0 0 10 1 12 0 0 8 26 0 0 15 0 0 0 0 0 72
Santos Laguna Adrián Lozano 21 1999 0 0 0 0 0 0 55 73 0 0 13 26 13 18 0 0 0 198
Santos Laguna Alan Cervantes 22 1998 19 90 90 90 90 90 90 73 45 15 4 90 90 90 90 90 72 1218
Santos Laguna Edgar Games 19 2001 0 0 80 45 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 125
Santos Laguna Eduardo Aguirre 21 1998 65 71 73 60 52 55 35 0 0 25 13 17 1 0 73 0 18 558
Santos Laguna Gerardo Arteaga 21 1998 90 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 90
Santos Laguna Jair González 18 2002 0 0 0 0 0 22 9 0 66 45 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 142
Santos Laguna Jesús Ocejo 22 1998 0 0 17 0 17 0 0 0 0 15 4 0 0 12 0 0 8 73
Santos Laguna Jonathan Díaz 21 1999 0 0 10 45 90 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 145
Santos Laguna Jordan Carrillo 18 2001 9 0 0 30 0 6 0 0 0 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 70
Santos Laguna Santiago Muñóz 18 2002 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17 0 0 17
Tigres de la U.A.N.L. Carlos Galindo 20 2000 0 0 0 0 90 90 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 180
Tigres de la U.A.N.L. Francisco Venegas 22 1998 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12
Tigres de la U.A.N.L. Juan Sánchez 22 1998 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 12
Tigres de la U.A.N.L. Raymundo Fulgencio 18 2001 0 0 0 0 0 30 1 0 0 0 58 0 0 0 0 0 78 167
Toluca Brandon Sartiaguin 20 2000 0 0 0 0 0 73 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 0 0 0 0 613
Toluca Diego Abella 21 1998 9 0 0 0 0 25 9 0 6 63 56 0 0 0 0 0 0 168
Toluca Giovanny León 20 2000 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 0 0 16
Toluca Isaías Violante 17 2003 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 45 0 49
Toluca Iván Acero 20 2000 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10
Toluca Kevin Castañeda 20 1999 0 0 0 21 45 25 28 34 31 0 34 15 0 4 26 22 32 317
Toluca Oscar Ortega 20 2000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 90 90 90 45 90 405
Universidad Nacional Amaury García 18 2001 0 1 15 66 0 45 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 135
Universidad Nacional Brian Figueroa 21 1999 0 12 0 0 0 0 4 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 29
Universidad Nacional Carlos Gutiérrez 21 1999 88 12 90 90 30 78 72 77 62 82 29 90 89 60 21 5 36 1011
Universidad Nacional Erik Lira 20 2000 0 0 0 6 7 90 90 90 90 28 90 0 17 90 1 90 90 779
Universidad Nacional Jerónimo Rodríguez 21 1999 84 78 90 54 45 90 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 441
Universidad Nacional Jesús Rivas 17 2002 0 0 45 6 0 90 90 45 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 276
Universidad Nacional Johan Vásquez 21 1998 90 90 75 36 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 40 1411
Former 20/11 Rule Player Development Table
Teams Player Name Age Year Minutes in Week 1 Minutes in Week 2 Minutes in Week 3 Minutes in Week 4 Minutes in Week 5 Minutes in Week 6 Minutes in Week 7 Minutes in Week 8 Minutes in Week 9 Minutes in Week 10 Minutes in Week 11 Minutes in Week 12 Minutes in Week 13 Minutes in Week 14 Minutes in Week 15 Minutes in Week 16 Minutes in Week 17
América Antonio López 23 1997 0 62 60 1 0 0 11 26 40 0 23 0 0 0 0 0 27
América Francisco Córdova 23 1997 90 77 90 89 90 90 79 45 40 33 90 70 90 90 73 90 90
América Jorge Sánchez 22 1997 90 90 90 0 0 0 90 90 90 90 90 90 0 90 90 90 90
Atlas Edyairth Ortega 23 1997 7 0 0 5 6 12 20 0 0 0 10 0 0 22 14 0 33
Atlas José Hernández 23 1997 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 90
Atlético de San Luis Walter Castillo 23 1997 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20
Club Tijuana Aldo Cruz 22 1997 0 45 16 10 0 0 58 12 14 0 90 73 90 17 45 0 90
Club Tijuana Paolo Yrizar 22 1997 9 0 0 0 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 53
Cruz Azul Josué Reyes 22 1997 0 0 90 90 90 0 90 0 0 3 0 0 90 90 0 0 0
Guadalajara Carlos Antuna 22 1997 0 45 85 75 66 0 25 69 65 45 90 65 85 81 86 90 90
Guadalajara Cristian Calderón 23 1997 45 90 90 0 24 25 0 45 90 64 59 90 87 0 4 0 0
Guadalajara Ernesto Vega 22 1997 0 0 0 32 0 0 90 74 90 90 83 65 85 68 90 90 90
Guadalajara Jesús Angulo 23 1997 65 74 19 75 66 0 65 21 25 45 17 25 67 74 61 79 39
Guadalajara Ronaldo Cisneros 23 1997 0 0 0 15 24 65 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
Mazatlán FC Ricardo Gutiérrez 23 1997 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 90 0 0 0 90
Leon José Godínez 23 1997 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Necaxa Luis Malagón 23 1997 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 0 0 90 90 90 90 0 90
Pachuca Erick Aguirre 23 1997 90 90 45 90 90 90 90 45 0 0 0 0 90 90 90 89 0
Rayados de Monterrey Carlos Rodríguez 23 1997 81 90 66 89 86 77 90 90 90 81 84 69 29 0 0 90 11
Rayados de Monterrey César Montes 23 1997 90 90 33 0 0 90 90 90 90 90 56 0 0 90 90 90 90
Santos Laguna Ismael Govea 23 1997 0 90 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Santos Laguna Ronaldo Prieto 23 1997 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 7 8
Toluca Adrián Mora 22 1997 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 0 90 90 90 5 0 0 5 10 90
Toluca Alan Medina 22 1997 64 65 32 69 45 65 82 56 59 0 55 85 11 12 0 0 56
Universidad Nacional Alan Mozo 23 1997 45 34 0 84 90 0 0 45 90 90 79 58 90 90 90 86 54
Universidad Nacional Bryan Mendoza 22 1997 2 0 0 0 0 0 4 13 10 20 11 0 1 0 0 0 0
Universidad Nacional Manuel Mayorga 23 1997 6 12 0 0 0 0 90 90 80 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90
Total 864 1134 896 904 868 694 1154 901 1053 834 1017 875 1085 994 925 902 1291
Team Ranking
Ranking Teams
1 Universidad Nacional
2 Club Tijuana
3 Pachuca
4 Guadalajara
5 Santos Laguna
6 Necaxa
7 Atlas
8 Mazatlán FC
9 Cruz Azul
10 Toluca
11 Puebla
12 FC Juárez
13 Atlético de San Luis
14 Rayados de Monterrey
15 America
16 Tigres de la U.A.N.L.
17 León
18 Gallos Blancos
The Sauce
J1, J2, J3, J4, J5, J6, J7, J8, J9, J10, J11, J12, J13, J14, J15, J16
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