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An interesting perspective about Your MDD (Not trying to romanticize) and what helped get me started in life. Plus, an AMAZING TIP.

TLDR: Use Your MDD. Dont let it use you. Get a partner. Fiverr is awesome.
Mandatory written on phone, so sorry if format is bad.
I may get downvoted for this (Sorry in advance 😬😬) but I just wanted to share a book that I read last year called "Conversations with God" by Neale Donald Walsch. Please understand that I'm not an overly religious person, I dont go to church every Sunday, couldn't quote a scripture unless it's the basics (be fruitful and multiply, etc.) But as a person with self-diagnosed MDD, it is a very interesting read and I do highly recommend it for those who also feel like they suffer from it and are not sure what to do with the little time they have daydreaming. In a nutshell, the author starts having a conversation with himself, but believes that there is "something else" writing back to him.
Basically the first page of the book goes kind of like:
"Hey?" "What's up?" "Nothing much." "Who are you?" "Who do you think?" "God?" "Bingo." "How do I know you're God?" "Do you normally have conversations with yourself?" "Everyone does." "Doesn't this feel different?" "You right."
Anyways.. you get the idea. The book is full of memorable quotes....but the one that got me the most was in reference to "God" saying that any idea/thought that came from the author's head (whether it was actually written down or not) was in itself coming from "God". And the fact that the author chose to ignore it was like ignoring his calling.
I don't know why that quote resonated with me so much. But I think it helped me realize that I (Along with other Fellow MDDers) are filled with so many potential ideas that its hard to fathom that one person (either with or without some sort of divine intervention) could seriously experience it all.
Seriously! Think of all the crap that goes on in our heads. I'm talking Oscar-award winning movies , viral music videos, Pulitzer prize-winning books, trend-starting dance choreographies / tiktoks, record-breaking television series, or unstoppable startup companies that could be the next Amazon and hasnt even been developed yet.
Is MDD a pain in the ass? Oh yes, absolutely. No doubt. Will Brad Pitt or Denzel Washington be starring in your next movie? Will you be dancing on stage next to Beyonce? Probably not. But if there is one thing I can say I've learned about my MDD, is to never take it for face value. USE IT AS A TEMPLATE!! NOT AS FACT!! Not everything is going to go exactly like how you dreamed it. Trust me.
And for my MDDers who use other people's fictional characters, I dont care if you're using someone else's persona or characters. Create a new character, put it in the same situation, and BAM. You just wrote your own book, screenplay, whatever.
If I can take some of my day dreams, turn it into a book, and make money off of it....YOU CAN TOO!
Now I know what you're thinking. That's Easy to say, but everyone knows the hardest part of getting off your ass and actually doing something versus staying in "Dream Land". Plus there are the typical responses: "I'm not a writer. I'm too lazy. I'm afraid. I know I want to be like how I see myself in my dreams, but dont know how to go about it."
And that's perfectly okay. Trust me. I understand. I may be young but I've probably had MDD for decades.
One of the most helpful tips that I believe I can give anyone who suffers from MDD is to find a partner. Not a boyfriend/girlfriend, mind you. But a creative/business/design/music/etc. partner. Someone who can help bring your dream to this reality.
Where can I find people like that? You may ask. I would suggest to try the website/app: Fiverr.
It has a lot of contractors that can do a wide variety of things for cheap. You have writers who will turn your idea (daydream) into an actual story/book/script. People who can give you a good market research background for your potential company. People who can draw/voice act that Cartoon you have always wanted to create. People who can design that Shark-Tank invention that's been stuck in your head. And the list goes on.
Please understand that I'm not trying to give everyone any false hope. Or make It seem like MDD is "God in Disguise". Trust me. I'm not. All I know is that there are not that many cures out there for people with MDD. And instead of allowing it to take hold of us, I'm suggesting that we make it work for us, for once. 😤😤💯👏👏💯
If you're interested, i have an invitation for the site Fiverr that is down Below (I beleive we both can get credit towards the site if you sign up. But dont quote me on that. Or you can always ignore the link and just go to the site yourselves. ALSO I FEEL LIKE I SHOULD MENTION THAT I AM IN NOT GETTING PAID FOR ADVERTISEMENTS!(Lol..its just a damn good site) )
" Join Fiverr and discover the fastest way to hire freelancers, for any online project. Thank me later!"
submitted by coolbeansmjb to MaladaptiveDreaming [link] [comments]

“A fortune in fabulous prizes may go to these people today....

“A fortune in fabulous prizes may go to these people today, if they know when The Price Is Right!”
Dah-dah-dah-dah. Dah-dah-dah-dah… I catch myself humming the theme song. I’m such a grandma knitting along to late night gameshow re-runs. But Bob Barker’s good company when you're in the middle of nowhere babysitting. The silence out here is disturbing.
“Rachel Donaldson, come on dowwwn! Yooou’re the next contestant on The Price Is Right!”
I glance up at the TV. Rachel’s jumping and squealing and throwing her hands in the air. I bet she’ll win a new car. God, it’s taking me forever to save for mine. I can hear my mom’s voice in my head: “You need to learn the true value of a dollar.” The only handout that woman gives is unwanted advice.
I set down my knitting needles to stretch my fingers. I have to finish one cat fedora, three dog bandanas and a guinea pig sweater by next Friday. My Etsy shoppers seem to love this stuff (not sure about their pets). But even still, I’d have to sell a million Chihuahua beanies to afford a car.
On screen, Rachel Donaldson’s bidding $1 on a 6-person hot tub. Hmm, seems risky to me. But as mom likes to say, “You have to take risks to get ahead.”
“Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding!”
And once again mom’s right (boo). Rachel’s gamble paid off. She's through to the next round. Her family goes ballistic in the audience, screaming so loud it’s going to blow out the Richardson’s fancy surround sound.
Shit, I should turn the TV down. If I wake up the kids now, I’ll never get them back to sleep. And cranky kids means cranky parents. I need to keep this gig. Turns out babysitting pays way more than my animal couture line. And Tatiana and Julian are pretty easy to watch . Though tonight they seemed in a funk. Barely spoke. Maybe they decided they don't like me.
I stare down at five remotes sitting next to a fat ‘Entertainment Center’ instruction packet. Seriously? I try the volume button and nothing happens. I hit ‘power’. Still no go. Maybe the 'mute' button? It oddly does the trick. Rachel Donaldson is now noiselessly celebrating, her mouth opening and closing like a goldfish, as a plastic Plinko disc lands on a $5,000 payout.
Ahoooga! Ahoooga!
The noise makes me jump. For a split second I think it's coming from the TV. But, no, the volume’s still muted.
Ahoooga! Ahoooga!
It’s outside. Some kind of… honking? I picture a tiny car full of murderous clowns flashing chainsaws and uzis (too many B horror movies with my brother). The Richardson’s neighbors are at least a quarter-mile away, so if I screamed for help, no one would hear. I creep toward the window, a little freaked out. But let’s be real, what blood-thirsty murderer would announce themself with a cartoon horn?
I peer through a crack in the blinds, not wanting whoever it is to see me. It’s dark out, but I spot an old, boxy RV parked on the single-lane country road at the end of the Richardson’s drive. Its brights are on, giving the vehicle a visible aura, as if having landed from outer space. The passenger door is thrown open. I squint and make out a hunched over figure in the driver’s seat hitting the horn.
The side door of the RV is open too. Framed inside is the teapot silhouette of a women with big hair piled on top of her head. Hands on her hips, she yells at the figure in the front seat. Probably her husband. He hits the horn again. This is annoying. They're gonna wake the kids. I should go out there and tell them to stop.
Out on the porch I stop a sec. I hate confrontation. But they seem harmless… Definitely not murderous clowns. Just some old timers who probably lost their way on these crazy ass backroads. There are at least three streets with “Pine” in the name around here. Even confuses me.
I decide to be a Good Samaritan and take a few steps down the drive, not wanting to shout too close to the house. “Everything okay?” I holler out to the couple.
Startled, the woman puts her hand to her heart. “Oh, honey. Didn’t see ya there.”
“Sorry,” I apologize. “Didn’t mean to scare you.”
“Oh it’s okay. I’m an old fraidy cat.” The woman remains in silhouette. Just a voice in the dark. “Hate to interrupt your evening. But you see, we’re in a bit of a pickle. I was having Dennis here… wave, Dennis, to the little girl…”
The man in the front seat nods at me. I wince at her use of the word “little.” I may be small for my age, but I’m not a little girl.
The woman rambles on, “I was having him honk the horn to see if anyone was home. Didn’t want to trespass on this fine property. You never know who’s locked and loaded these days. I’m scared of dogs, too, if I’m honest. Been bit more than once and let me tell you, the bite is worse than the bark.” The woman laughs, and I join her. I’m used to laughing at adults’ dumb jokes.
“Are you lost?” I ask. “I can point you to the highway.”
The woman flips on a bug light rigged to the RV and steps down into the neon blue glow. I can see her face now. Makeup caked on. The shadows from her fake lashes like spiders on her cheeks. She’s older. Maybe gram’s age. With dangling turquoise earrings.
“Damn mosquitoes. Nearly sucking me dry.” The woman swats at her neck and checks her palm. “Ooh, got ‘em!” She wipes the guts on her pants. “I’m Marianne by the way. And no, hon, we’re not lost. Not in the literal sense anyway. We’d pulled off a few hours ago to catch a little shuteye, get a little beauty sleep. Dennis set an alarm on his phone, but the bugger ran out of juice. Turns out we no longer have a charger because my hubby here,” Marianne slams her palm on the RV, “let a pretty girl at the last RV park borrow it and never asked for it back! Worse yet, because we overslept, we’re now in danger of losing our spot at tonight’s park.”
Now I’m wishing I’d stayed inside.
“So you see, I desperately need to call ahead to let them know we’re only a couple hours away but have no working phone. You get where I’m going with this, darling?”
I do. But no way am I letting a stranger use my phone.
“I know what you’re thinking,” she says, wagging her finger. “You don’t want a stranger fiddling with your phone. So what if I sweeten the deal? Would five dollars help? It’s one measly phone call. Dennis!” she shouts, without letting me answer. “Bring me the can!”
I watch Dennis reach between the front seats and grab a red Folgers coffee can. He holds it out the passenger window, giving the can a shake. I can hear coins jangling. And it reminds me of my gram hiding “emergency money” in an old ice cream carton in the freezer.
Marianne huffs and shuffles over to her husband. “Thanks for the effort, dear. Always making me come to you,” she barks. “I’ll remember this when someone wants their back scratched tonight.” She snatches the can and pops the top. Crumpled cash falling out as she digs around inside. She chooses a bill and holds it out to me, like offering a treat to a feral cat.
I think on it. Five bucks could buy me a couple skeins of yarn. That’s about three dog sweaters at fifteen dollars a pop. So forty bucks profit, all from a harmless phone call which costs me nothing. “Sure,” I finally reply, handing her my phone… and hope I don't regret it.
“I didn’t catch your name honey,” Marianne says, while slipping me the wrinkly five-dollar bill.
“Delphine,” I answer, then realize I could’ve said any name. Jessica or Sasha or Princess Buttercup. But what’s it matter? They’ll be gone soon.
Marianne disappears with my phone into the RV. They better not take off with it. I listen close and can hear bits and pieces of her conversation with the RV park. It doesn’t sound good. Antsy, I check out Dennis still in the driver’s seat. He’s wearing a fishing vest over his t-shirt, its zillion pockets bulging with who knows what. He dips into one and pulls out a small black comb, running it through his patchy grey hair.
“Where you guys from?” I ask, trying to fill the awkward silence.
Instead of answering, he leans forward and pulls a Red Vine out of a giant plastic container on the dash, offering it to me. I shake my head ‘no’. Never take candy from a stranger.
“Here and there,” he finally replies, before taking a bite of his Red Vine. Smacking as he chews.
“Don’t tease the girl, Dennis,” Marianne scolds, stepping out with my phone. “We’re from a one-horse town in Arizona. Retired this last year after working our fingers to the bone our whole lives. Then set out to travel this great country in old Shitbird here… if you’ll excuse my French. But she’s a real piece of work. Prone to flat tires and flattening squirrels.”
I scan the RV. ‘Shitbird’ sums it up. The outside’s caked in bugs and dust. The passenger mirror is duct taped together. And there’s a dent in the bumper suspiciously shaped like a deer.
Marianne catches me staring. “I know, I know. She's a little worse for wear. You know the saying, some things are like a fine wine, they get better over time? Well that ain’t her.” She laughs, and this time I don’t laugh with her. I’m ready for them to be gone. “Anyway, we’re doing the festival circuit and have come here for your famous Apple Jubilee. I’m sure you know it well.”
I nod, the mention making me cringe. An apple-eating duck nearly took my finger off one year at that kiddie fest. I refuse to go back, even for the deep-fried apple turnovers. Marianne hands me my phone. The cover is smudged from oily fingers and smells of cheap rose perfume. Grrrrross. “Well I better head back inside,” I tell her. “Good luck with the rest of your trip.” I turn to go.
“We could use a pinch of luck, that’s for darn tootin’,” Marianne sighs. “Looks like they gave away our spot.”
I hold my breath, waiting for the next favor.
“You don’t suppose we could stay parked here for a short while? Just until we figure out what to do.” Marianne fusses with her hair, as the blue bug light zaps its first victim. “Would hate to waste gas driving around in circles.”
I’m not sure what to do. It’s not my dream to have them parked here. But can I force them to leave? They’re on a public road. “Yeah. I guess that's fine.” Before Marianne can say anymore, I hurry inside and lock the door. Peeking through the blinds, I watch Dennis shove an armful of stuffed plastic grocery bags into the Richardson’s garbage bin. He makes three of these trips, struggling to pound the last few bags in. Finally, he slams the lid shut, giving the can a good kick, having won the battle.
If I was braver, I’d tell them this wasn’t the county dump. Instead, I check on the kids. Their rooms are quiet and dark. Good, still comatose. It took forever to get Julian to sleep. He kept crying and saying his parents weren’t coming back. Poor little dude. As I leave Tatiana's room, I notice a new pair of ice skates hanging on the back of her door. These kids want something, they get it.
“Watch out!” a voice echoes through the house.
I freeze. My heart pounding.
“… You’re close to losing it all, if you can’t guess the price of this gold-plated Timex wristwatch!”
Duh, idiot. It’s only Bob Barker… But didn't I mute that guy? I hurry into the living room, half expecting to find Marianne there, eating Red Vines on the couch and swatting mosquitos.
“Put your thinking cap on, Tony. You’re playing for a new car,” Bob continues.
Of course the living room’s empty. I mute the TV again, still unable to figure out how to turn it off. I grab my knitting – and the hairs on my neck stand up. My Spidey sense tells me I’m being watched. And sure enough, I spin around to find Mr. Richardson’s face glaring over me.
I stare back at him, only a picture on the wall. Mrs. Richardson stands by her husband in the photo holding a picnic basket. Her hair in a smooth, shiny bob. Julian and Tatiana hold hands amongst a carpet of yellow and red autumn leaves. The kids are grinning ear to ear, but you can tell they’re uncomfortable in the old timey clothes they’ve been forced to wear. I laugh (the kids’ holiday elf costumes were even worse), but notice something odd about the picture. Mr. R’s gone grey. I thought his hair was dark brown but dude must dye it. Even stranger, his eyes are two different colors, one blue, one brown. Which I know isn’t right…
I drop the remote. Del – stop being so jumpy. I walk to the front door and peer through the peephole. It's Marianne and her red beehive hair. If I ignore her, maybe she’ll go away. I hold statue-still, trying not to make any noise.
“I can hear you breathing behind there, Delphine,” she says in a singsong voice, bringing goosebumps to my arms. “Don’t be frightened. It’s me. Marianne.”
Ugh, there’s no avoiding this woman. I crack open the door knowing the screen’s latched, creating a barrier between us.
“There you go. Better to talk face-to-face. I promise not to bite.” She lets out a dry, crackly laugh. “I do hate to bother you again, but Dennis has outdone himself this time. Spilled my last bottle of cooking oil all over the Shitbird’s carpet right before I was about to cook him up a plate of Salisbury steak.”
I give a blank stare, wondering if she’s for real right now. They’re cooking dinner?! They should be cooking up a plan of where to sleep tonight. I picture a greasy stovetop and the smell of burning meat and gravy filling the RV.
Marianne inches close to the screen, the tip of her nose grazing it. The heat of her breath assaults me. I take a step back, as she goes on, “I wouldn’t ask to borrow from a complete stranger unless I was desperate. Dennis is lousy with diabetes, god bless him, from all that pop he drank to stay awake on nightshifts. If I don’t feed the man in the next few minutes, he’s bound to slip into a capital ‘C’ coma.”
I flash to the Richardson’s coming home to an ambulance in their driveway. They’d have a heart attack no doubt, afraid one of the kids was hurt. I’d never be asked back to babysit. Maybe they'd tell the whole town, and my other families would ban me too. “I want to help…" I start. “But it’s not my house. It doesn’t seem right to take without asking.”
Marianne nods. “I understand. One-hundred percent. But trust me, no one’s gonna miss a tablespoon of olive oil.” Marianne studies my face. I think she can sense my hesitation. “What about this? I’ll give you ten dollars for it. The oil’s only worth a handful of cents. It’s a heck of a deal. And I bet a young girl like you is saving up for something special. A new dress, perhaps, or a nice pair of earrings…”
I glance down at my ripped jeans and baggy hoodie. Is she throwing shade?
“Well… whad’ya say?” She holds out her hand to shake on it. Her fingers are full of rings. Costume jewelry, I bet.
“Okay,” I answer, leaving her hand hanging. If mom was here she’d say “never trust free money”. But what harm’s a little extra cash?
I keep the screen door locked and head into the Richardson’s kitchen. The pantry is as organized as a supermarket shelf. Tidy rows of healthy kids snacks, protein bars and canisters of dried beans arranged by color. Totally OCD. On the back shelf I spy a row of oils – avocado, sesame, vegetable, walnut and a green one called grapeseed. No olive oil anywhere. Maybe I should give this nutter the cheap stuff and call it a day.
“You alright, darlin’?” Marianne hollers through the screen. She rattles the door, trying to open it. “Unlatch this darn thingamajig, and I can come help ya.”
I ignore her and grab the vegetable oil, since its plastic bottle looks the least expensive. I pour a large spoonful in a Dixie cup, doubting she’ll even know the difference. Back at the door, Marianne takes the oil and sniffs it. For a second, I worry I’ve been caught. But she smiles, lifts her shirt (umm, is she gonna flash me?) and unzips a nude colored, sweat-stained money belt. I try not to make a face as she hands me a limp ten dollar bill. The money’s warm and moist.
But hey, money’s money.
“Pleasure doing business with you, Ms. Delphine,” Marianne says, zipping the money belt closed and tucking in her purple bedazzled blouse. “Could I interest you in a plate? My kids used to say my Salisbury steak is the best on the block. Course, they’re all grown now. Don’t need me… Except when they need help paying their rent, that is.” She’s silent for a moment. Sad maybe. “Would make me mighty happy to feed you,” she adds, eager.
“No thanks, ma’am. I already ate.” Not trying to hurt her feelings, but no way am I eating a plate of her Salisbury steak.
Marianne frowns. “Your loss then,” she huffs, turning on her heels and strutting back to the RV. I swear I see her toss the oil into a bush. But it’s hard to make out much in the dark.
I curl up on the couch and get back to my Chihuahua beanie. The Price Is Right cuts to an ad for our local car dealership. The TV’s still on mute, but I can hear the jingle in my head: “Don’t waste your time going online. Come see Gervis for customer service…” The owner, Gervis McNally, rides a horse past the small electric car I’m saving for. I picture no longer taking the bus to school in the mornings or relying on my parents for rides everywhere. I could grab a peppermint mocha with double whip whenever I want. Purrrre freedom.
Bob Barker’s back now greeting a new contestant on stage. I dig into my backpack for a skein of yellow yarn, when the damn TV unmutes again. Did I sit on the remote? I reach under me to check, when Bob turns to camera.
“Check the kid’s bedroom, Delphine.”
My heart stops. Bob Barker’s talking to me.
“Because you’re about to win a 4-piece children’s bedroom set,” Bob exclaims, as the show’s snappy music fires up.
I laugh, relieved. Hello, I’m not the only Delphine in the world. I find the remote tucked between the couch cushions and mute the set again. It sounds nuts, but I can’t shake the idea Bob was talking to me. Maybe I should go check on the kids. Doesn’t hurt.
I peek in on Tatiana first. Even though she’s seven-going-on-thirty and mouthy as my cousin Sheila, she’s sleeping like a baby with her thumb in her mouth. I sneak into Julian’s room next and am hit with a gust of chilly air. His race car curtains rise and fall, as though breathing. I swear the window wasn’t open when I tucked him in. Right? I creep across the wood floor, trying not to step on the ruins of a Lego castle. I reach to close the window, and then I see it. A large shadow moving along the grass in the backyard.
Something's out there.
It feels like I'm sinking into the carpet. Totally spooked. I hear Julian stir and know I’ve got to check it out. I’m in charge of these kids after all. One step at a time, Del. Go to the kitchen. Flip on the back porch light. And have a look.
I make my way there and peer through the sliding glass door. The backyard is empty. Thank god. Maybe it was a deer. Or a coyote. Or a freakin' tree blowing in the wind… I should make a cup of cocoa and chill the hell out.
I grab the kettle from the stove, then freeze. There’s a noise behind me. On the back porch. I don’t want to turn around. Because the sliding doors are shaking. As if a burglar’s trying to break in. A scream rises in my throat.
“Delphiiiinnneee.” Marianne’s voice is both welcome and disturbing. “I tried the front door, but you must have cotton stuck in your ears.” She taps on the slider like a woodpecker, over and over. “Delphine? Delphine! I’m lookin’ right at you. Turn around.”
My body tenses, and I spin around to face her. Through the glass, I see the expression on Marianne’s face. She’s almost… angry. Or at least irritated. Her smile stretched too wide, reminding me of a patient in a dentist’s chair with their mouth clamped open.
I try to be civil. “I don’t know if you should be back there,” I tell her. “The kids’ parents will be home any minute.”
“The Richardsons?” Marianne asks, as if they’re old friends. “You don’t gotta worry your pretty little head about them.”
It creeps me out she knows their name. But then I remember the red hand-painted “Richardson Family” on the mailbox. Even then, my gut’s telling me something’s not right with these two. I’d call the sheriff, but I’m the one who said they could stay. It’s like with vampires – let them in, and you’re gonna get bitten. “I think you should go,” I say, my tone more forceful.
Marianne puts her hands on her hips. “Trust me, hon. We want to get out of your hair. In fact, we were about to take off when Shitbird overheated somethin’ awful. Like a case of herpes, this keeps cropping up at the most inopportune times. All we need is a splash of water to cool the engine off.” I can tell she’s gearing for another ridiculous ask. “I peeped a hose out front. Mind if we use it? I’ve already slipped fifteen dollars under the front door for your troubles. To help pad that nest egg of yours.”
She winks at me through the glass, and I feel I’m making a deal with the devil. But again, I do need the cash. The couple’s a bit strange, but I'm probably overreacting. Babysitting paranoia. “Go ahead,” I tell them.
“Eureka.” Marianne claps her hands together. “You’re an absolute doll. But there is one other thing…”
Of course there is.
“Your hose, what is it? A 25-footer? That ain’t gonna reach our engine. I’m sure you won’t mind if we pull into the driveway?”
Actually I do mind. “Well--”
“We’ll be done in a jiffy,” she interrupts before I can protest. “Scouts honor.” And she’s gone. Moving faster than seems possible for a lady her age. Although, maybe she’s one of those Zumba enthusiasts you see at the community center, like my great Aunt Bertie.
Through the living room blinds, I watch the RV roll up the Richardson’s gravel driveway, its flabby wheels kicking up rocks. The brakes squeal to a stop. And soon I hear the low rumble of water moving through the pipes in the walls with each turn of the garden spigot.
As my eyes follow the water’s path through the house, I glance again at the Richardson’s silly family portrait. Huh. Were Mrs. R’s fingers always covered in all those rings? Doesn’t really seem her style. My mind goes to Marianne’s costume jewelry crusted fingers. The resemblance gives me the chills. I notice, too, for the first time the way Mr. R clutches his kids’ shoulders. His grip too tight.
“Jesus H, Dennis, watch where you’re pointing that snake! You’re gonna get me all wet,” I hear Marianne yell from outside, followed by her crackly laugh.
Through the blinds, I see the Shitbird with its hood propped open. Dennis cools off the RV’s engine with the Richardson’s green garden hose. I can’t spot Marianne and wonder if she's snooping around the backyard again. But then there she is, exiting the RV with a large cardboard box. She drops the box with a thud and clutches her back. I swear I can hear the cracking of her spine from here. I try to make out what’s written on the box. R-I-C-H… But I can’t read the rest. Did they steal a package from the Richardsons?
I have a sudden terrible itch on my back but can’t seem to reach it. I think of using my knitting needles. That would do it. But I don't dare walk away from the window.
“Pretty yourself while you’re at it, old man,” Marianne orders Dennis. “You smell of liver and onions. We gotta look presentable. Make a good impression.” She throws him a rag, and I watch him bend over, spraying the hose into his limp greying hair. He straightens, shakes his head and slicks his wet hair back with his pocket comb.
I turn my focus to Marianne. She's checking herself out in the RV’s duct taped side mirror, picking Salisbury gristle from her teeth with a utility knife. Like some sort of thug. She applies a good five coats of fuchsia lipstick and puckers her lips.
It's as if they're getting ready for something. Maybe it's Bingo night at the RV park.
The blue bug zapper flickers. The itch on my back is screaming now. I’m about to go grab those needles, when Marianne plucks her red beehive hairdo right off her head. I’m shocked to see her bald underneath. The skin loose and blue in the light. Dennis hands her a new wig. She carefully puts on the shiny brown bob and smiles at her reflection in the side mirror, “Well aren't you a sight to see.” She tucks a stray hair behind her ear. “Come on, Dennis, it's time."
I clutch at my back. My skin is burning. As though being bitten by a million red fire ants. I grab the blinds, ripping a hole in them, as my knees nearly give out. And all at once, two heads snap toward me in eerie unison, like a pair of junkyard dogs. Marianne and Dennis are watching me.
I have a very bad feeling.
I run from the window to call mom. She’ll know what to do. And then I see it. Under recent calls. The last person dialed was dad - not a random RV park. Marianne lied to me. Her whole conversation was fake. Holy crap. What are they going to do to us? Panicking, I hit the emergency button, but nothing happens. Instead, a text pops up from an unknown number: “DON’T BE SCARED HONEY. WE’VE GOT MORE MONEY.”
They’re at the door. I go stiff. “Let us in, darling,” Marianne coos. “We ain’t gonna hurt you. We’re here to relieve you.” Her voice through the door sounds different. Not just muffled. But higher pitched. Almost breaking.
“Come on down!” the TV blares out. “You’re the next contestant on The Price Is Right!”
The volume’s so loud it’s as if I’m right there in the gameshow. I turn to face the screen. And there they are on the TV set. Dennis, gaunt and expressionless, sitting in the studio audience, while Marianne jumps for joy in her brunette bob and fuchsia lipstick. She takes off at a sprint through the audience, racing to the podium. In it to win it.
This can’t be...
I hear keys jingling in the front door and snap back to reality. Thank god. The Richardsons are home. I don’t even care if they’re mad about the RV. I just want them here. They’ll know what to do. The knob turns. The door creaks open.
And Marianne and Dennis walk in. Their clothes neat and tidy and stylish. Totally different than before – and yet off. Like a costume that doesn’t fit. I scream and grab my knitting needles, holding them out in front of me like spears. “Stop, or I’m calling the cops,” I shout, trying to sound grown up, when inside I’m still a kid who wants to crawl under the covers and hide.
Marianne ignores me, pointing to the TV. “Jeepers, Dennis, Delphine’s watching our old episode. Remember, dear? We were on one helluva winning streak. Celebrated that night with lobster and dirty martinis at the hotel bar. Took home enough furniture and bric-a-brac to redecorate the entire house.” She sighs, nostalgic. Then sets her sights on me. “Now, now, put the needles down, Delphine. Violence isn’t the answer. This will be easier if you give in.”
I swallow my fear and try to think, not loosening my grip on my weapons, pathetic as they are. I yell, “The Richardson’s will be home any minute! Get out, and I won’t tell them you trespassed!”
Marianne and Dennis exchange a look and laugh. Her fuchsia lipstick smeared on her teeth, she replies in a motherly tone, “Oh honey… we’re the Richardsons now. Don’t I look good in her dress? It’s a smidge tight, if I’m honest. But thankfully Dennis enjoys a bosom buster.” She leans into Dennis, kissing him. He lets out a low moan and grabs her hand. One by one he inserts her fingers into his mouth, sucking off her costume jewelry rings and swallowing them.
Tears roll down my face. “What have you done with the Richardsons?” Marianne stares at me with pity. “You freaks, tell me what you’ve done!” I yell louder.
“Mom? Dad?” Julian appears from the darkened hallway in his solar system pajamas.
I race to stand between him and the deranged couple. “Don’t come in here,” I order him. “Go back to your room.” But it’s too late. Julian runs to Marianne, wrapping his arms around her. I lurch forward, ripping him away. He struggles in my arms, crying, and breaks free, hiding himself behind Marianne.
“It’s okay, bubba. Mommy’s home,” Marianne soothes. “Delphine’s tired is all. She didn’t mean to hurt you.” Marianne pats the boy on the head, flashing me a Cheshire grin. And for the first time, I glimpse three or four gold teeth in the back of her mouth. As sharp as a wolf’s.
Tatiana steps into the room, rubbing sleep from her eyes. No, no, no, get out of here kid. Run! “Mom, what’s going on? Why are you guys being so loud?” she asks, annoyed we woke her. Her gaze moves from the couple to the threat of the knitting needles in my hands. Her expression changes. Tatiana’s scared. Not of them, though. Of me.
Dennis bends his lanky frame to make himself the height of the children. “Daddy will tuck you back in,” he tells them, his voice surprisingly warm. “Momma needs to pay the babysitter.” He grabs the kids by the hand and leads them down the hall toward their rooms. I want to chase after them, but my feet won’t budge. These lunatics are not your parents!
I need proof. I glance over at the family portrait. But the Richardsons I know are gone from the picture. In their place are Marianne and Dennis, posing with the kids in the same red and yellow carpet of leaves. Just another happy family.
“Does forty cover tonight,” Marianne asks, handing me two crisp twenty dollar bills. As if this were the most normal exchange in the world. “I know we’re back early. I do hope the kids weren’t too much trouble. I’ll have Dennis pull the car around to give you a ride home.”
I don’t answer. I can’t even process what she’s saying. Instead, I watch the Marianne on TV scream in delight. She’s won the final Showcase. Next to her on stage stand her unlucky competitors. The Richardsons. The REAL Richardsons. They’ve lost it all. And Marianne is going home with a new-
“Fully equipped recreational vehicle for an all-expenses paid tour of the great USofA!” Bob Barker gestures to a rising curtain. Revealing a shiny new Shitbird.
Marianne walks over to me. Her breath hot on my skin again, she whispers, “Don’t worry. You won’t remember any of this tomorrow. Of course, we’ll still need a good babysitter, too.” She winks. “And we do pay well.”
If I could escape, I would. But this all seems inevitable.
Marianne sets a hand tenderly on my shoulder. “You’ll have that new car in no time, dear. The one you’ve been saving so hard for.”
I’m still glued to the TV set. A new episode of the gameshow has started. The theme song along with it. Dah-dah-dah-dah. Dah-dah-dah-dah. Bob Barker stands on stage. Skinny mic in hand. He looks into the camera… right at me… opening his mouth to deliver the good news.
“Delphine McDonald, come on dowwwn!”
I smile.
“A fortune in fabulous prizes awaits… as you’re the next contestant on The Price Is Right!”
I have a very good feeling.
submitted by drkmode6 to nosleep [link] [comments]

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The last tip to use when playing Agen slot online terrain is to make sure that you get the maximum amount of bonuses on each of the four paylines. This means that you should always play for the maximum time limit, win the maximum number of coins, and get the maximum number of bonus icons on every line. Although the maximum bonus amount is always lower when playing this slot game, it will still help you to have a good time while you are playing, and it is definitely worth taking the time to earn these bonuses.
When you play Agen slot online terrain, you will notice that there are two symbols displayed on the screen. These are the icon that shows you which bingo room you are in, and the icon that shows you that bonus has been issued for that particular room. You should always focus on winning these bonuses first, because you will eventually be rewarded for doing so. In order to get the maximum bonus that you can, you should play in the room with the highest payout. Once you have won the bonus, you can then transfer it to another room to increase your winnings. These are some of the tips that you should keep in mind when playing Agen slot online terbaik.
submitted by nenabej to AgenSlotGameplay [link] [comments]

An early retrospective of Monster Hunter World/Iceborne, to discuss its merits and flaws for the next game

So, with World nearing the end of its development cycle, it’s time to do a retrospective. For someone who has played the series since Freedom Unite with at least 500 hours per game, World made a lot of fundamental changes to mechanics and systems that had remained static for 5 generations. With decent sized nostalgia glasses (MH3U is best game, fight me) and me having played World long enough that the ‘ooh new!’-factor has worn off, let’s take a look at what I would (not) like to see next game.
Before I start, some things to note. I haven’t fought the (Ancient) Leshen or Alatreon, nor many of the Arch-Tempered Monsters (with the exception of Kirin), so I can’t comment on them much. I will say 3 things on them, though these things may apply to other things as well.
  1. I play 99% solo, and I’m not ‘naked speedrunner’-great, although I can kill every monster reasonably fast. As such, I despise quests that force you in MP.
  2. I don’t like being railroaded into a certain playstyle.
  3. Putting in a hard succeed-or-fail-damage-barrier is unnecessary in this game, and a very artificial way to make a fight more difficult. Monster Hunter already has mechanics that encourage and reward aggression and a focus on damage with monster staggers, temporary buffs from weapons and items and the new Healing Augment. Monsters like Zinogre and Gold Rathian also have buffed states that can be stopped by damage, rewarding aggression and skill. Don’t forget the fact that simply spending less time on a hunt is a reward on its own as well.
Having said that, let’s actually look at the game now. I have 4 categories: “Good” (requires no changes, even if it can be improved), “Good but flawed” (good, decent or functional as it is, but can use some changes), “Bad with potential” (mediocre or unnecessary, but can be changed to be better), and “Bad” (please don’t put this in the next game). For readability, I tried to Bold the main points.


· The additions to each weapons’ moveset are amazing. Personally, I favor smaller quality of life changes that amplify a weapon’s identity, like the Lance’s Power Guard, the Greatsword’s s True Charged Slash or the Gunlance’s Wyrmstake Blast, without changing its playstyle. The Hammer’s Big Bang, for example, felt unnecessary. However, overall, every weapon has been improved, in a much more natural way than Generation’s Styles and Combat Arts did.
· Rolling backwards is a godsend. No more comment needed.
On a more serious note, the increased mobility in this game improves the flow of the hunt. My main weapons (GS, Lance, GL, Hammer, SwA, HBG) have felt fewer improvements in this regard, but I have seen what they have done for all weapons. The SwitchAxe’s ability to move around more freely and switch around between Axe and Sword mode allows an experienced hunter the ability to switch when appropriate even in the middle of a combo. I have small fear related to this topic, but I will discuss this later.
· Alexander is my bro. Yes, Alexander is my feline companion. The companions in this game are great. Customizable enough, without being overly complicated and confusing like it was in MHGU. Their contribution to the fight is noticeable (especially if you give your companion a status weapon), they are active for the vast majority of the fight (no hiding in the ground for 50% of the hunt like Cha Cha, damn him) and they will use their skills frequently. Being able to give them the order to use their skills is also very useful, especially the Healing Skills (if you ask me). I barely use any Potions anymore because of Alexander the Bro.
· No more flexing after drinking, thank goodness. Basically, the ability to move around while consuming items allows you to actually stay in/near the fight when healing or refreshing buffs. This was probably a necessary change with the removal of separated areas (old school hunters, imagine drinking a potion the old way in World. Yes, that feeling of panic is natural), but it’s still a great change.
· No more Pickaxes or Bugnets! A QOL change I support wholeheartedly. Sure, without Talismans from mining spots and the Base Camp allowing you access to your items at all times, it would not have been as much a problem as in the old games. But still, few things were more frustrating than running out of pickaxes in the middle of a gathering quest.
· Extra Inventory Space for materials? Yes please! Mostly because it saves some effort managing your inventory. Even in the old games I would rarely need more space for materials, but it did limit what I could bring to some extent.
· Tracks are an excellent and natural replacement for Paint Balls. For anyone who doesn’t know, in the old games, you needed to throw a paintball at a monster to track it on your map. Once you knew monsters a bit, you didn’t actually need paintballs anymore since you knew where the monsters would hang out or move to. Still, it’s great that I can always tell where a monster is now.
The way the system works is also quite clever, because it still uses the same learning curve as paintballs without the hassle and a major reward at the end. You don’t immediately get all the information, nor do you automatically follow a monster the first few hunts, so you still have to learn a monster’s habitat and how it moves around. Gathering tracks is, however, still low effort to do, and once you have fought a monster a few times you will have gathered all the tracks. In the old games, this knowledge was in your head, but now the game just shows it to you. At this point, the tracks (and research level) are usually little more than a quality of life thing (you’ve fought the monster enough times to just know most of it), but boy, if you ever lost track of a flying monster in the old games, you know how nice it is to just know a monster’s location. Having all the Wiki-information in regards to elemental weaknesses, hitzones and material rewards doesn’t hurt either.
· Augments are an excellent way to personalize your weapons and make a decent late-reward. You can easily do without Augments, but they still feel pretty nice to have. It would be nice if the Healing Augment wasn’t so comfortable to use, because the others feel pretty mediocre compared to it. I have used all Augments on at least one weapon though, so it’s not that bad. I do have major criticism on the way you farm Augments, but I’ll address that later.
· I love cooking cats. I’m not even a cat person, but the food cutscenes are absolutely amazing. All hail Grandma Felyne and Arnold Catzenegger.
· Safi’s weapon customization system is very interesting. Just the Set-bonus Skills make Safi weapons so very useful for someone like me who likes to make a lot of different sets without following any meta. It helps that I found Safi to be entertaining to fight. I could even grudgingly tolerate the MP-aspect of it, though I hope they make it easier for SP to farm them as well. Also, maybe make the Set-bonus skills a separate part to unlock with maybe the Mantle of that monster? I spent way too much time unlocking Zorah’s Set Bonus on my GL.
· Turf Wars are awesome. They really do bring the world alive, and reinforce the idea that this world is a hypercharged ecosystem where aggression is rewarded. A few more unique Turf Wars would be cool though. Seeing Glavenus suddenly act like Anjanath when he bodyslams a Diablos is a bit strange. Also, more stuff like Diablos breaking each other’s horns. Maybe even different outcomes, where one monster just wins, perhaps based on the relative size of a monster (a gold sized crown beats a regular sized monster)?
· The maps are gorgeous and varied, while still projecting a coherent picture. The Wildspire Waste is my favorite in that regard. Other maps are still beautiful and never with jarring transitions. The maps are a tad too big for my taste, but you can just warp around the camps, so that’s fine. The environmental traps are pretty niche, and I tend to forget they exist in the middle of combat, but they are still very satisfying to use. Maps are a solid 9, better than any previous map in Monster Hunter.
· Namielle is my favorite Elder Dragon. I tend to prefer the midgame monsters to the Elder Dragons, since Elder Dragon are often a bit over the top. However, Namielle is perfect for me. It’s not mind-blowingly difficult, but still poses a serious threat without relying in gimmicks or insane AOE (more on that later). More importantly, its design is very unique, especially soundwise. Visually, it reminds me of Abyssal Lagiacrus, but easily makes the transition to the land while still remaining an aquatic monster.
· Eating midquest is awesome. There’s nothing negative I can say about this. I have mixed feelings on the changes to the basecamp in general, but I have restarted too many quests because I forgot to eat to not 100% love the ability to eat midquest. Praise the Handler (in this one, tiny aspect).
· I wish to give special attention to a few monsters. Anjanath looks awesome and has just enough twists on the generic T-rex design. Fulgur Anjantah is even better in that regard. B-52 Bazelgeuse looks absolutely amazing and it’s a really unique Flying Wyvern, even if the fight is only average. Odogaron is a very cool fight, with an aggressive and mobile style that still feels manageable.
· Since I’m a loner gamer with little to no social life, I like the overly attached Pub Lass. It feels good to be appreciated, even by a bunch of ones and zeros, sue me. I do miss bitchy Arena Lass though. The new Arena Lass is very nice, but a bit of smack talk was hilarious.

Good but flawed

Ah yes, now come the walls of text. Apologies. It’s hard to say a lot about something that’s just good. I already felt I overused words like ‘awesome’, because they don’t mean much even if they accurately convey a feeling. On the other hand, it's easy to just say "this is bad" without arguing why, or how it can be better in my opinion.
· Confession time: I hate every facet of Tempered Monsters. Apparently, they’re “infused with bioenergy from the Elder Dragons from living in the New World for so long” (from the MH Wiki). The whole bio-energy thing in World is basically magic, and to me, it feels far too fantasy for a Monster Hunter game (which practices pseudo-biological ‘realism’). In practice, however, Tempered is just the absolute laziest way to increase difficulty: crank up the numbers. More damage and health, and presto, a more difficult fight! At least Hyper Monsters had some different timings in their attacks, though even less justification from a lore perspective.
In case you think I just hate the concept, I kinda do. But, I did love Frenzied Monsters (Apex not as much). Why? Two reasons. First, as little as lore and story matter to me in a MH game, I was always interested in the biology of the world. How does the ecosystem work? Why can these monsters get so big? Et cetera (My usual answer is “low gravity, mineral rich soils to strengthen bones and scales, and the existence of an extremely efficient form of photosynthesis to hypercharge the food chain”). The Frenzy virus is comparable to rabies in its effect, and to infectious spores in its spread and lifecycle. Rabies (and Frenzy) spread through contact, which explains the aggression that comes with both. It can, however, also create a symbiotic relationship with its host and fuel its aggression and power without killing the host (Apex, which sucks gameplaywise despite its cool concept). With the addition of a few nice cinematics to sell its effect in action outside of hunts, Frenzy is almost realistic (I mean, totally not, but still).
The gameplay side of Frenzy is equally interesting. Unlike Tempered Monsters, where it’s just increased damage, or the Hyper status, which is just more damage and slightly changed timings on certain attacks, the Frenzy virus does so much more. Monsters do more damage, are far more aggressive and reckless in their attacks and will change the timings on their attacks seemingly at random. But that’s not it: the Hunter can get infected as well. If you overcome it by doing enough damage in a time window, you get a damage boost yourself! If you don’t, you become more vulnerable to attacks. But wait, there’s more! You can knock the virus out of a monster temporarily with special items, leaving you a large opening to attack and weakening them back to their regular state. Frenzy makes once easy monsters a new challenge by randomly messing up their timings and reducing your windows with their increased aggression, but you are rewarded for fighting through it with a damage bonus and a large opening to attack. Even ignoring the lore, Frenzy is a far more interesting mechanic in the way it changes the fight. It punishes and rewards. That’s not even mentioning the presentation. The purple hue is pretty cool and noticeable; I didn’t know until today that Tempered Monsters have a metallic hue, so I guess that a draw. However, just look up a few Frenzied Monsters, and listen to their roars. That is how you sell a monster gone berserk.
However, I do have another confession. A few days ago, I found myself thinking “Hm, do I want to just do a quick run for this material or do I want to challenge myself with a Tempered version.” Yes, that thought is the only reason I don’t condemn Tempered monsters to the depth of hell. It’s still lazy design (which isn’t the same as bad design though), and far inferior to Frenzy in gameplay, presentation and background (just watch the frenzied Zinogre cinematic for an impression), but I guess it does its job.
Still, bring back Gore Magala please.
· Monsters are far more mobile in World than older games. It adds challenge and makes them more natural in most cases, less clunky, less like a videogame boss. Rathalos in older games often looked a bit silly with it aerial movement, but it’s much better now.
However, I have noticed a problem in World. Monsters struggle to keep up with the hunters. The greatest victim of this is Nargacuga: a jumping menace in older games, now ridiculously easy since most weapons are just as mobile or have too many tools to keep up. On the other side, they went overboard with Barioth, who just jumps around the area like a maniac compared to older games and feels frustrating. It might just be me, but it feels like the devs are struggling to keep certain monsters challenging without relying on homing attacks or movement that follows you quickly no matter where you are. I’m also certain this is where the fixation with AOE that this game has comes from. Kushala Daora, Lunastra, Deviljho, Velkhana’s walls, all have annoying ways to restrict your movement besides regular hitboxes from their attacks (that noticeably can’t be blocked, which annoys me as a Lance and GL player).
I’m a bit worried where this might lead. Again, I might just be paranoid, or bad at dealing with these AOEs because I play slower weapons. But I’ve played enough games in my no-life to trust my instinct on this.
· The new skill system is fine. The point system is, admittedly, easier to understand and probably easier to minmax. I also really like the Armor Set Bonus Skills that you get from equipping 2-5 pieces. It creates an interesting dilemma: do I want this Armor Set Bonus Skill and be forced to use a suboptimal piece of armor, or do I want to use a bunch of (theoretically) less powerful skills that I can minmax to hell and back? Of course, this falls somewhat flat in practice. Almost none of the skills hit that sweetspot of being good enough to actually want while requiring a reasonable sacrifice. Most skills aren’t good enough to actually warrant any kind of sacrifice or don’t really need a sacrifice because pieces you need are good on their own. But hey, it might be balanced better in the future.
In my opinion, it has sacrificed something that made Monster Hunter unique though. The old system, for those who don’t know, required 10 points in a skill to activate the skill, with some skills improving at 15 or 20 points. There were even negative skills that activated on -10! Each armor piece gave a few points in a skill, and the same went for decorations and talismans. The problem (and interesting part) of the old system was that 9 points in a skill gave nothing. You needed 10, or you wouldn’t be getting anything from that skill. This system was, obviously, a bit frustrating and difficult to understand for new players, since they tend to just pick and mix whatever armor pieces they can afford, resulting in a lot of skills with 7 points but no active skills. However, I just need to say Athena to old players and they might get a flutter of nostalgia. Puzzling out an armor set that gave you just the right amount of points was glorious. The old system felt much more rewarding to figure out and master than the new. This is probably nostalgia for a clunky old system that repelled new players, but I stand by my opinion on this.
· The Hubs are pretty, but jeez are they big. Seliana is much better than Astera, but still pretty big to run around. Oh, does anyone remember the Research Base? Nah, didn’t think so. Bit of a shame. The Online Gathering Hubs are very nice though.
· The story is fine, and serves decently to get you through the game. The whole bio-energy stuff is annoying to me, because it reeks too much of magic. Monster Hunter has always been about pseudo-biology to me. Firebreathing is implausible and very dangerous, but not impossible. Same goes for a symbiotic slime that explodes when deposited. Same goes for electrical organs. Hell, even icebreath could theoretically exist. Elder Dragons have always breached that pseudo-biology thing, but they were mysterious enough that it never bothered me. Making bioenergy an entire plot point was a bad idea in my opinion, because it ruined that mystery that kept is safe from scrutiny in the game’s theme of pseudo-biology. Like guns in Harry Potter: you know they exist, but we don’t acknowledge that because it ruins the themes of the story.
Also, yes, the Handler in annoying, I’ll get to her, but overall the story is inoffensive and guides you through the game. Hell, World is the first MH game that put some actual effort in the story (ignoring the Frenzy virus, which was a masterful blending of gameplay and story that I’m fairly certain happened by accident). So sure, not bad. Definitely not great, since it fails to actually establish anything interesting that remains relevant throughout the game, or develop characters in a meaningful way, but not bad.
· Ah yes, the Guiding Lands. I love the concept of the Guiding Lands. A large area where you can just run around and kill any monster that emerges for rewards. If you don’t need anything specific, the Guiding Lands are a cool way to kill a few hours.
Unfortunately, the Guiding Lands have a problem that I call “being triple conditional”. Ignoring the whole gathering sidequest of it, which is silly, what’s the point of the Guiding Lands’ rewards? The materials for Augments. As I said above, Augments are great. However, all Augments require specific monster parts from the Guiding Lands. This sucks, because this is where the “triple conditional” part comes in. Firstly, you need to have the right Area Levels. You can at most keep 3 areas at Level 7, so you never have potential access to all monsters, nor can you just kill monsters at your leisure because it can upset the level balance. Secondly, only 3 monsters are present at a time, 2 if there’s an Elder Dragon, so if you’re an unlucky fellow like me and you don’t have a lure most of the time, good luck getting the monster you want to show. Thirdly, since Augments are pretty unbalanced, a lot of monsters are just not worth fighting if you care about the rewards. For example, Rathalos materials are only needed for the last Rarity 10 Weapon Defense Upgrade.
Now, since the Elder Melder exists, it’s not that much of an issue. I would still prefer a system that just allows you to pay for the Augments with any material of that Spiritvein tier, with a discount for using the ‘right’ monster materials. No extra work to trade my useless stuff for slightly more useful stuff. Just spend a few hours in the Guiding Lands and Augment away.
· I mentioned this briefly before, but I’m a bit torn on the Base Camp giving you access to your weapons, armor and items. Don’t get me wrong: it’s a magnificent QOL change. However, it removed an aspect of multi-monster-quests that forced you into a somewhat interesting decision: what weapon do I bring? Do I want a weapon type/element that is suboptimal but decent for all monsters, or bring a set focused on the most difficult one? As said, it’s a small complaint (especially since multi-monster quests are dead anyway, more on that later), but it’s another example of the game sacrificing old jank/limitations when they added interesting aspects to the game. Flexing after a Potion is silly. Not being able to bring your entire wardrobe is understandable.

Bad but with potential

· So, Investigations. I’ll be frank: they’re unnecessary and flavorless. At first, I liked them, but over time, I noticed their glaring flaws. Let’s take a look at how MH quests used to work. In the old games, there were no Investigations or Assigned Quests, just Optional Quests, a few of whom were mandatory to unlock the Urgent Quest that in turn unlocked the next tier of quests. To farm stuff, you had do the optional quests over and over again. Now, in more recent games, some quests were available semi-randomly. These quests were (almost) always multi-monster quests, and would rotate after you did a quest.
Investigations did away with the entire need for regular Optional Quests, since they are 99% superior. If I have an Investigation available of a Monster I need to kill, I’ll take it over the Optional Quest. Maybe if the Investigation has a 20 minute time limit I won’t take it, but I can comfortably kill almost everything within those 20 minutes, without dying. So ya.
Even worse, Investigations have killed the need for multi-monster quests that I mentioned earlier. Let’s say you need to farm for Rathian Mantles. In World/Iceborne, you go for the Rathian Investigation that has the most Gold rewards and just hunt her a few times until you get it. Usually, you get it before the Investigation has been used up. In the old games, you didn’t have that luxury. There was often a choice: what quest do I pick? You could do the single Rathian quest: besides carves, capture and parts rewards (which rarely added up to more than a 5% chance), all quests had a table of rewards with odds of getting it. A simple quest like this usually gives a 1% chance to get it from quest rewards. Or, you could do the triple Rathian quest for more carves/capture rewards. The quest still gives about 1% chance to get a Mantle from the quest rewards specifically, but you triple your odds of carving a Mantle without tripling your time spend (health in multi-monster quests is lowered, though still more in total than a single monster). Or, you could do a triple-monster quest that makes you fight a Rathian, Diablos and Seregios in the Desert. Sure, you only kill 1 Rathian and 2 unrelated monsters that might give you trouble, but this quest gives an 8% chance to get one in the rewards! Now this is an interesting choice. The single quest is the most basic, and always available. The triple Rathian quest of often absent from the list, but potentially triples your odds of getting it. The triple monster quest however, gives you a much higher chance as well. Which quest you will most efficiently be able to farm, will depend on your skill matchup versus other monsters as well. Do I wait for the triple monster quests to pop up again and do another quest, or just do the regular Rathian quest again?
Now, would you ever do this with an Investigation? Do a triple Monster quest when you have a single monster quest available? No, of course not. Investigations offer potentially a lot of freedom, but again, it’s a new, flashy system with the depth of a dried up rain puddle that offers no interesting choices, that replaces an old, admittedly janky system that offered players a choice on how to deal with it. I can’t even remember the last time I did a multi-monster quest in World to farm. Because there is no point in challenging myself.
Investigations aren’t flawed in concept, but very much in execution. I would advocate removing them, but if you want to keep them, fine, let’s theory craft. Investigations would be interesting if they did away with the Bronze, Silver and Gold (and Purple) rewards. Instead, replace them with a simple triple row system. You get a row of rewards for each monster in the quest. Kill them all, and you get three rows, each one dedicated to a monster, but this still triples your odds of the miscellaneous rewards (such as decorations). Additionally, make each quest give a bonus chance to drop a material of the tier that is equal to the amount of monsters (basically a different drop table with higher odds for rarer rewards). One monster gives a bonus to the base tier (Scales, Shells, the least rare stuff). Two monsters gives a bonus to middle tier stuff (Tails, Spikes, Wings, et cetera). Three monsters gives a bonus to the rarest drops (Plates, Gems and Mantles). This means players can actually snipe for these rewards. You can do the same for the Tempered Monsters: give an amount of rewards for the number of monsters killed, with the tier of rewards for the tier of the Tempered Monsters you killed.
I could come up with more ways to balance Investigations for whatever purpose you might see in them, but I have made my point. Investigations are an unnecessary addition to World that replaces a system that was fine with a gimmicky system whose randomness is largely meaningless once you have farmed a few of them. You know, the most annoying way to develop a game, which entails replacing an old system that was interesting with something that is way easier to understand for new players and usually less interesting.
· More Monsters. Don’t misunderstand me, I totally get why World especially had such a small rosters. Importing all the stuff into a new engine is time- (and thus money-)consuming work. And frankly, the game has 71 Large monsters, which is comparable to late-3ds games, and only significantly beaten by MHGU. Yet, I have 2 complaints.
The first is something most people will agree with. Even Iceborne has little variety in Monster Types. There are no Leviathans, large Neopterons, Snake Wyverns (Najarala), Carapaceons, Temnocerans (Nerscylla) or Amphibians. There are Fanged Wyverns (4 legged), Brute Wyverns/Bird Wyverns (2 legged), 2 types of Flying Wyverns (Tigrex skeleton and Rathian skeleton), 3 Piscine Wyverns nobody likes and the Elder Dragon Skeleton (that almost everyone uses). Only Kirin, Leshen and Rajang fully break the mold. Thus, there’s a lot of monsters that are similar in their fights (regular and Pink Rathian, regular and Azure Rathalos, regular and Black Diablos, Great Jagras and Great Girros, Kulu-Ya-Ku and Tzitzi-Ya-Ku, Teostra/Kushala Daora).
Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying Diablos and Rathalos are the same fight for sharing a skeleton. I also don’t mind monsters sharing similarities. I love subspecies, since they put a new twist on a familiar monster, so your old skills aren’t wasted but you still have to adjust. But that doesn’t mask that it’s still the same monster underneath. To add to that, of the new monsters in World and Iceborne, only Legiana, Bazelgeuse, Odogaron, Great Jagras and Tobi-Kadachi offer something new compared to old games before you get to the Elder Dragons. The new Elder Dragons are pretty cool though. And again, I get why. Reusing skeletons saves development time. But remember, that excuse works for 1 game only. I do have faith the MH-devs will deliver next game, though, so I’m not worried, but it’s a valid criticism nonetheless.
The second is a more personal gripe. I’m not a fan of Elder Dragons in generals, as I said regarding Namielle. I prefer the mid-game monsters in general, since I prefer pseudo-biological realism over high fantasy magical creatures. Since World partially embraced the live-service, they added new monsters over time. To make these monsters exciting, they had to be, well, exciting. So, Iceborne has a whopping 18 Elder Dragons in a roster of 73 (compared to 6 out of 51 in MH3U, 13 out of 93 in MHGU and 13 out of 75 in MH4U). Please, for the next game, focus on the midgame again, with only a few Elder Dragons to keep them, you know, special.
· To really make the game world feel alive, you need more small monsters, both in the number of monsters on the map, and the amount of different species. Basically, I’m hoping for actual herds of herbivores walking around. Maybe even form a defensive perimeter when a large monster shows up? Smaller monster dashing through the forests. Gastodon actually doing something besides bothering hunters. As it is, every small monster reminds me of the fact that this is a game, and not a living world.
· I really don’t care for the sidequests of capturing bugs, taking screencaps or dealing with Gajalaka’s. Again, a personal gripe, I know. It just doesn’t add much for me. I play this game to slowly kill monsters 10 times my size, not take selfies with uncooperative hummingbirds. They’re harmless enough, I suppose, but the Canteen is enough Japanese silliness for me.
· So, you may have been waiting for it, or you may have simply pushed her existence from your mind like an embarrassing moment in High School. But yes, I do need to acknowledge her existence, defend her briefly with little enthusiasm and then send her back to the Canteen so she can keep stuffing her face while I take my quests from the quest board. The Handler.
I’m by nature quite laid back. As such, the Handler never bothered me that much. Sure, I rolled my eyes every time she almost got herself killed because of anime naivety. Sure, her obsession with food is one of those anime tropes that turns me off the entire genre. Sure, I frowned every time she called me ‘Pard’ (who even says that). Sure, she reminds me of Cha-Cha and Kayamba in a bad way with her ‘We did it’ stuff, taking credit for shit I did. And yes, of course I prefer the Serious Handler, I’m a professional.
But you know, the Handler harmless enough. She gives me little (annoying) sister vibes and some of her outfits are… you know, not little-sisterly. I also enjoy her animations when she sends a lure in the Guiding Lands. I still very, very much encourage the game to do something different next game. Maybe allow us to choose a Handler at the start, choosing between 3 types (overly attached Pub Lass, Serious Handler and The Handler are a nice balance between… types)? Or show us far more of the Handler’s backstory and, more importantly, her work. Show us she isn’t just stuffing her face on my payroll. Or for goodness’ sake, the Serious Handler already has most of the required animations, why can’t we change back to her in this game? Just say the Guild recalls the regular Handler for some admin work, if you don’t want to feel guilty for kicking her out.
Hell, maybe add a romantic subplot. No, I’m not trying to convince the developers to allow me to date the overly attached Pub Lass. Now shut up, or it might not work.
· Time for another large topic, one that might strike some unlucky people right in the heart: the Decoration and Talisman system. For context, in the old games those were reversed. You bought Decorations with monster parts and money, and you farmed for randomly skilled Talismans. Or rather, you mined Talismans from Mining Spots. A good Talisman (or Charm, back then) could give you slots, up to 7 skill points in the best skills and up to 12 points other skills. One of the best Charms you could get in MH4U, for example, was Handicraft +5 with 3 slots, for a potential +9 Handicraft if you fill those slots. To put that into perspective of the old system: most armor pieces gave +2 to +4 at most, with those pieces that give more skill points having less slots. Charms were, on average, less powerful than those in World, but the best charms could open up entire new skill combinations.
So, from its position in my retrospective, you can probably guess my overall opinion, but let’s take a look at the positives. Old players will remember MH3U’s Charm Tables. Your character was giving a predetermined list of charms (20.000 possible charms in most tables in MH3U) at its creation. There were 17 tables, 12 of which were fine to very good, with all having a decent selection of late-game charms that combined good skills with other good skills or lots of slots. The remaining 5, however, were the Cursed Tables. These were absolutely, godawful bad. They had only 200-800 available charms each (compared to 20.000 for each of the 12 good ones) with almost no good late-game ones. Also, one table famously had no 3 slot charms AT ALL, and another prevented Rustshards from dropping (which were necessary for some armor sets. Yes, you could be locked out of entire armor sets if you were unlucky). MH4U fixed this system by simply resetting your charm table every time you loaded the game (and removing/changing the Cursed Tables). However, as you might have figured out, this adds a WHOLE LOT of randomness to the game. Especially since you needed to mine for the best change to get new charms, this system could be very frustrating for those looking to minmax. World changed that system to be more consistent, both through the changes to the Skill system in general, and by swapping the way you gathered Charms/Talismans and Decorations around.
I was lukewarm at best about the skill system. I’m flat out not happy about the new Talisman and Decoration system, though not furious either. Once again, this falls in the ‘let’s change a unique mechanic to something easier and infinitely more generic’-basket that World carries on its back. Yes, the new system is more consistent: unless you are very unlucky, you will be able to farm most decorations you need in a few grinding sessions, and buy whatever Talismans you need.
But I would argue 2 points against the new systems. Firstly… well, it’s boring! I have spent many hours puzzling out armor sets with the Charms I had found. Some sets were only possible because I had found the perfect Charm. I distinctly remember a virtually perfect GL set I had crafted in MH3U because I had found a Charm that gave +12 Artillery (out of 15) and +6 Guard (out of 10/15). Every Charm you found had the potential to allow completely new skill combinations. In World, however, Decorations are more like a bingo card: I already know what Deco’s I need, I’m just waiting for them to drop. And once I have all the Decorations I need, I’m never going to look at them ever again. It felt frustrating to miss out on Decorations, rather than feeling like I just need to be a bit more creative with the old Charm system. Yes, Charms were random, and I’m always hesitant about randomness, but in this case, it’s only about 10-20% of your possible points that are random. Your Charms were like the cherry on your armor pie. The Decorations in World feel like bricks missing from a wall that I have planned out from the start.
Secondly, the way you gather Decorations is slow. This is probably partly my bias against Tempered Monsters and Investigations, and I might even be contradicting myself here, but I don’t like being forced to do Tempered Monster Investigations to reliably farm Decorations. In the old games, I would often just take an afternoon ‘off’ from hunting and do a few Charm runs, where I would grab a Gathering Armor Set and just run around in the volcanic area, mining everything I see. You could easily get 10-20 Charms per run. Even the best Investigations in World don’t give more than 10 if you are lucky. And since you need a lot more Decorations than Charms, you’re stuck hunting Tempered Elder Dragons for a while if you really want that Expert +2 Deco, matey. And no, I do not know why doing ‘Charm runs’ is fine with me when the side quests in World bother me. Probably nostalgia?
In short, the old system was random, but rewarding, because a single good charm could overhaul your entire Armor Set collection. The new system is equally random but feels different, more focused on the frustration you feel when you don’t have all the Decos wou want, compared to the old system that made every Charm a possible game changer. I’m probably being biased and nostalgic here, but I do think the old garage-sale system had a personality that the new shopping-list system sorely lacks.

Bad (with a side of salt)

· Arch-Tempered. Seriously? Tempered got a bare pass from me, mostly because I was feeling nice. But Arch-Tempered is the definition of taking a monster, maxing its damage to make every move a near instant-kill, adding a move to make it ‘special’ and calling it a day.
Just make it a deviant, or a subspecies with increased speed and aggression, but STOP PUMPING UP DAMAGE NUMBERS TO FEIGN DIFFICULTY. And no, one new move is not enough to make it different.
· If you need an embodiment of everything wrong with Monster Hunter Iceborne’s design philosophy, look no further than Lunastra. Large AOE attacks, instant kills for all but the most safe builds, and, perhaps the sin of all sins, allowing her to move before you do after she roars.
Jokes and salt aside, Lunastra is a decent fight (if I’m being generous), but she feels overtuned. I mean, go feminism for her being stronger than Teostra, that’s fine, but it’s a tad too far. Anyone who has played a MOBA will know what I mean: it’s when a hero/champion/god comes out and has too much of everything, without feeling fundamentally flawed. Tweak her damage, range, speed and maybe make her charging state more vulnerable by adding a really obvious tell that she’s gonna do it or just making it easier to interrupt.
· Let us go offline without pulling out my ethernet cable and bring back pausing the game. Even without PS Plus you have to host a room. Why.
· In the same vein, all quests should be reasonably completable for solo players as well. Yes, Safi, Behemoth and Kulva can be completed solo, but again, not everyone has the time to get good enough for that. MP only doesn’t bother me that much, but I’m not going to pay for a month of PS Plus if I just want to do a few Safi runs this one weekend.
· Looooooooooooooaaaaaaaaaaaadddddddddddddiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnngggggggggg tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmmmmmmmmmmmmeeeeeeeeesssssssssss. Man, the game looks beautiful but I sometimes forget I’m playing the game because I get distracted during loading times. Let’s hope the next generation fixes it a bit.
submitted by martoboyo to MonsterHunterWorld [link] [comments]

I am 27 years old and make a joint equivalent salary of $139,000, live in Arlington, VA and work as a Finance Officer

As standard – apologies for the length! I’ve found it quite a cathartic experience, and I seem to have managed to merge elements of the reddit, US and UK R29 templates so please feel free to skip over any boring sections!
I’m British, working for a British Company in the US on a three-year posting (one year in). My salary is actually £33,000 but due to the increased cost of living here, I get an additional £10,000 allowance for living costs, and my rent/utilities are paid directly by my company. This puts my equivalent salary at $93,000.
I’m aware this is an incredibly fortunate position to be in, especially with COVID, however when I return to the UK, I will be paid my UK salary only, so this is a short-term benefit.
The company can split my pay between my UK and US accounts, and currently 95%ish of it is going to my UK account. This % split was only set up after lockdown as we are currently spending much less on travel/socialising here so are taking the opportunity to focus on building our UK savings. My husband, J, was fortunate enough to get local employment when he arrived in country. He earns an additional $46,000 net which we live on.
For ease/consistency, I have converted all costs at 1.3 as this is roughly the average conversion since I’ve lived here – I will write UK next to any cost/savings that are based in the UK.
Section One: Assets and Debt
J and I (now) combine all our finances, so except for my pension pot, and a small F* Off Fund (FoF - we have one each), everything else is split 50/50. This will likely change when we go back to the UK as we’ll have better access to our own bank accounts.
My personal Net Worth is $72,400
Retirement Balance
UK $104,000
I’ve contributed to work pension schemes since I started working full time age 18. This has been set at around 5% since I joined my current employer 7 years ago, and they contribute around 27%. I’m actually guaranteed £4,000 per year once I retire for as long as I live so have multiplied this by 20 on the assumption the retirement age actually stays at 68 and I make it to my late 80’s. This amount will increase over the years with inflation and as I contribute further to it. I can choose to retire earlier, plus take up to a 25% tax free lump sum on retirement, but that will affect the annual pay-out amount.
UK $52,000 equity, $157,300 left on the mortgage
J and I bought ($197,600) with just over a 10% ($20,000) deposit 3 years ago aged 24 and contributed half each. I managed to save this as I was living at home until we bought, and J got a help to buy loan through his previous workplace. He’s since cleared this.
Savings account balance
$29,700 made up of:
US $6,700 for fun money here (currently planned for another car – we’ll sell our existing one)
UK $6,500 in premium bonds as my FoF, $13,800 in our joint savings account to upsize when we get back to the UK, $2,600 in one of my side saving accounts as a potential future maternity pot. This is joint but kept in a separate account from the house savings.
Around $22,000 of this has been saved since the beginning of lockdown
Checking account balance
US $120 (+ $1,190 in checking, -$1,070 on AMEX). All our savings accounts are easy access, so we try to keep the balance as low as possible and tend to spend the full amount each month. [We end the week with this back up to $1,559]
UK $660
Credit card debt (and how you accumulated it)
0 – we use our AMEX for our everyday spending, so I’ve included it in our checking account as we usually pay it off each week and use it in place of our checking account. J had CC/loan debt in the UK from the house deposit and wedding which he cleared down before we moved out here.
Student loan debt (for what degree)
0 - neither of us went to University
Anything else that's applicable to you
We paid outright for a second-hand car that is worth around $6,000
Section Two: Income & Further Background
Income Progression:
I started at my current company 7 years ago working as a personal assistant and started on $24,000. I stayed in this role for 2.5 years before promoting into a finance role and onto $31,000. After a year I was temporarily promoted (with pay rise) within my team to a higher finance role and after a further 6 months was permanently promoted into the role and onto $35,750. There’s usually an annual pay rise of around 2%, which I’ve received between each promotion, but as this last promotion pay rise wasn’t as high as usual, my last few annual pay rises have been higher to bring me to my now salary of $43,290. I’ve spent the last three years at the same level, but have changed teams to gain more experience which will be needed for the next promotion which I’ll hopefully be able to get when I return to the UK – this will take me over the $50,000 mark.
Main Job Monthly Take Home:
UK – I get paid once a month, receiving $3,783 after tax, national insurance and pension contributions. This also includes the extra living allowance. $3,510 is paid into my UK account, $273 is paid into the US
US – J gets paid fortnightly, and earns a net salary of $3,546 per month (assuming 2 pay periods per month)
Any Other Monthly Income Here
UK - We receive around $598 per month from tenants in our house in the UK. The letting agents take all management and admin fees directly from the rent before we get paid. This amount can be less if any work needs doing on the property, but again the letting agent will pay directly and just transfer us a reduced amount. We also have to pay tax on any rent received and still need to pay last year’s bill, but we haven’t calculated it yet.
Was there an expectation for you to attend higher education? Did you participate in any form of higher education? If yes, how did you pay for it?:
Not from family. My parents don’t have degrees, and whilst they supported my siblings going, it was our own personal choice. If we didn’t go, we were expected to work full time.
My school did expect me to go. I was in the last school year before UK University tuition went up, so the only advise they could give was to go now as you won’t be able to afford it in the future. I had a place to study events management but turned it down a week before the deadline. Bar sometimes feeling like I missed out on the University life experience (aka. freshers week), I have zero regrets not going.
Growing up, what kind of conversations did you have about money? Did your parent/guardian(s) educate you about finances?
My siblings and I were always encouraged to save including contributing to pensions when we started working, and prioritise this and bills over spending our money, but conversations didn’t go much further than that.
What was your first job and why did you get it?:
Weekly paper round from age 12 to 16 which gave me $10 a week to pay for my phone credit and to build savings. I started working part-time in a supermarket from age 16 earning around $250 a month, but this was mainly spent shopping and in the pub!
Did you worry about money growing up?:
No – my parents operated on a “what we do for one, we do for all”, so with a house of five kids, we certainly weren’t living the life of luxury, but we never went without, and it encouraged me to earn some of my own money from an early age.
Do you worry about money now?:
No, J and I are in a really good position and try to make sensible decisions so that we can still cope if our circumstances change.
At what age did you become financially responsible for yourself and do you have a financial safety net?:
Fully when I bought the house and moved out age 24, although I obviously gained the support from J. I’ve always had to use my own money for wants and non-essentials (phone bill, own laptop, “fun” clothes). I was given a few years grace on rent as my parents helped my siblings at Uni, but this stopped when I turned 21. I’ve always bought my own cars/insurance and would contribute to the household, including buying some food and replacing furniture in my room.
Our parents continue to support us anyway they can, which included letting J and I move back in rent free last year whilst we were replacing our kitchen.
Do you or have you ever received passive or inherited income?:
My dad saved around $1,200 from when I was a child which I received aged 18 – this went into savings and then towards my first car and laser eye surgery.
My brothers and I also received $1,950 each from a great aunt when she died, which was a complete surprise (the will was contested so this was several years later). Our much younger half-brother didn’t receive anything, so we split this equally with him. The money left went towards mine and J’s wedding and we also received around $5000 additional from various family members towards our wedding and honeymoon. This was also not expected, and we budgeted not to receive anything, but this was a bonus and it relieved some of the pressure on us to save.
Section Three: Expenses
UK – I auto-transfer $1,170 across various accounts to pay for our UK bills. J & I both kept some bills in our own names to try to maintain our individual UK credit scores as well as our joint one. J’s parents are also looking after our two cats whilst we’re in the US, so we transfer them some money. We’ve discovered our UK entertainment subscriptions work over here so we haven’t cancelled them and pay them from the UK accounts, which is a benefit as they’re usually cheaper.
$910 to our joint account to cover – Mortgage ($986 – includes $130 monthly overpayment), Landlord Insurance ($32), Pet Insurance ($45), our life insurance ($22 – it pains me that the cats cost twice as much as we do. Obviously, they don’t have the NHS covering their medical costs, but they also don’t have a mortgage to pay off….), J’s UK phone bill ($35) – he’s still tied into his contract. The rent income comes into this account so that covers any delta and builds a pot to pay the tax bill. It works out at around $388 per month saved for this. We also pay around ($150) annually to cover IT costs including Microsoft office, McAfee Security and Dropbox storage.
$143 to my bills account to cover – my UK phone bill ($23), a second UK phone bill that I need to cancel as they wouldn’t transfer my existing number to them ($6), Trade Union membership ($19), Netflix ($12), Annual magazine subscription ($19). Any money left over for is for UK online orders and so we have money available when we visit home.
$65 to J’s account to cover – Amazon Prime ($10), Spotify ($20), Audible ($15) and annual Xbox Live ($50)
$52 to J’s parents for the cats.
UK Savings – we have $2,340 to split across the savings. The split varies each month, but as I’ve hit my FoF goal the focus will be on getting J’s to the goal amount and then joint savings.
US – TV, WiFi and Hulu ($131), Phone Bills ($167), Car Insurance ($110), Naked Wines ($40), HelloFresh ($523), Annual Renters Insurance ($152). We currently get Disney+ free with our phones, but this will end soon, and I expect we’ll start paying for it as well.
US Savings – I usually transfer between $500-$1,000 into savings when J gets paid but will vary this based on how much we have left in the checking account from his last pay and what bills are due. We’ll also raid this as needed for big purchases or if we’re running low in on cash in the checking account.

Day 1 – Saturday
0900 – I’ve been waking up on and off for a few hours, but the alarm has gone off, so I drag myself out of bed. J and I are booked into a second-hand book sale from between 11 and 12 so we need to actually get out of the house this morning. I tidy up a bit, have a shower and miss a call from my mum whilst I’m in there. I check J is up before calling her back and have a good catch up with her and my Nan.
1115 – We’re a little later than planned, but we make it to the sale. I picked the second slot so that there would still be a good selection of books available and am pleasantly surprised by the amount and overall COVID set up. We spend almost an hour browsing and come away with 15 books between us. $60.01
1210 – We left the apartment without eating breakfast, but there’s a restaurant open next to the sale that we haven’t tried before so we pop in and have a burger each. Discover there’s a cocktail bar underneath and make note to head back and try that soon. $41.92
1600 – J has spent the afternoon building Ikea furniture we bought last week and hiding in the bedroom watching YouTube videos whilst I clean, watch The Haunting of Hill House and drink copious amounts of tea. We bought our car in a bit of a rush when we arrived and to replace his Rightmove house obsession, J spends a lot of his time looking at cars available here. Last week he found an American muscle car that looks in good shape and isn’t extortionate, so in his argument to “buy American, eat American, drive American” whilst we’re here, he’s arranged a visit check it out and test drive it. We’re meant to be there at half past, but we had the wrong address and there’s been an accident so it’s actually an hour’s drive, and we don’t get there until 1715 - Oops. I do not want to like the car, but I’m honestly sold – I knew our current car wasn’t the best, and planned to cope with it for the three years, but this is such an improvement and feels like a fun car to drive on road trips. We arrange to come back next week to buy the car and head back home. Thankfully, the traffic has cleared so it only takes 40mins. We while away the journey by listening to an episode of My Dad Wrote a Porno.
1830 – We stop by Giant to pick up some essentials (loo roll, seltzer, beer, milk) and food for the rest of the weekend. $103.25. I cook pork chops, roast potatoes, asparagus and gravy for dinner, and we spend the evening chilling in front of Netflix with wine before heading to bed at midnight.
Daily total: $205.18
Day 2 – Sunday
0830 – I wake up and sneak out of bed without disturbing J, make myself a cup of tea and settle down to finish off The Haunting of Hill House. J hates scary shows/films, so I try to watch things before he’s up, but he still needs to be in the house otherwise my imagination will go wild. The show finishes and I hear no sign of movement, so I make another cup of tea and discover The Princess Diaries 2 is on freeform so obviously I watch this.
1100 – J gets up and makes us scrambled eggs and smoked salmon for brunch. There was meant to be a bread roll with this, but according to J it had gone off. Silently complain that I didn’t pick up some bagels whilst we were shopping last night. We stick The Office on in the background and binge far too much of it whilst I multitask and convert our savings/bills spreadsheet into $ for the intro to this.
1630 – I had grand plans to spend the day cleaning and assumed J’s mum would do her weekly skype call with us at 3, neither of which has happened, and I only realise this now. I suggest we message some friends to see if they fancy an afternoon pick-me-up, but they are hanging from last night, and I remember I’m doing interviews in the morning so probably not the smartest move. I have a shower, wash and sort my hair out to save time in the morning.
1800 – I get an email reminding me that I have items in my basket on an online order and that they’ve given me 15% off. Seems rude not complete it – J has a quick browse to see if there’s anything he likes but nothing takes his fancy. So it’s just non-wired bras for me and a very cute bee print quilt set. It’s a UK based store so I pay using my UK bank account. $123
1900 – J cooks dinner tonight, a HelloFresh recipe for firecracker meatballs with rice. We stick The Office on in the background, finish the rest of last nights wine and the entire series, getting to bed at half 11.
Daily total: $123
Day 3 – Monday
0630 – Alarm goes off. Ugh. It disturbs J, so I apologise for waking him, hit snooze and repeat 5 minutes later. Rather than getting straight up, I waste half an hour browsing Facebook before washing and getting ready. As an attempt to look semi presentable, I put actual work clothes on, straighten my hair and put on some mascara and powder.
0755 – I make it onto the laptop and do some prep before the interviews. Checking my emails, I spot that I’ve been paid my US pay today. The annual pay rise has come through and there’s a small backdate from last months pay, so I have an additional $127 this month. I clear a few more emails and make a cup of tea before starting the interviews.
1215 – Interviews are done, and as a panel we have discussed and come to a decision. We all need to type up our outcomes for HR, but I take a lunch break before my brain melts. J heats up leftover meatballs and rice from last night and we watch an episode of The Good Place whilst we eat. J’s heading into the office this afternoon so I tidy up, stick the dishwasher on and faff about on reddit before getting back to work at 1. Go straight back into a call with my Line Manager to touch base before he goes on leave – he lets me know he put me forward (and I have been approved) for a bonus for my efforts since joining last year, and the added COVID response. I’m touched and proceed to spend a while mentally spending it. I’m debating between a pair of Louboutin’s and a spin bike…. Slightly different ends of the spectrum I know. Keen to hear any inspiration! It should be around $1000 after tax so reasonably substantial.
1630 – J comes home and attempts to get in, but I appear to have locked him out. I get up, open the door and see that he comes baring this week’s HelloFresh box, which is a relief as I hadn’t seen any delivery emails (we had a few go missing in our apartment block when we started). I have a small break to see how his afternoon has been and reply to some messages with friends about possible Halloween costumes for a small gathering we’re going to. We jokingly consider a group The Office effort, which results in numerous gifs being shared. In a moment of inspiration, J passes me his shirt, tie and blazer to put on… turns out I’m a pretty convincing Sexy Toby. I get changed back into my own clothes and head back to work for a bit.
1930 – J finished work earlier so cooked again. Tonight’s is a HF spicy shrimp pasta. It’s a bit disappointing even with him adding extras from the cupboard. We eat and watch the Umbrella Academy before heading to bed at 11.
Daily total: $0
Day 4 – Tuesday
0730 – alarm goes off, get up, washed, dressed. No interviews today so back to COVID home working uniform of no make-up and trackies. Make a cup of tea and am at my desk for 0830 – in and out of meetings until 10 and spend the rest of the morning trying to catch up on my inbox. J’s headed into the office, so I take the opportunity to listen to the Hamilton soundtrack as I work. Get through the first track before admitting defeat that despite my amazing multitasking skills, I can’t actually sing along and type coherent emails. Settle for the LOTR soundtrack instead.
1215 – make it to lunch and reheat last night’s leftovers (we order HelloFresh for four people for the leftovers, as before we were just ordering in lunch every day). Realise I haven’t physically left the flat for longer than I care to admit, so take my lunch onto the balcony and eat it whilst reading through a money diary on reddit. Remember I have a meeting at 1, so sign back in ten mins before and read through the emails in a vague attempt to sound prepared.
J buys himself and his boss lunch in the office, but his boss will pay him back so $12.17
1900 – long afternoon, managed to start nothing on my actual to-do-list, so feel like I haven’t achieved anything. Yay. J got home half an hour ago (I didn’t lock him out today!) and switched the oven on as he walked past, so I take the opportunity to get up and cook once it’s done preheating. Pork tenderloin with coleslaw and mash tonight. It comes with a cherry jam sauce which I’m not the biggest fan of, so I make it into a fruity gravy. It takes longer to cook than I planned, and I can feel myself getting more and more annoyed with everything from a general mix of feeling stressed and hangry. J sticks toy story 4 on as we eat which doesn’t help my mood (as let’s face it, it’s the worst one). Our friends message asking if we’re watching the debates – J had planned to but had forgotten so quickly changes over to watch it. I have no words.
We make plans to watch the next debate in a group with alcohol, debate bingo and the next day booked off work to recover.
Head to bed at 1120 – still waste time on Facebook despite being shattered.
Daily total: $12.17
Day 5 – Wednesday
0830 – Alarm goes off. I didn’t get to sleep up until 12.30 and J disturbed me at 1.30 when he came to bed so extra sleep was needed. I check my phone, message my stepsister a happy birthday and stick on my dressing gown to make sure I’m online for my 9am meeting. Thankfully, no one has an update, so the meeting is cancelled, and I have time to shower and put clothes on before I properly start work.
1230 – Lunchtime. I have the remaining shrimp pasta and J makes a BBQ chicken sandwich with other leftovers in the fridge and we stick on another episode of The Good Place whilst we eat. We finish up, work for an hour and then drive into the office. J needs to stay in for a while, but I’m only in to sign a cheque so I take the opportunity to walk back home. It’s a glorious sunny day, but with a nice breeze so it’s an enjoyable walk until I’m almost back at the flat and have to walk up a hill and then 5 flights of stairs. It’s a fast reminder of just how unfit I am, and I have to have a quick lie down to recovecool down before getting back to work.
1730 – J and I have plans to meet up with our friends K and J(.2) tonight. In an act of attempting to keep some form of sanity, J and J.2 are heading out to a bar for a “Gentleman’s Club” and I’m heading round to K & J.2’s flat for wine and chick flicks. J gets home from work, kisses me hi and bye and heads straight back out. K’s getting her hair cut, so I continue working until half 6 before walking up to her apartment. I make a pit stop on route to pick up a bottle of white wine as she’s running low. The card machines are down so it’s cash only – I have a mild panic, but thankfully I find some notes in my purse - although I’m pretty sure I withdrew them pre-lockdown! $17
0200 – After a night of homemade mac’n’cheese, wine, films and putting the world to rights, I get ready to head home just as J.2 stumbles back into the flat. It’s lovely to see him, but the state he’s in makes me a bit concerned about what J is going to be like when I get home. Thankfully, when I make it back and he’s already curled up on his own side of the bed, passed out and lightly snoring away. I take off my makeup, do my teeth, get into bed and fall straight asleep.
*I’ve checked the banking app and J spent $50.50 on food and drink. The “club” made their way to our apartment around 9pm and worked their way through our booze which explains the low spend but high drunkenness.
Daily total: $67.50
Day 6 – Thursday
0700 – J’s alarm goes off. He rarely sets alarms and has an amazing ability to sleep though them, so I kick him awake to switch it off. He hits snooze rather than switching it off, so I wake up again 5mins later. Ugh. He actually manages to switch it off the second time.
0830 – My alarm goes off. I’m tired and thirsty, but other than that feeling pretty ok. J is not and I leave him snoozing in bed as I start work. It’s a slow morning (thankfully) and I periodically check on J to see if he’s feeling any better. General consensus is no. The leftovers in the house are not hangover friendly so we put in an order with Panera Bread. $32.25. J has a choose two, but I brought home some mac’n’cheese from last night so just order some crisps and a smoothie to go with it. It takes longer than expected to arrive, but it means a 1230 lunch in front of The Good Place. We finish and go back to work, J heads into the office again.
1400 – I’ve struggled to get back into the swing of things, and as there haven’t been too many emails coming in I take the opportunity to have a break and lie down on the bed (I work flexi hours and have a very high balance so this is done guilt-free). This lie down turns into an hour-long nap and I wake up feeling better, but still while away some time on reddit before deciding to make it back to work at 4.
1920 – J messaged to say he’s on his way back and I’ve already heated the oven, so I finish for the night and start making dinner. Tonight’s HF menu is a creamy lemon butter chicken with courgette and giant couscous. It’s reasonably simple to make, but one of our favourites. I multitask and clean down the kitchen as I go.
2000 – Dinner is eaten, J has made us a cup of tea and we’re settled back into The Good Place. Yesterday was payday into my UK account so I log into the internet banking and transfer to the savings accounts (the bill transfers are set up to auto-transfer on the 1st). $1,170 to J’s savings so he’s now at his FoF goal, $650 to the maternity pot, and $780 to the joint savings. The annual renter’s insurance has also come out of our US checking account today, but that’s counted in the expenses. We both head to bed at 11.
Daily total: $32.25
Day 7 – Friday
0730 – J’s alarm goes off, he’s heading back into the office this morning so it’s valid today and we both actually wake up for it. We both chill on our phones until my alarm goes off at 0830. Up, washed, dressed and on the laptop in time for my 9am meeting. I’m closing off last months accounts and updating forecasts so get stuck into multiple spreadsheets.
1440 – I’d gotten into a good rhythm with the updates, and without J here, I hadn’t realised the time, so I only stop now for lunch. It’s last nights leftovers so couscous and chicken, plus an apple left over from J’s Panera order yesterday. J didn’t take anything in so has stopped by Safeway $14.13 and the work café $9.48. I get the figures from the banking app and realise J has been paid – win. I have an hour break and head back online.
2020 – I’ve been in the swing of things today. It’s a long winded, but simple task so I’ve had Greys Anatomy on in the background as I work. I’d normally have left some of it until Monday, but I have a few urgent requests in today that need the updated figures so it made sense to get it all cleared – it’s also quite therapeutic so feels like a nice way to end the week . J and I have plans to see friends tomorrow, so I don’t feel too bad about not having plans for a Friday night and working for most of it instead. Still, we make the most of it being payday and order in some Steak Frites for dinner and I treat myself to a chocolate cake slice as well. $80.25. We spend the rest of the evening relaxing, finish watching The Good Place (a very emotional finale) and make it into bed for half 11.
Daily total: $103.86

Total Expenditure: $543.96
Food & Drink: $257.70
Groceries: $103.25
Clothes/Home: $123.00
Other: $60.01

Lastly, reflect on your diary!
This is a pretty average week for us during COVID. We usually go out drinking over every other weekend, but that extra spending would balance out with the home/other expenditure as I try to make sure we spread our spending out. The AMEX balance is a bit higher than the usual weekly amount as J and I both ordered a trunk club a few weeks and kept a few of the clothes but the system errored which delayed us processing our returns (and them billing us). As we’ll looking to buy the car soon, it also feels like a better decision to leave the balance on the card and keep more cash available – I’m not concerned as we’re only just into the new credit statement period and J’s will get an extra pay period this month which will clear it.
Pre-COVID, this is actually lower than our weekly spend, as we also had most of my salary coming into the US account as well and were spending most of it socialising, travelling and just enjoying living in a city. If we had to, we could cut our costs and save a lot more, but we’re here to enjoy ourselves and so long as we can eat and pay the mortgage, we’re happy. We’ve also already reached our total savings goal for our time out here, so anything extra is a bonus.
submitted by CurrentAttention3 to MoneyDiariesACTIVE [link] [comments]

Online Casinos With Flash Games Available

If you're looking for an easy way to learn how to play poker online, I suggest you consider IDNPoker. The website is very mobile-friendly, has a progressive jackpot that upgrades in real time and offers eight customizable deposit choices. Eight customizable deposit choices include US dollars, Euros, Pounds, Canadian dollars, Japanese Yen, Swiss Francs and Euros. ISIDNPoker is definitely the place to be if you want to learn how to play poker online.
Now let's take a look at some of the games available at idNPoker. The website offers a variety of online gaming formats including Texas Holdem, Caribbean Stud Poker, and Online Caribbean Craps. In addition, there are other games available, including Bingo, Keno, Lottery Wheel, Online Free Roll Poker, and Online Skratch Card Games. If you haven't tried any of these games, you should really give them a try! There are also a variety of bonus offers and promotions on the website that will increase your earnings even more.
The website offers a variety of poker games from around the world. In fact, if you've ever considered playing poker at an actual live casino, I wouldn't recommend it. There are too many issues that just don't make the experience realistic or enjoyable. However, online gambling is a completely different story.
If you choose to play at an actual live casino, you will likely have to convert at the time of purchase if you are not a U.S. citizen or a resident of certain western countries. This often requires you to wait an additional three to five hours before you can cash out your winnings. This is especially troublesome in the case of progressive jackpots which are typically much larger than the maximum amount of cash that one player can claim. For this reason, I recommend that if you are planning to spend some money on an idNPoker poker game, you play it at an internet casino. These casinos are usually considerably faster and convenient, especially considering the fact that you can play from the comfort of your own home.
There are currently no known negative aspects of playing at an internet casino, including the possibility of playing with fake money. Although I was unable to find any information on this matter, it is important to consider that the internet offers a virtually risk free environment for all of its consumers. Unfortunately, due to the lack of regulation, there are no procedures in place to ensure that individuals and businesses are conducting business in a manner that is both legitimate and safe.
Unfortunately, there are also some risks involved with playing at an idNPoker game online. For example, players may be subject to the use of bots which will place them at a disadvantageous position in the match. Bots are a way of limiting the effect of human emotion and error by selecting the highest paying handouts for the players in order to keep the winnings coming. However, due to these risks, I recommend that players who intend to participate in an idNPoker game with a live dealer try the game at an internet casino prior to participating in an actual live casino.
submitted by yejircrt to IDNPokerIDN [link] [comments]

Casino Sieger €5 free bonus no deposit required (Register)

Casino Sieger €5 free bonus no deposit required (Register)

Casino Sieger Register Now
Open your gaming account with Casino Sieger and collect a €5 free cash bonus! In addition, get 40 free spins and 110% bonus on your very first deposit! No bonus code needed! Play online on your PC and mobile. Good luck!
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Are you ready to become a winner in your favorite casino? “Sieger” means “winner” in German, so Casino Sieger makes some great promises from the very start. But before you register and make the first deposit, make sure to read our review. Casino Sieger is a gaming website, established in 2009, that collaborates with a great number of popular software providers such as Microgaming, BetSoft and NetEnt. It supports classic casino games, live casino tables, sportsbooks and virtual sports - more than enough variety to participate in a different activity every day.

Casino Sieger Review

Before we start raving about Casino Sieger, we would like to remind you that not every casino is suitable for every punter, no matter how good it sounds. It all comes down to preference. This casino, however, focuses on a diverse gaming portfolio that includes all popular styles, themes and variations. Whether you are a high roller or a complete beginner, there will certainly be a title or two that will speak to you. Some live casino enthusiasts might say that there aren’t enough live games, and we partially agree - Casino Sieger is missing some great live gaming shows that are fun and highly amusing.
We would also love to see more deposit bonuses that are simple and straightforward, with no special calculations involved. Still, their Build a Bonus feature provides an interesting twist to deposit bonuses and motivates you to play regularly. What we don’t like about this casino is a 10% handling fee on your transactions, especially as eWallet transfers take literally seconds, and don’t require as much work as bank transfers. 10% is a lot, no matter how much you want to withdraw - €200 or €20. Giving up on fees would be an incredible step forward and would bring more new customers who are playing on a budget or simply want a cheap, yet efficient casino site.
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Casino Sieger Promotions and Bonuses

As an establishment that is focused on both casino and sports betting experience, Casino Sieger features two different bonuses. Of course, the one that is more important is the casino welcome bonus, and in this case, it is 100% up to €200. Sportsbooks welcome bonus is 100% up to €100. It is fascinating how they created two welcome offers for two completely different types of punters. And while some might think the sportsbooks users are neglected by getting only up to €100 bonus, the fact is that sports betting and casino bets operate in completely different ways, and the wagering requirements tend to be quite different.
It would be amazing if the casino tossed in a few extra spins as well. Furthermore, having a separate welcome bonus for live casino punters would be extremely beneficial for both users and the establishment, as it would attract more professional clientele and high rollers who prefer a realistic casino experience in the comfort of their own homes. Don’t get us wrong, this is still an incredible offer, worth your time and money, just make sure to read all the terms and conditions before claiming the bonus. They are located in the footer, and there is a single document for all promotions and bonuses available on the website.

Bonus terms and wagering requirement

Bonus terms are transparently listed on the website, and we suggest you read them as they are an incredible source of all the information related to bonuses. They even feature examples that can help you easily understand how to wager your bonus. While playing the bonus, you will be able to withdraw the amount that equals the percentage of the wagering requirement you played. So, if you got a €100 bonus, and wagered 20%, you can withdraw €20.
Every bonus must be wagered 30 times before becoming fully eligible for a withdrawal. Profits made by playing free spins must be wagered 60 times. The games contribute to the wagering requirement as follows:
  • Slots: 100%
  • Video poker: 15%
  • Roulette, live and table games: 10%
  • Other games: 20%
Please understand that sportsbooks bonuses have different wagering requirements due to the nature of the game.
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Promotions and bonuses

Casino Sieger’s promotions are primarily focused on sports betting, but there are also a couple of good deals for casino users. There are raffles, tournaments and competitions that last for a certain period of time and bring you free spins, cash prizes and jackpots. This site is giving out €2 million in daily Drops and Wins, as well as free cash prizes in their monthly tournaments.
You can maximize your bonuses by using the Build Your Bonus feature - every time you add money on your balance, you get a code for 0.5x multiplier on your last deposit that can add up to €100 bonus. So basically, if you deposit €100, you get a 50% bonus on the next deposit. Those punters who don’t like to do the math can simply use a nifty calculator in their Promotions section to see how much bonus they can get.

Casino Sieger Game Selection

Casino, Live Dealer, Jackpots

Casino Sieger features over one thousand popular games and covers all genres, themes and types of gaming. The platform provides a great overview of all games available; all you have to do is glance over the main menu, and then click the category you are interested in. And if you are on a hunt after a specific title, simply use the search bar - it works impeccably, and the results will be there immediately for you to click and play. This site includes live casino games, classic table games, slots, virtual sports, as well as sportsbooks, bingo, scratchcards and many other games that are not so common at online casinos.

Slots and table games

Slot fanatics will love Casino Sieger as it provides an incredible selection of these popular games. What we found interesting is that the site has a special category for sport-themed slots. We expected to see at least 50 sport-related games, but there were only 24 sports slots available. Punters who play only recent releases should focus on a category called New, as it features all the latest gaming titles, and while doing this Casino Sieger review we noticed some games that were fresh out of the oven: Artemis & Medusa, Goldaur Guardians and Bling. Of course, you can always take a few spins on classics such as Gonzo’s Quest and Book of Dead.
Table games can be found in the Casino category, and be prepared to see some live casino games as well, despite them having a separate section. But this doesn’t make finding the game you will love any more difficult, as they are all organized by the category - blackjack (60 titles), poker (58 titles), baccarat (11 variants), roulette (32 variants), video poker (39 titles), scratch cards (over 70 titles), other games (37 games). The most interesting game in this section is Blackjack 3D Multi-Hand, a game that is very similar to live blackjack but isn’t live-streamed.


Want to get your hands on big jackpots that will turn your life upside down? Simply head over to the Jackpots section you will find under Slots, and select one or more titles out of 58 jackpots available. And while this casino doesn’t provide any information about the actual size of the jackpots, it is pretty clear they created a perfect combination of hit classics and new releases. There are even some progressive jackpot table games such as European Roulette Progressive and Deuces Wild Progressive.
However, progressive jackpot slots are and always will be more popular than progressive table games. Casino Sieger features some amazing titles like the Mega Moolah series (all the existing titles), CashSplash saga, Treasure Nile and Imperial Riches. There are also some less popular titles like jungle-themed Tanzamunni, enchanting Wild Spells, as well as Jackpot Rango, Basic Instinct and Rambo, all based on hit movie titles. The only Drops and Wins slot in this category was Wolf Gold, a Pragmatic Play title that features only one payline, in the special field at the bottom of reels. However, there are more Drops and Wins titles available, and you can find them by using the Pragmatic Play provider filter.

Live Casino

Live casino games in this establishment are provided by Pragmatic Play and Net Ent, two reputable software companies that thrill players across the globe with vibrant slots and luxurious live casino games. There are seven variants of roulette, 18 types of blackjack, five types of baccarat and sic bo, which indicates this live casino is on the smaller side. Still, this makes it perfect for beginners who can’t handle a great variety of games and variants all crowded on a single platform.
If we had to mention some titles that were fun for us, it would definitely be Roulette Macau. The minimum bet is €0.50 and the maximum bet is €2,000, but what surprised us the most is the live chat feature where you can talk to your peers all across the globe. Talk about authentic casino experience! This casino lacks only one type of live gaming - gaming shows that are most common at Evolution Gaming live casinos. Adding a few popular titles would further diversify their portfolio and be a popular choice among punters who like dynamic yet lighthearted types of gambling that don’t require a lot of attention, skill or knowledge.
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Deposits and Withdrawals

The minimum deposit at Casino Sieger is €10, while the minimum withdrawal is set at €20. You can make the payment via several popular methods: Sofort, AstroPay Card, Visa, MasterCard, SafetyPay, ecoPayz, Skrill, Neteller, PaySafeCard, PassNgo, Zimpler, Trustly and many more. And while some of these payment methods might be restricted in certain countries, there is always more than plenty to choose from. All payouts are processed within two working days, and you might even have to verify your identity, but trust us, this step is essential for safe and smooth transactions. It takes up to four working days for the money to get to your bank account.
If you don’t want to verify your account, keep in mind you can withdraw only up to €2,000. Per week you can withdraw up to €1,000, and there is a limit on €2,500 in withdrawals per month. Of course, there are some exceptions to this rule so make sure to read T&C carefully. Furthermore, the company reserves the right to charge a 10% fee on withdrawals which can be considered quite pricey.

Verifying your Casino Sieger account

As already mentioned, all players who want to enjoy their winnings to the fullest must verify their account. The entire process is quite simple and takes just a little bit of effort. You have to prove your:
  • Identity, by providing ID copy or similar document that proves who you really are
  • Address, by sending a utility bill or bank statement, no older than 60 days, with full name and address
  • Banking information
  • Phone number
In some cases, the casino might request a notarized copy of the documents mentioned above.
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Security and Licensing

Casino Sieger is owned and operated by Condor Malta Limited. It is also regulated and licensed by the Malta Gaming Authority. In addition to that, the company holds NetEnt and BetSoft RNG certificates which prove all players have a fair chance of winning, as no results and outcomes are rigged. You can find the PDFs of these certificates on the website if you are interested. Their Privacy Policy is detailed and provides a great insight into how your data is handled, stored and used.
In conclusion, Casino Sieger seems like a fair and reliable online casino. Players will definitely appreciate the fact it is a regulated establishment and not some shady joint from the dark corners of the web, with no license and zero customer protection. All bonus requirements are explained to the last detail and available to you even before you register, which is something to appreciate. This casino has nothing to hide!


Casino Sieger is the ultimate winner when it comes to a user-friendly interface; let’s take it step by step. First, the casino looks sleek, elegant and professional thanks to an attractive combination of black, silver and gold. All buttons are easily visible, and even users of the older generation won’t have any difficulties navigating it. Second, games are well organized in their respective categories, and there is also a search bar that works without mistake. Do you need to know more about bonuses? Bonus terms are easily accessible and published for everyone to read, so there is no guessing game when it comes to playing the wagering requirement.
Furthermore, almost all games feature a demo mode, which means you can play virtual money before your real deposit. That way you don’t risk any real money, but still manage to learn all the rules and features. Overall, it was a pleasure to play in this casino.

Mobile Casino

Casino Sieger mobile platform follows the same design concept as the desktop platform, with some minor adjustments for more pleasant mobile gaming. One of those adjustments is a slightly different games menu, but we have to admit it doesn’t affect the playing experience in a negative way. On the contrary, it makes more sense to navigate vertical tabs than horizontal ones while playing on the phone.
The mobile gaming interface is instant and supported by all modern browsers that can be set up on Android and Apple phones. There are no downloads and updates involved, and your mobile storage space won’t be affected by mobile gaming. This advanced approach towards mobile gaming allows you to play whenever and wherever; just make sure you have a reliable internet connection, and a solid WiFi or mobile data plan with your operator. All games load pretty fast, and work without any delays or buffering.
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Casino Sieger Help and Support

Feel free to contact their customer support via live chat. Agents respond quickly, and even though you might have to wait a minute or two to get your answer, the service is simply superb so we can’t complain. Before starting the chat, you will have to provide your name and email, as well as type the question you have for the support. Alternatively, you can contact them via email.
These are the main categories in the Casino Sieger FAQ:
  • About
  • Account
  • Contact
  • Bonus
  • Financial queries
  • Games
  • Sportsbooks
In addition to FAQ, there are also game guides that provide basic rules on how to play certain gaming titles.
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Spinurai Casino - free spins, no deposit bonus, promotion

Spinurai Casino - free spins, no deposit bonus, promotion

Spinurai Casino Exclusive Promotions
If you are a new user at Spinurai Casino then take advantage of our exclusive offer! Open your account now and claim 150 free spins and 1500 EUR in a welcome bonus. Additionally, collect cashback, re-load bonuses and more perks in daily deals.
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Spinurai Casino Review

Spinurai is an online casino with a cute samurai theme that is appealing to both new and professional players. This casino focuses on providing a smooth, hassle-free and fun casino experience, on Spinurai you will find a user friendly interface, a vast selection of games, fast withdrawals thanks to many payment options including Trustly, Interac, Neteller, Skrill and many more options.
The casino offers a great custom service ready to serve you at any time plus there are many bonuses, promotions, loyalty rewards and more perks that can help you enhance your chances of winnings, also you will be able to participate in tournaments that with a bit of luck and skills can lead to juicy prizes. You will be happy to know that new games and content are uploaded weekly so you will never get bored with all the available activities, keep reading this review for more interesting information about Spinurai casino.
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Spinurai Casino Bonuses

Get ready to fight as a Samurai in this casino with the help of a welcome bonus package for your first 2 deposits. On your first deposit you can start with a whopping 100% bonus up to €500 + 100 free spins on Book of Shadows, all you need to do is to make a deposit of at least €20, keep in mind that you will have to wager the bonus amount at least 50 times and the free spins must be claimed in 7 days or they will be automatically forfeited.
On your second deposit you can get a 50% bonus up to €1,000 + 50 free spins on Sakura Fortune and again you will have to deposit at least €20 and wager the bonus at least 50 times and use the free spins within 7 days.
After the welcome bonus package you will be able to apply for weekly and monthly bonuses to get bonuses, cash free spins or more, for example as of the moment of the making of this review there is a weekly promotion that can get you bonuses on Gems Bonanza and Sweet Bonanza from Pragmatic Play, so if you deposit at least €20 you can get €5 + 10 free spins, or if you deposit €50 or €100 you can get €10 + 50 free spins or €25 + 100 free spins respectively.
The casino has many more special promotions, tournaments with nice prizes and giveaways plus there is a monthly raffle with a minimum deposit of €10 that can lead to nice rewards. Be sure to check them all by clicking on the promotion tab on the Sipinurai website.

Spinurai Casino Banking

Spinurai casino offers you tons of deposit and fast withdrawals options such as Yandex, Neosurf, Trustly, Visa, ecoPayz, Skrill, Alfa-Bank and many more payment options. The casino supports many currencies and there are no fees when depositing and withdrawing your funds, the minimum and maximum amounts for deposits are not stated by the casino, however, the maximum withdrawal amount is €7,500 per week and 15,000 per month and the processing times for withdrawals are usually processed within 60 minutes but in some situations can take more time due to verification purposes.
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VIP & Loyalty Rewards

Get ready to go on a journey from Apprentice to Emperor in Spinurai’s loyalty programme, you can level up by playing and wagering as much as you can and being loyal to the casino. The Programme consists of 5 ranks with a total of 25 levels and of course each level comes with lots of rewards and incentives.

Spinurai Casino Games & Slots

Spinurai casino gives you the opportunity to play more than 5,000 games powered by top the best game makers. You can try them for free or play and actually win real money using your mobile, desktop, table, mac or any other mobile devices since the casino is fully mobile-friendly.
You will be able to play many popular games including 7 Piggies, 8 Dragons, 5 Lions Gold, Asgard, Ancient Egypt and many more super fun slot games and jackpot games.
You will be able to play lots classic casino games and card games including Roulette, Blackjack, Casino Hold’em, Baccarat, Bingo and others and yes of course on the live games area you will find games like Poker, American Roulette, Baccarat, Blackjack, Dream Catcher, and many more casino games.
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Spinurai Casino Support

You can contact the custom service agents via live chat on the bottom right on the website and they are available 24/7, the agents are very professional and highly trained and they will reply to any inquiries or doubts that you may have in less than 1 minute so don’t hesitate to talk to them.

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Spinurai has more than 5,000 casino games that you can enjoy and with a bit of luck and skill you can earn good money plus remember there are many bonuses and promotions to boost your earnings. As previously mentioned there is a nice VIP club that can lead to nice rewards and incentives for you so this VIP is a must join also you will count with lots of fast withdrawal options and great custom service, join Spinurai now to become an emperor and get lots of juicy treasures.
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WinsPark Casino €5 gratis bonus or 50 no deposit free spins

WinsPark Casino €5 gratis bonus or 50 no deposit free spins

WinsPark Casino Free Spins and Welcome Bonus
Visit WinsPark Casino exclusive landing page and claim €5 free cash or 50 free spins! This welcome bonus does not require a deposit! So, it means that you can play slots and scratch cards for free and win real money. Then, you can make your first deposit and receive 100% up to €200! Good luck!
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WinsPark Casino Review

This is how you make a truly pan-European online casino to the very possible standard and execution. From the moment the homepage loads up you want to stick around and see what WinsPark is all about, or more accurately see whether it can live up to its name, and that’s exactly what we recommend doing.
Greeted by a bold, colorful but not unprofessional banner image, which has the slightly bizarre combination of major European landmarks like Big Ben, the Eiffel Tower, and Leaning Tower of Pizza, alongside rollercoasters and Ferris wheels. Perhaps a reference to how all great cities are really adventure playgrounds on a massive scale, maybe not, either way, it should confirm on the thing- the target market here is Continental and their British neighbors.
We also really like the ‘news ticker’ style feed scrolling across the middle of the screen. Every casino that provides real-time updates of games in play is really onto a winner if you ask us- it adds a tangible feeling of community and busyness to the website, which in turn encourages you to play. We even fall for this trick and we know they are doing it, so newcomers to the online gambling scene are likely to find this particularly hard to ignore.
In terms of the overall navigation on the site, there are very clear markers in place to direct you around this expansive domain. At the top of the screen are a bunch of click-through tabs, including a very forthcoming About Us, information on Promotions that are currently available, Contact area, and, perhaps most persuasive, a Testimonials section which is filled with members past and present offering their tuppence on why this is the best thing since sliced bread.
It’s notable within those that one point seems to continuously come up- customer service. Now if this isn’t enough to make you stand up, take some notice, and consider opening an account we don’t know what is. The digital world, at least in gambling terms, has long struggled with this aspect, but on WinsPark this is second to none- Live Chat, Call Back, and Email are amongst the options available.
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WinsPark Games

WinsPark offers a ton of choices of game to play, and these can be divided into basic categories. There are Slots, Scratch Cards, and Bingo & Instant Games. You can also order the game menu so it shows the Top Rated by other players first, which is a nice touch and further accentuates that feeling of this not necessarily being quite as solitary a pursuit as you may have first thought it was.
Even if you don’t care about that at all there are some great plus sides in terms of WinsPark’s games. Firstly these are some state of the art gamblers- no dodgy sprites here. There are some great themes at play with skilled developers evidently having been involved in the creation of most of them. Ali Baba was one of our favorites, simply because we love Morocco and those iconic alleyways. Sweet Candy Slot is fast becoming one of the games to play online, and some of the more basic scratch efforts- like Lucky Cupid and Mermaid- are also really good to play.

WinsPark Odds

The developers are quick to point out (in the About Us section) that every third game on WinsPark is a win. 1/3 is great in terms of odds, especially considering the £200,000 (or $200,000; or €200,000) jackpot, which is available at all times.
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WinsPark Promotions

There are lots of very generous promotions available on WinsPark. They will give you up to 150% of your first deposit as a bonus into your account, which is way better than many other online casinos offer.
Cashville is another ‘free cash’ type affair- basically, once you have an account you’ll get access to this adventure park-themed bonus area. It’s pretty exciting stuff, with a plethora of instant win games that provide a nice break from the main fare on offer elsewhere.
If you’re more in the mood to shop around but give this one a go whilst you weigh up options, WinsPark will give anyone €/£/$ 5 to spend on the play for doing absolutely nothing- that means you don’t even need to make an initial deposit yourself, which again seems too good to be true, but is very much exactly true. It’s worth noting there is a compulsory VIP Program- not that you’d want to opt-out. This means you can accumulate Very Important points every time you play, which can then be redeemed for bonuses, cash or other special offers.

WinsPark Safe Play

WinsPark does well when it comes to advertising just how secure it is. Unlike some less graphically accomplished casinos, a simple scroll down the homepage will reveal an abundance of logos, many of which refer to some of the finest online safety and fraud protection certifications that are currently available.
When this is harder to find- for example lost in a world of small print or even on a completely different part of the website- it can put people off before they begin. Thankfully for the developers, then, everything you need to place complete trust in WinsPark is right there for you to skim read. Those looking for something a little more expansive might want to hit About Us, mind. In addition to giving some background on the team that put this truly impressive casino together there’s information about the level of encryption at work- in this instance that’s top of the line, 128-bit, which is like saying something is impenetrable.
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In Conclusion

We made it clear in our opening comments that this is a really exemplary online casino that deserves all the credit it gets, excelling in so many categories it’s difficult to know where any review conclusion should begin.
But not impossible (thank your lucky stars!) We love the overall aesthetics- it looks like those responsible for the build actually cared about making a decent finished product. We love the selection of games- those in charge of content decisions are definitely gamers themselves, or at least that’s what we can assume.
As a final point, we really love the whole community aspect, which feeds into many corners of this particular URL. From testimonials to tickers, you definitely feel as though there are a lot of other people in a lot of other territories sharing your experience, despite the games being solo, and the fact some of the biggest wins are actually congratulated is a really nice touch.
However, nowhere is the community aspect more obvious than in the generous rewards, which are definitely the kind of offers that indicate a team of people that actually want you to get your money’s worth, even when you’re losing. This may seem like business as usual, but many rival sites get this wrong by offering deals that are uninspired or pretty much useless. In the case of WinsPark none of those gripes apply, and the result is something players will respond positively too- legitimate evidence that although the house always wins, as they say, this is far from the worst house to find yourself gambling in.
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CasinoLuck 20 gratis spins + 100 free spins + €500 bonus

CasinoLuck 20 gratis spins + 100 free spins + €500 bonus

CasinoLuck Free Bonus and Review
Claim 20 gratis spins bonus at CasinoLuck! This exclusive promotion is available for new players after registration. Use your free spins on Book of Dead or Starburst slots. In addition, get 100% bonus and 150 free spins on first deposit! No bonus code needed.
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About CasinoLuck Online

CasinoLuck is among the pioneers in the online gambling industry as it emerged on the web over 15 years ago, in 1999. A lot has changed since its inception. At the beginning of 2011 it went through a dramatic transformation and its design and layout were remodeled. The gaming provider also changed its management and established a successful partnership with software developer NetEnt, among others, that continues to this very day.
The casino operator has vast experience in an ever-growing industry where competition is fierce and grows with each passing year. Despite that, it has managed to successfully stand its ground and has become a force to be reckoned with as it is home to one of the most diverse catalogs in the history of online gaming. Its collection comprises hundreds of virtual slots, numerous table and card games and plentiful video poker variations. Players can also join the professional dealers in the Live Casino, where games are live-streamed in the highest of quality.
Unparalleled diversity is by no means the only advantage the casino hides ups its sleeve. The gaming operator is focused on providing its players with first-rate customer support around the clock. Registered members can greatly extend their gameplay by claiming one of the many bonuses available or participating in various ongoing promotional offers.
As the casino is home to an ever-growing, diverse community of players, it caters to their needs and accepts an impressive number of currencies. In addition, the website is available in many different languages, while players can fund their accounts using some of the best and safest methods of payment. With so many perks, there is nothing left to be desired.

In Partnership with NetEnt

The online domain aims at providing its customers with high-quality gaming experience. An efficient way to achieve such a goal is by teaming up with an established and experienced software provider. This is exactly what it did in 2011 when it joined forces with software giant NetEnt.
Founded in 1996, the Swedish software developer quickly secured its strong position in the market, providing first-rate games for dozens of renowned web-based casinos. NetEnt offers hundreds of online casino games ranging from card and table classics like blackjack and roulette to slots, video poker, and arcades. The developer also supplies its partners with quality live dealer and mobile games. Each product delivered stands out with unparalleled graphics design, compelling audio effects, hassle-free gameplay and easy to navigate interface.
Its partnership with EveryMatrix, a company which provides a unified platform, allows players to choose from games developed by different software providers. Thus, members of the casino can opt for various games, powered by other notable names in the industry like Microgaming, Play'n Go, NYX and IGT, among others. The different providers' games are seamlessly integrated within the online casino's lobby. Thus, it has included some of the most enticing offerings from all popular developers' portfolios which furthers players' flexibility.
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CasinoLuck Gaming Collection

The games offered by this casino exceed 600 in number. Its user-friendly layout and the search tool available at the website, allow players to quickly navigate through the catalog and find whatever they're looking for in a matter of seconds. It matters not what games you prefer to play, the myriad of options to choose from ensures that all types of players will find something to suit their style, preferences and budget.


There are over 500 virtual slots variations available at the casino. If you are a fan of traditional 3-reels, you can try out over 30 variants of those at the casino including all-time favorites like Double Diamond, Break the Bank, and the classic title, Bell of Fortune.
Many players prefer more advanced video slots as these come with a number of cool features like multipliers, wild and scatter symbols, free spins and bonus rounds, designed to increase one's chances of collecting a nice prize. Besides, with so many options to choose from, you will hardly get bored. Slot fans tend to favor titles like Microgaming's Immortal Romance with its improved payouts, NetEnt's hilarious rendition of South Park, Starburst and Jack Hammer and Play'n'Go's Wild North.

Video Poker

The casino is also home to six video poker variations, all of which are courtesy of NetEnt. These are an excellent option for inexperienced players, who lack the skills to play actual poker as they pose as a combination of virtual slots and the traditional game of skill. Thus, the video poker variants available at the casino are easier to play, not to mention they pay out well with an average player return of about 98%. You can play the games with 1, 5, 20, 50 or 100 hands at a time. Also, players are enabled to choose between different denominations, in accordance with their budget.
The six video poker variants on offer are as follows – two variants of Jacks or Better, two more of Deuces Wild, Joker Poker, All American Poker, and long-time favorite, Joker Wild.


As blackjack is, without a doubt, one of the most popular card games of all times, the casino has complied with the needs of the game's fans and has included five top-notch variants on its list. These include Double Exposure, Single Deck, Classic Blackjack and Pontoon. There's the option to play the Multi-Hand version of the game, where bet limits range between $1 and $100 and six decks of cards are used.


The gaming provider demonstrates a good deal of consideration for the fans of the sophisticated card game that is baccarat. Although baccarat originally enjoyed greater popularity among the elite, today players from all walks of life can engage in it as it is available online and its objective is easy to grasp. Players are simply expected to predict whose cards total will be higher without exceeding the number nine – theirs or the dealers. Bets can be placed on a tie as well.
Those, who join this particular online domain will be greatly pleased by the two variants of the game available, Mini Baccarat and Punto Banco, which is predominantly based on chance. Both options attract attention with their sleek design that comes close to what one expects to see at a baccarat table in an actual land-based casino. Punto Banco, in particular, is available in Low Limit too, an option suitable for those who are new to the game.


The Table Games collection here is geared to the needs of roulette fans as they can make a pick between eleven variants of their favorite game of chance. Of course, popular versions like American, European, English and French Roulette made it to the list, but there is the option to play 3-Wheel Roulette as well. The Triple Bonus Spin Roulette, on the other hand, is suitable for both high-rollers and novices, who like to play it safe as bets range between $1 and $500 per spin. The game's bonus features will further tip the scales in players' favor.


Fans of the demanding game of skill are presented with the opportunity to play Casino Hold 'em, Red Dog, Casino Stud, Oasis Poker, and player favorite, Texas Hold 'em. The latter is of special interest as its average return to players is estimated at 99,27% and can prove to be quite profitable. But which poker variant you opt for is practically irrelevant as each of the options is unmatched in terms of authenticity and gameplay. NetEnt's poker variations also allow for adjustment of the game's speed.


Some players are simply not interested in slots, video poker, and table games. If you are one of them, you should definitely consider paying a visit to the site's “Other Games” section. Sure, we've seen greater versatility as the category comprises of eight options only. Despite that these are well worth your while as their quality is tough to match. Some of the most popular arcade games are present on the list, including two variants of Keno, Super Bonus Bingo, Pharaoh's Gems, Germinator and Enchanted Woods.

Live Casino

Tired of playing against a machine? If so, the simplest solution to this problem is dropping by at the gaming operator's Live Casino where you can compete against the expertly-trained dealers in real-time. As the croupiers are all exceptionally personable, players should not hesitate to ask for help, if any aspects of the games are unclear to them.
Speaking of games, those who visit the Live Casino can choose between Baccarat, Three Card Poker, Roulette Dragonara, Immersive and European Roulette as well as several variations of Blackjack. As you can see, some of the titles are unique to this particular online casino and are not available at other gaming providers. Each game is live-streamed in the highest of quality which makes for the ultimate gaming session right from the comfort of your own home. Most of the options are available 24/7.
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Supported Devices

CasinoLuck may be among the oldest web-based gaming providers in the world, but manages to keep up with the latest trends in the industry. Players, who open an account at the casino will be able to enjoy their favorite games from the comfort of their surroundings, regardless of place and time. This way, you will never miss out on your opportunity to scoop a massive jackpot.
Unlike other gaming operators, the games collection here is available only in Instant Play. This by no means can be deemed a disadvantage. On the contrary, this is the perfect option for players, who wish to access the casino and enjoy the games from different desktop devices. As no software download of any kind is required you won't have to waste disk space, either. However, a stable internet connection is a necessary requirement for a smooth gaming session and so is installing Java Script and the Adobe Flash plug-in on your device.
It matters not what type of browser players use as the casino is accessible via all of them, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Safari and Internet Explorer. The site is compatible with all widespread operating systems, so whether your computer runs on Windows, Linux or Mac is of no importance.
Players, who register at this casino will be able to enjoy the games while on the move as the casino is mobile-responsive. There is no need to download and install any applications on your portable device as no downloadable apps are currently available for this particular online casinos. To play on the go, you simply need to enter the casino's address in your smartphone or tablet's browser and you will be automatically redirected to the mobile version of the website. You can also scan the available QR code to the same effect. For further convenience, players can easily add the website to the Home Screen of their portable device and access it with a single tap.
The mobile catalog is just as diverse as the desktop version of this domain. There are still hundreds of slots to choose from, though some of the games failed to make the list. For instance, there is only one video poker variant, which is Bonus Deuces Wild. The number of arcades is limited to two options, namely Keno and Triple Chance Hi Lo. Still, the mobile portfolio boasts a considerable versatility that is rarely found at most casinos.
The mobile casino is optimized for a wide variety of devices running on the iOS and Android, including iPhones, iPads, iPods, Samsung Galaxy, Nexus tablets and smartphones, Motorola and Sony Xperia, among others. The minimum system requirements for Apple and Android devices are as follows – iOS 6 and Android 4.1.
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CasinoLuck Bonuses and Promotions

This online casino demonstrates its appreciation for both new and existing members by rewarding them with a myriad of bonuses. A great number of giveaways and ongoing promotional offers are available as well. And certainly, we all know there is no better way to start a gaming session than playing with some bonus casino chips.
Players, who open an account can benefit from its fantastic Welcome Package as long as they make an initial deposit of $10 or the equivalent in their currency of choice. Here is what the Package consists of. To begin with, your first deposit will earn you a 100% bonus match of up to $150 and 200 Extra Spins on the Starburst slot. Sounds good, doesn't it? And it does not end here as players' second deposits of $20 or more will be matched at 50% with up to $200 to play with for free. Certain playthrough conditions are attached to the Welcome Bonuses, however. Players will be able to withdraw the winnings they've accrued with the free funds only after they have wagered the deposit and bonus amount 20 times or more. The Extra Spins are also subject to wagering requirements of 30 times.
Existing players can extend their gameplay as each month there is a special 50% Reload Bonus of up to $200. Have in mind your stakes with this bonus should be limited to $10 per game round until you fulfill the playthrough requirements, which in this instance are 13 times the deposit and bonus amount. If you happen to place a wager exceeding the said sum, your bonus and its associated winnings will be forfeited.
One important thing to mention is the games' contribution towards clearing the aforementioned playthrough requirements. For example, if you wager $100 on the slots, you will clear the same amount from your wagering requirements since most slots have a 100% contribution. Meanwhile, progressive slots' contribution is 50%. In comparison, other games like Punto Banco, baccarat, Jacks or Better and Casino Hold 'em have a far smaller contribution of 1%, which means players will have to put more of their money on stake to clear their playthrough. Note that with most bonuses, you have a limited amount of time (15 days) to cover the requirements. If you fail to clear the playthrough in time, your winnings will be declared void.
Each new player, who registers a real-money account automatically becomes a member of the Cash Rewards program. Players are rewarded with the so-called Frequent Player Points for participating in the games with real-money wagers. Different games generate points at different rates. As soon as you have generated 200 points you, will be able to exchange them for cash at the rate of $1 per 100 points. Apparently, here, loyalty pays out too!

CasinoLuck Payment Methods

Being a renowned gaming provider, the website accepts a vast range of convenient, time-efficient and easy-to-use methods of payment. All banking solutions available at the website are reliable and secure, not to mention the casino aims to prevent frauds, misappropriation and identity thefts by utilizing SSL encryptions up to par with those, implemented by banking institutions. This means using your credit card to deposit is just as safe as paying with your Visa at the local convenience store.
The number of methods, players can use to fund their accounts is impressive, to say the least. Some of the most popular deposit options include credit/debit cards by Visa, Maestro, Mastercard, e-wallet Skrill, Neteller, EcoPayz and Moneta, prepaid vouchers by PaySafeCard and instant banking solutions such as Trustly, Moneta, Euteller, eKonto, Nordea, Sofort, POLi and Giropay as well as bank wire transfers. Keep in mind, some of these methods are used only in given regions and may be unavailable in your country.
We recommend you use PaySafeCard or e-wallets like Skrill and Neteller as no fees are imposed on payments processed with those. In comparison, players who fund their accounts with debit/credit cards will have a 2,5% fee deducted from their balance. The minimum deposit amount is $10, while the upper limit is set at $5,000 per day. In most cases, deposits are approved and processed immediately, but bank transfers may take up to 7 business days to complete.
A large portion of the methods, mentioned above are suitable for withdrawals with a few exceptions such as PaySafeCard and Mastercard. The minimum and maximum amounts, players can cash out per day, coincide with those for the deposits. However, withdrawals are not processed as quickly as deposits. The delay can be attributed to the numerous checks the transactions undergo before they leave the casino. That is why there is a pending period of 1 to 12 hours during which players' withdrawal requests are being approved.
Opening an account in the currency used in your country is, without a doubt, a major advantage as this way you will not incur currency conversion fees. Thankfully, a mind-blowing number of currencies are accepted. Players can open their accounts in any of the following – USD, CAD, AUD, EUR, GBP, BGL, NOK, SEK, ZAR, CNY, CZK, DKK, PLN, RUB, VEF, GEL, TRY, RON, MXN, NGN, HRK, HUF, PEN, CHF, KRW, ILS.
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CasinoLuck Customer Support

One great way to establish a good relationship with your customers is by providing them with excellent support service around the clock. There is no exception here as the operator offers very courteous, timely and adequate Customer Support to all players, who happen to experience any type of issues with their accounts, payments or bonuses. Which happens rarely, if ever. On many occasions, players contact support merely to request more detailed information on given matters.
The good news is great Customer Support is provided to all players in need of assistance. The support representatives are on standby via the Live Chat functionality, available at the website. Their approach is beyond professional which is hardly surprising, considering the fact they are expertly-trained to solve all types of issues and provide clear-cut information in the quickest manner possible.
Players, who are not in a hurry can opt for reaching the support staff via email. A less time-efficient option, of course, yet the agents typically respond quickly, within hours. If you wish your issues to be handled adequately, it would be best for you to provide your email address and account username in advance, since this will greatly facilitate the support agents. Please note, support at this online casino is currently unavailable over the phone.
To cater to the needs of its diverse, multinational gaming community, the online casino is available in 12 different languages, namely: English, German, Norwegian, Swedish, Finnish and Danish.

Licensing and Restricted Countries

In operation for over 15 years now, the website has successfully established a reputation for being among the most reliable, secure and fair online gaming destinations in the world. This, however, does not come as a surprise as the casino is completely legitimate and praised by players for the transparency it demonstrates.
The casino is owned and maintained by the prestigious company Minotauro Media Ltd. which is responsible for the operation and management of a number of other well-known casino brands in the industry; its website, however, is based in Malta.
CasinoLuck holds a valid license from the authorities of Curacao. The casino has been also granted a permission to operate from two of the strictest and most respected regulatory bodies in the industry – the Malta Gaming Authority and the UK Gambling Commission – a fact that serves as a sufficient guarantee for its reliability.
In the interest of fair gaming, a Random Number Generator has been implemented in order to ensure the algorithms of each game are based on a random principle. All developers' the casino has partnered with are certified and their software is tested and monitored by independent, third-party companies.
The casino's transparency is further backed up by the fact its license numbers are openly published on its homepage. The same applies to its overall payout percentage, which is estimated to be 97% on the average. Players, who are interested can go through a list of all games, available at the website, and check their average player return percentages.
Undoubtedly, one of the greatest advantages this online domain has to offer is the fact it has opened its virtual doors to gamers from a vast number of countries.
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